
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!


2006年12月25日 | Weblog
Here comes an American Christmas!! I could spend my Christmas time in the home of Christmas! This is the real Christmas!!

The most difference between Japanese one and American one is, I think, that people in America spend their Christmas time with their family. In Japan, Christmas is getting more for couples or friends. But here in America, family gather at home, eat dinner, and open lots of presents together, which might be a traditional of my friendship family, not in general.

Anyway, in the morning of Christmas day, I was waken up by one of their daughter and went downstairs to open presents! I think, it was before 7o’clock in the morning. I was kind of sleepy though... Then, we all opened our own presents one by one. I mean, everyone, of course including parents, could get some presents! What’s a wonderful holiday the Christmas is!!

I also got many presents from each person. I was happy not only to get lots of presents but also to spend a happy Christmas time with them. Ho-ho-ho---
