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Maggot…buttocks dirt flesh fly

2013-02-18 22:06:51 | 日記


Maggot - Wikipedia



Maggot (buttocks dirt flesh fly)

A maggot (maggot) or a maggot (maggot) is the larva of the fly. In general, I call so it for things growing to putrid flesh or filth.

[editing] a basic characteristic

It is a larva of an insect belonging to the fly eyes short corner suborder, ring sewing short corner group that is called a maggot. There is not the foot at all, and there is not the appearance top to the head either.

There are few belongings to a slim body, and there are many things having a sharp head.

A spiracle opens backward and can breathe if I open there on the surface of the water. This is adaptation to be seen in an aquatic insect, but is the adaptation that is effective because the putrescence enraptured by rumbling sounds is liquid.

As a whole, there is a thing inhabiting various environment such as the forest soil and the water, the land, and a larva of this friend is not a necessarily dirty thing.

However, a thing growing to putrid flesh or feces is the most imminent, and it is common to point to the thing occurring to such a thing speaking of a maggot because an impression is strong, besides.

Refer to fly # larva for the detailed structure.

The fly which usually occurs to such a thing is a housefly, a flesh fly, a green-bottle fly.

The body of these maggots is pale-complexioned and tapers towards a head not flatness. There is not the thing equal to the leg and keeps letting a whole body wave.

Another maggot to see around a house is a thing of soldier flies, and the surface of the body is slightly firm and it is flat and does grayish brown, and movement is dull.

I appear frequently in the sewage outskirts. I describe it mainly on the former in this clause.

It develops quickly so that it can be said that it is a seat to the body and the filth of the animal immediately.

Because there is the thing that pro-fly lays a larva directly, I do not suffer even at time before an egg hatching.

I give the surface of the putrescence which became a liquid a spiracle and when a majority moves, the whole surface of the filth rustles and is seen.

If I open the cover of the hole and flight tank of the toilet stool in the place where a rest room is not made a water closet and look into the inside, I can observe this state.

[editing] when is used for the treatment of the wound

A maggot may be heated on the wound including the case that the bandage which war and a medical treatment and the treatment of the wound are insufficient, and is dirty was left.

The touch seems to be extremely unpleasant, but it is that a maggot eats pus and the part which decayed, and a wound becomes clean and rather the state of the wound improves and may avoid cutting and excision to reach the outskirts part that included an affected part for an injured person.

The survival rate of the soldier whom a maggot already produced on a wound is prominent and, during World War I, says to a high thing that attention gathered.

Because the maggot does not eat a normal organization and living tissue and eats only a cell and the necrosis cell which decayed while starting the secreting fluid with the sterilization effect, there is the protective efficacy of the infectious disease.

In addition, the secreting fluid has the function of to promote reproduction granulation tissue cell and capillary.

Therefore there is a cure (Maggotto Serapiey) to use this for treatment such as the gangrene of limbs in an ulcer and terminal diabetes positively.

But of course this is only on the condition that I used the sterility maggot which I multiplied for cause medical care of the instruction of the specialist.

Needless to say, a thing without medical knowledge about the surgery treatment should not try the treatment using the maggot.

[editing] about a maggot being boiled

When a maggot is boiled, I express that a maggot occurs in Japan.

This is expression to give an impression as if a maggot occurs naturally. Probably it seems that a judgment that the maggot occurs spontaneously was really past. The feeling is still stronger that the outbreak of the maggot is very quick and is performed as spoke earlier.

The theory of autogenesis has been ever believed extremely commonly in Europe. It was an experiment to deny the autogenesis of the maggot by the Francesco lady to have defeated this.

A fly could not lay an egg if he closed the cap of a bottle with the putrid flesh with cloth, and therefore he showed the thing that a maggot did not occur.

[editing] the relation with the human being

The majority of human beings feel a strong feeling of repulsion for a maggot to occur to the body and feces in large quantities.

Even if it was able to be understood that feces and the body are handled thanks to a maggot, there are a lot of human beings learning the weirdness that it is hard to accept.

Because such a filth and a thing defiling are considered to be an outbreak source, I am recognized as a hygiene pest together with the fly of the imago.

The word maggot or maggot is dirty, and even a low thing of the value, the meaning called the dirty thing are used, and there is the word, "a maggot is heated to a widower".

When it is used, I give another person a feeling of strong contempt. It may be rarely used as a meaning of a thing springing out out of nowhere.

In English, it may be used to curse it by expression to be called "a maggot" (Maggots) as slang particularly armed forces term.

It is such a maggot, but it may be used as bait for fishing, and the culture is carried out.

Mostly larvae of flesh flies are cultivated and, in that case, it is bred under hygiene management and it is colored and is called Sashie or a mackerel insect.

Cheese called Carr Martu who I ferment in the Sardinia district, Italy, and was able to excite the maggot exists and is done with a delicacy.

With the report that appearance Been maruggot of the maggot was similar, but was the taste that was not delicious, and was extremely common (the insect) of Been maruggot [1].

[editing] a footnote

Item [editing]-affiliated for ^ Kitaterao fist temple "Badist food" perfection data house 1,996 years Co., Ltd.

It is an acquisition category from "http://ja.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title= maggot &oldid=45550729":
A hidden category:
Six a year article /2011 moon which need the source


2013-02-18 22:00:18 | 日記


蛆 - Wikipedia



[編集] 基本的特徴















[編集] 傷の治療に用いられる場合









[編集] ウジがわくことについて





[編集] 人間とのかかわり











[編集] 脚注

^ 北寺尾ゲンコツ堂「ゲテ食」大全株式会社データハウス 1996年

[編集] 関連項目



Fly Maggot…Insect of mackerel

2013-02-18 20:13:39 | 日記


Insect of the mackerel

There is the image of an insect wriggling speaking of the maggot which was used for the example of the dirty state of the single man when "the widower breeds in a maggot" in the receptacle for manure of the rest room.

