
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!

Soccer Game and Boring

2006年09月30日 | Weblog
Today I went to watch two soccer games with my friendship family i was very excited to see their two daughters join the games Sooooo cute

They are 7 and 11 years old Guess such a young girls playing soccer Also their soccer reminded me of my high school student life I miss soccer!!

By the way, between two games, we went back to their home to have a lunch, very delicious lunch The thing I was surprised most there was the number of pets they have!! How many pets?? one, two, three,,,,maybe more than 5 two cats, a dog, a rabbit, two hamsters...if you include hermit crab(yadokari) as their pets, more than ten pets they have WOW What's a very cheerful family!!

During lunch, a bottle of apple jam was put on our lunch table, so I tried it a little...oh delicious Then the mother said, "it is made of apples taken in the grandpa's apple garden. So they are chemical-free apples" Soon later I moved my eyes toward the grandpa, who also came to see their granddaughters' soccer games and had a lunch together. Then he winked at mewww He is a very vigerous grandfather!!

Anyway, today was very good day. Fortunately I could meet all of friendship family today. They are very kind. I'm looking forward to meeting them again very soon

But today didn't ended with only meeting them. After coming back the campus, one of Saudi Arabian students called me "Let's go boring!!" I had not done boring for a long time... so I couldn't make up my mind soon whether I'll go there with them or not. But finally I decided to go with them Anything will be a good experience here! I believe so

I went to the meeting point, and introduced myself to some students I had not meet bofore. After that we went to a boring center by carDRIVE DRIVE The boring center itself was not so different with japanese one There are a lot of lane, and the counter to rent shoes for boring like in Japan.

How was my score?? Not bad...but, not good Some of us were very good at boring, but others are not so much like me, which relieved me even if I couldn't get a high scorewww

Anyway, today was a little long day for me But I think I could lead a kind of full life it's much better than nothing I really think so.

Birthday Party

2006年09月29日 | Weblog
HAPPY BIRTHDAYChiaki, Miho, and Sayaka

Surprisingly we have three students whose birthday are in this week!! That's why we held a birthday party after dinner It was the first party for us to hold a party here, so the party was fresh for me and very fun They became 20 in this week...but they are still young...www

We ate a whole-cake sharing with everyone, and chatted a lot. During party, one of American students said to me, "Japanese people are always making a peace sighn with two fingers in taking a picture. Why don't you do some other poses for taking a picture?" Exactly...

Then I wanted to try other poses except peace sighn. Let's jump He really recomended me to jump together So we jumped in taking a picture...but it was more difficult than i expected to take a picture of jumping pose. The moment we can jump and the moment someone else pushes a shutter button doesn't match easy. But finally we took a good picture of jumping.Yeah! I would like to recommend Japanese students to jump in taking a picturewww It's so fun!!

The 3rd Day of Backpacking

2006年09月24日 | Weblog
Today's breakfast was a little better than yesterday Baked bagle with creamcheese I like this convination; bagle and creamcheese My back and legs were a little painful because of yesterday, but I can't care about such a thing!! I have to walk today, too

On the way, we faced various obstacles today. Trees lied in the pass, so we have to get it over. And a stream without a bridge appeared before us, so we had to jump it. Everybody was so scared of it, so a leader gave his hand to us so that we can work well. I succeded in my junping, thanks to his help

It was about past 1:00p.m. when we returned the place where we left our car the day before yesterday Well done!! I was satisfied with a sense of achievement Thank you, leader Thank you, Oregon I was so tired, but more than that, I was glad that I could acquire a very precious experience here In return car, a kind of sadness appeared inside me suddenly...because I thought that if this car arrived in campas, our trip will completely finish. A leader was so kind to us and she sometimes asked me about Japanese words, "What do you say star?? How about breakfast??" and so on And her schedule was well planed Great!!

Anyway it was a good decision to sign up this backpacking trip And I think I wanna try some outdoor during staying here

But the problem concerning the outdoor is...when I should do my assighnment My assighnment was always waiting for me while I enjoyed backpackingwww

The 2nd Day of Backpacking

2006年09月23日 | Weblog
In the morning I wake up under the sunlight Today it is also a butiful day A leader told me to come to eat breakfast, so I went to the place to eat...and then there were only serial and oatmeal and drink...though they were tasty

After eating, we prepared for walking to another place Let's go!!!

