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aspirin-acetylsalicylic acid

2013-02-21 19:54:13 | 日記


aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid)

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What is aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid)?

Is aspirin the name to hear well? But do you know what kind of medicine it is really?

Another name "acetylsalicylic acid."

Let's learn it when "we work so that sweat is scattered".

It is an effect of the aspirin, but there is work to restrain that a material called "the prostaglandin" with inflammation, fever action is made in the body.

This prostaglandin is the material which is very important when a person lives and is a thing such as lubricating oil regulating various functions of the body.

This material detects the pain of each part of the body and works to inform it.

The aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) holds the function of this material in check and is reason to tell to prevent you from informing a pain, fever.

Do a great thing.

By the way, it is a very important thing to say, "Inform a pain", and how will about if this material did not tell the pain.

Yes, Not notice at all even if a disease progresses. May be going to say that was already beyond cure if notice.

In fact, it is a very important thing to feel a pain.

Used for famous brand products such as this aspirin, Bufferin widely.

By the way, apt to confuse it with aspirin, but think whether there is much one that has heard expression called "the pyrine-".

The aspirin is not pilin derivative medicine.

Because there is a person having an allergy for this medicine, attention is required, and the aspirin is easy to be mistaken for pyrine medicine, and it is written in the box of the aspirin, "acetylsalicylic acid" "is not pyrine-" without being listed with the aspirin.

The side effect child of the aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is at risk for the aspirin.

It is very splendid medicine, but the aspirin must not be given to a child 15 years or younger. You must not do that you say that you give a child it by half because there is Bufferin for adults.

When a child 15 years or younger takes the aspirin, this is because it is said that Reye's syndrome (unidentified disease to cause acute brain fever, the fat permeation of the liver, and to be life-threatening) may appear.

Of course it is a rare case, but a choice is fixed with appropriate medicine if there is little possibility so that there is best.

Other side effects of the aspirin

Stated it above, did the aspirin prevent aching by controlling a material called "prostaglandin" and from feeling fever?

In fact, able to make the function of stomach and intestines better when this material is made in the body.

In other words, as for the person having poor digestion, the case that the condition of the stomach is not sweet is thought about as a side effect when take aspirin.

In that case, have action like the aspirin called "acetylsalicylic acid aluminum", but the side effect for the stomach should purchase the aspirin over-the-counter drug including the ingredient with the effect of few things and stomach medicine.

But acetylsalicylic acid aluminum, please warn the person of the kidney disease because cannot take it.

When you purchase it, please talk with a pharmacist or the registration distributor.


2013-02-21 19:43:29 | 日記



























その場合は、「アセチルサリチル酸アルミニウム」という、アスピリンと同様の作用をもっています が、胃に対する副作用は少ないものや、胃薬の効果を持った成分を含んだアスピリン市販薬を購入すれば良いでしょう。




2013-02-21 11:06:39 | 日記






全国連メンバー、全Freemason メンバー、全国王、全歴代大統領(大頭領)、全秘密結社のトップ、全世界の軍と警察機関のトップ、全賞の受賞者、全総裁、全有名企業や全有名組織のトップや指揮官や登録者、有名なスポーツ選手…プロやオリンピック選手やOB、soccerは全世界の代表選手やクラブチームのメンバーやOB、世界中の有名な組織に登録している俳優やミュージシャンと救出に来た一般人や世界中の軍や警察機関の方々と医療関係者で 人質は現在、約15,000人。










非常事態であるが 発達障害やスカトロジーによる分裂病の犯人達はサイバーテロを含める『遊び』を止めない。

Freemasoneve. Miller
Eleonora de' Medici.

ррр〓 …Korea(Philippines) agent

2013-02-21 10:59:22 | 日記


The Korea (the Philippines) agent imprisons a hostage in the island that a map in Japan does not have (without an address, the place name).

The hostages continue increasing while moving a black hole from place to place in around Kanagawa prefecture and Tokyo Bay (they move by ship) for four years.

The new building that a stealth bomber and Jammer facilities are huge in the place of the hostage imprisonment.

As a result of because the hostage made a stadium, having gathered you at the famous organization by a threatening telephone call and a threat email as a guest of the meetings of soccer of the grand opening of a new theater…

Consecutive members of the whole country, all Freemason members, all king, all each generation Presidents (great boss), the top of all secret societies, the top and a commander and registrant of the military and the top of the police engine, prize winner of all prizes, all presidents, all prominent firms and all celebrity organization of the whole world, famous athlete…The hostage is approximately 15,000 in various places and the medical personnel of commoner and the militaries and police engines of the world who came to the rescue with an actor and the musician that I register professional and Olympian and alumnus, soccer with an all-star representative of the whole world and a member and an alumnus of the club team, the famous organizations of the world now.

I imprison it in a leg ring (fetters) for a cardiac arrest if I come.

Therefore it was fought.

I hear the opportunity with a cyber attack.

Both the criminal group and the hostage take the drug which many kinds mixed the ingredient that it becomes the brain disorder such as stimulants to the ingredient of the defoliant (cannibalism and scatology or ovulation inducer) called "the human flesh capsule" with parasitic egg with.

There are few white blood cells, and the drug does not work by one "neutralization" operation of the "electric ion resolution" operation that the criminal group uses.

I seem to repeat that it washes it away by intravenous feeding.

The Filipino did not know it.

Parasitic worms various kinds of in scatology in HIV and SARS and the body and there being bacteria.

The maggot of the flesh fly occurred in large quantities in the body, and some of the terrorist became only the bone after the death now 2-3 hours later.

It is a state of emergency, but criminals of a developmental disability and division disease by the scatology do not stop "play" including cyberterrorism.

Freemasoneve. Miller
Eleonora de' Medici.

「サイバーテロ」に関連した英語例文の一覧 - Weblio英語例


2013-02-21 04:48:10 | 日記

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