
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!


2007年04月27日 | Weblog
Can you find out a squirrel on the tree of this picture? ....It is on left of the picture!! Can you?

These days, it has been sunny everyday. I like this whether, warm and dry. But if I could ask something to this whether, I would definitely say… “Why didn’t you come here earlier?” Even if it’s only one week earlier, it would be great!! I just can’t understand why this beautiful whether came here at the same time with the final exam week. I wanted to enjoy more with this sunny day! Anyway, I took a walk around campus with one of my friend under this beautiful sunshine today!

After that, on the lawn in front of my dorm, many students were eating BBQ!! Oh, today is the day of farewell(?) BBQ, which I didn’t know until then. While eating BBQ on the lawn, I just remembered to have had a same BBQ at the same place in the beginning of the last semester just after we arrived here.

I was welcomed to come here by BBQ and I was said good bye to go back to Japan by BBQ. Isn’t it cool, huh?w