When rabble laughs, Kazuo Watanabe of the French literature described this state, but does not think that children who what I can understand is born only in the human beings of the old generation, and have used only this flushing have the same impression.

Probably "even a vacuum truck" will be becoming the dead language.

The family in Osaka-shi of the 20, Showa generation was not yet flushing, and there was the figure which ran with the Mido line, but they were just drained into west Yokobori River, and the carriage which I loaded the feces and urine which had been collected by each city family onto was thrown away in the Osaka gulf through Tosa Horikawa.

Because it was not so far from a house, the maggot which just overflows floats there and watches that a crucian carp and carps gather for it.

Because I remembered that a small bridge was crowded with a person and the sightseers who caught it, it was the scene which was great if I thought now.

From the state that flies gathered around the corpse of a cat and the dog which rolled a lot to the downtown, I knew that a maggot was the larva, but I watched what moved between the bones which he/she had begun to peel, and loathsomeness seemed to increase still more.

I knew what sprang out to the skin of the hurt soldier who still lived with the news photographs of the battlefield before long and learned fear.

There is a scene visiting the nether world looking for Izanami that Izanagi died to a description of folk history, but watch the state that maggots gather around on the body of Izanami who was said to be it when must not watch it there, and Izanagi runs away; is talked.

It was because I was concerned with human being society and imminent filth or the thing such as the body of the animal that the maggot detested it.

By the result that father liked fishing, I took it to the Hayah fishing in the river well from childhood.

Of the thing which the bait was a maggot, but felt sick with at the start if is used, is not a big deal.

I call the name "the insect of the mackerel", and it is said that I gather it only in the relatively beautiful flies which did slightly small green called silver fly which the ARA of the mackerel attracts.

I do not yet know why it is suitable as bait why you gather in Sabah.

Probably I think that I might multiply the fly of the identification kind to gather in the bad smell peculiar to mackerel artificially because size is strongly small-sized, and vitality is suitable.

Still the mediation of the epidemic and an unpleasant thing are the insects which cannot fall out, but can use it as an effective therapeutic drug if they change the point aimed at and culture it aseptically.

I name this "Maggot therapy", but an impression is greatly changed if I work the name like "the insect of the mackerel". Anyway we are poor at European language expression.

I am said to win through up to a record of the old aboriginal and Maya civilization for several thousand years, but when a maggot springs out, it is early, and it is known to a soldier hurt in a battlefield to heal and is what was used for the treatment of the injury soldier in the times of Napoleon and the Civil War in the early modern times.

It was said that even the first World War II was used in Europe and America, but seems to have become outdated by the development of the antibiotic after the war.

However, even nosocomial infection let you dig up the cure that the appearance of resistant bacteria by the abuse of the antibiotic which became the problem was old.

There are still few cases in Japan, but gangrene is caused for diabetes, and before is used as the chiropody method that I cannot but cut.

A secreting fluid breaks down the part which necrotized and removes the larva which the Hilo green-bottle fly sterilized by a bandage if I enclose it in an affected part.

I provide sterilization and am the good news which there is not even if I pray a patient in comparison with conventional cutting because it is said that I can plan the recovery of a healthy part.

I seem to be able to apply it to no gangrene state, but am right the idea of the reversal that it is with the therapeutic drug that the thing which I imagined as a dirty insect is effective.

It is the part of the food chain of the natural world, and the rabble gathering around excrement and the body of the animal may not be necessarily related to a young generation, but I call it with "the insect of the mackerel", and what soften a bad impression may be tied to the switch of a kind of idea.

(2008.3 Y K)

Google image search results: http://www.geocit


2013-02-18 20:07:36 | 日記




























 (2008.3 Y K)

Google 画像検索結果: http://www.geocit

自個兒-Jikoji of 狒舁吽爺暈-Pyongyang

2013-02-18 15:55:34 | 日記

ο ο ο

Is a person letting the jealousy attack of the terrorist whole families of the Filipino old gender identity syndrome named the Korea agent who is full of 自個兒-Jikoji(Jikoko) of the scream thunder of 狒舁吽爺暈-Pyongyang or an artificial earthquake disaster have aversion hundreds of millions of in the world?…

Scream thunder…The gray dog that a head called "Siam" born from mother of "a rain woman" born between a baboon and dogs in a quiet village in northern China on a stormy day was connected. with the figure of the woman by a longtime cosmetic surgery plastic operation.

自個兒-Jikoji(Jikoko)…The creature which was born only with an ovum and the sperm of the creature of both one sex tool called "the gray" of the combination class of a baboon and the dog born in a village in northern China.

"Half beast" The four-legged child has a lower part of the body which is invited to.

It is a mourning dress and the terrorist who is full of gays of the advanced age dressed in the wig who thrust itself when sons of the scream thunder (pretense, 网-Ami of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan) "got it fixed" only with a cosmetic surgery protection mask (aspect) of the Korea original development.

A want to hear it in Fujian what race "Pyongyang-Pg." created through animal experiment mating is.

"Jealousy!" The whole world except Japan watches the terrorist clan of the ratio country which continues crying with TV of the live broadcast.

A attach fetters to the very important people of the world and am a vulgar family letting a Japanese do dirty conversation with imprisoning it.

Though not in Japan, the terrorist clan only of a son of the scream thunder that is full of the gays of the ratio country which struck Japan when "I want to be popular" 90 years or older and the human being who can associate do not stop "a threat, imprisonment".

It is scary "by hook or by crook".

I became clear with ♂ where 90% of women (?) who attached an artificial anus to the buttocks even if in the world, the country of wherever were born by the artificial fertilization of the sperm of the scream thunder.