
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!

Soccer Game and Boring

2006年09月30日 | Weblog
Today I went to watch two soccer games with my friendship family i was very excited to see their two daughters join the games Sooooo cute

They are 7 and 11 years old Guess such a young girls playing soccer Also their soccer reminded me of my high school student life I miss soccer!!

By the way, between two games, we went back to their home to have a lunch, very delicious lunch The thing I was surprised most there was the number of pets they have!! How many pets?? one, two, three,,,,maybe more than 5 two cats, a dog, a rabbit, two hamsters...if you include hermit crab(yadokari) as their pets, more than ten pets they have WOW What's a very cheerful family!!

During lunch, a bottle of apple jam was put on our lunch table, so I tried it a little...oh delicious Then the mother said, "it is made of apples taken in the grandpa's apple garden. So they are chemical-free apples" Soon later I moved my eyes toward the grandpa, who also came to see their granddaughters' soccer games and had a lunch together. Then he winked at mewww He is a very vigerous grandfather!!

Anyway, today was very good day. Fortunately I could meet all of friendship family today. They are very kind. I'm looking forward to meeting them again very soon

But today didn't ended with only meeting them. After coming back the campus, one of Saudi Arabian students called me "Let's go boring!!" I had not done boring for a long time... so I couldn't make up my mind soon whether I'll go there with them or not. But finally I decided to go with them Anything will be a good experience here! I believe so

I went to the meeting point, and introduced myself to some students I had not meet bofore. After that we went to a boring center by carDRIVE DRIVE The boring center itself was not so different with japanese one There are a lot of lane, and the counter to rent shoes for boring like in Japan.

How was my score?? Not bad...but, not good Some of us were very good at boring, but others are not so much like me, which relieved me even if I couldn't get a high scorewww

Anyway, today was a little long day for me But I think I could lead a kind of full life it's much better than nothing I really think so.


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Unknown (ゆか)
2006-10-19 23:49:54