In this day, we kept walking almost all the day I was so tired, and of course the other members also looked so tired But everyone, including me, looked so happy and enjoyed because we saw very beautiful scene The grand nature existed before our eyes I couldn't believe my eyes again The scale of the mountains, plateaus, trees and so on, were much different from that of Japanese...I really felt directly the magnificance of the American continent

On the way, the person who was walking at the head of us said, "I saw a bear now. It was the first time" But I couldn't see it...I wanted to see it once. Then suddenly everybody began singing "Mori no Kumasan", of course in English Exactly this song represented this situationwww

After we arrived at the place to stay this day, we rest a little there. And Let's cook The menu is pasta, and garlic toast Of course, I also joined in cooking! I'm not so impolite like only eating. I cut vegitables Good job Everyone was so hungry because we kept walking today, so these foods disappeared soon Even after that, someone said, "No more!? I want to eat more."(This is not mewww)

Anyway in this night I slept under the beautiful stars,too. For a while, I kept my eyes opened to see it and to find a shooting star As a result!!!! I found five shooting starsYEAH! I was glad to know that shooting stars really exists in the world. But unfortunately I couldn't hope anything

The second day was also the great day for me


2006年09月22日 | Weblog
Do you know backpacking?? It is a kind of hiking, but it is harder than hiking If you want to join it, you need a big backpack, a headlight, a sleeping bag, a water battle, a warm clothes, a hat, and so on Don't look down on backpackingwww

I had signed up a backpacking at mt.Helena before, so I had been looking forward to it for a while What happen in this trip?...I couldn't imagine anything before I went to the meeting place in the campus We met there at 5:30p.m. on Friday, and we borrowed some gears which we have to bring to this backpacking. Surprisingly it is free I borrowed everything to bring because I didn't have anything for outdoor

After preparing for backpacking, soon LET'S GO We drove to the foot of mt.st.Helena, and from there we walked a little to the place to stay at the night Actually at the moment I got out of the car, I was VERY surprised Because there are so many stars I had never seen such a many stars Are all of them really stars I couldn't believe my eyes. While we were walking to the place to stay, I sometimes looked up to see stars. OH, how romantic But I was also afraid of the darkness. In the way there were no light, so we put a headlight on our front heads to lighten the way in front of us It was the first time for me to walk in such a darkness and to see such a beautiful night sky!!

And soon after we arrived at the place to stay, a outdoor leader explained various things to us; for example how to spread a sleeping bag, how to ask for help when you are in trouble, and how to deal with poo and peewww Actually there were no restroom, because we were in a great nature in Oregon...it's of course...Though I was surprised to hear that there is no restroom We have to walk away to the place where nobody are, and the place is a restroom!!!! This is a real natural way And the leader also said, "NEVER leave any paper!!" I was a little impressed by the attitude of the American people toward the nature.

Anyway I spread my sleeping bag on the ground by myself, went to "natural restroom," went into the sleeping bag, and slept under a lot of stars This is the first day of this bacpacking trip What will happen to me tomorrow


2006年09月21日 | Weblog
How long I haven't played tenniss...Even I don't know Today I played a tennis with one of my friend Asako and her friendship family Barbara and her frind OOO

Change my clothes, borrow tennis racket, and let's go to tennis coat Soon after I arrived there, I became nervous suddenly There were some people playing tennis well, though I don't play tennis with them. They are just other people in another coat...But should I stay here or not I really worried about it "I'm just a beginer" I said again and again. Actually I have played only with my family a little and in physical class of high school. So I don't know even how to grip a racket Anyway I have to try getting over this situaton I did my best with skill of badminton. Griped a racket as if it's badminton racket...And then... HOMERUN YEAH...No way, this is not a baseball but a tennis The ball I hit flew over the other side coat and went out of our coat...again and again But I was getting better and finally I can controll strength of hitting a ball, I hope so My homerun ball developed into a second-hit ballwww

Anyway it was a very good exercise for me and very good meeting them They are very kind and so funny In the end, he said looking at his cloth, "this is a rabbit." As I paied attention to his cloth, there is a sweat spot. The shape was like a rabbitwww Is this an American joke, isn't it

I would like to play with them again


2006年09月20日 | Weblog
I had two big events today

The first one is a tea party with American students who are learning Japanese. It was a great opportunity for me to get to know them In usual life, I can't recognize who are lerning Japanese and who are interested in Japan...So it was a very good to help them study English Anyway American students who speak Japanese very very slowly while thinking about next words to say are very cute Even a handsome guy is so cute And I also wondered that usually they see us like this, who can't speak English fluently If so, we will be seen as a very cute studentswww By the way, I exchanged my phone number with some students Here they seldom exchange email address, though it is clear that I can't talk over the phone well. Anyway, I was very glad to meet them!! There is also a conversation partner system in this college, which is a time for Japanese students and American students who are learning Japanese to meet in their free time Who will become my conversation partner?? I have to be careful not to use Kansai dialect...no, perhaps it's better?? The American students can speak Kansai diarect will be SUPERwww Usual position of Japanese studnts and American students changed completely, I felt.

After that, I dashed into the dining room getting wet

Because I had signed up a volunteer again Today's volunteer is playing children When I hear about this volunteer at first, I thought who are they? According to my adviser, they are children who are living in a facility because their parents are asking for job. So while their parents are looking for job, or studying for it, we seems to play with their children as a volunteers I worried a little about wheter I can do it or not because I had thought that children's English is difficult to hear. However, there are little barriar of English between I and them, I think so!! I hope so!! I teached them ORIGAMI. "Fold in this line," "Put your finger into this space," "Turn over" They were very obedient children and they looked very glad every time they completed making something Surprisingly, Camera seemed to be the most attractive one for them...though airplane, which I teached them, was not so attractivewww It is easy to make it, but it is difficult for them to fly it softly Anyway in a return car, all of us often said, "So cute Why are American children so cute!!" Everybody were satisfied with children

Today I found two new cute people


2006年09月19日 | Weblog





2006年09月16日 | Weblog

と言っても寝坊しました 集合時間2分前に起床・・・もう服だけ着がえて集合場所までもうダッ~~~~~シュ セーフw

今日の仕事は、本屋でいらなくなった本を仕分ける作業 小学生向きか、とか、中学生向きか、とか。。。ってこんなの日本人の私にできるはずがないじゃん すべて私にとっちゃハードな本だよ


写真のダンボールの中には、ぎっしり本が入っております おばちゃん多いからって、けして箱の中には、「今日のお買い得商品」が入っているわけではありませんw

Uneventful Days

2006年09月13日 | Weblog
Especially nothing is changing

At 8 o'clock, I get up every morning, prepare for class, go to eat breakfast, and go to the 1st period class This is my usual morning schedule. Between classes, I do some assighnments and eat a banana or an apple for lunch This is my usual afternoon. After classes, I go to eat dinner and go back to my room In my room, I do the rest of my assighnments and take a shower And NOW in this time I write blog Finally go to bed This is my usual night schedule.

These are my daily basic schedule, and something is usually added to it. For example, yesterday Activities meeting was held, and today Frendship Family was introduced

Friendship family is like a host family, but we international students don't stay their home. Instead we can contact with them anywhere and anytime we want It's a wonderful plan My friendship family has five members; father, mother, and three children The father is a police officer Oh, cool When I received an email about them, I was very excited and got to want to meet them as soon as possible But we couldn't meet today in the introduction of friendship family Because they couldn't come to the college because they had a business on today's evening

I had known that we couldn't meet today before I went there I didn't mind so much that my frienship family doesn't come here at the time, but as I was seeing some of students introduce herself to the family, I got to really want to meet my friendship family soon!! Now I'm looking forward to meeting them next week

By the way, some of us began to think about winter break Already Now...you think so. But I can sympathize with them a little, because in fact we can't stay here in our own room in winter break I can't believe this system, but it is the fact...Some of us will travel to somewhere, some of us go back to Japan, some of us go to American friends' house, and so on. And the last way left is to stay here by paying additional fee, though you can't stay your own room and the dinning room will be closed What should I choose I haven't made up my mind yet at all

p.s. A picture above and this contents are independent of each other The picture is one I took in a market last Sundaywww I didn't take any picture today So it's a kind of a Bonus picture