神海(シンカイ)‐ハルノウミナナキソナキソ…arena8order 慧會隴

私腹ノート。黒革の…It's wonderland!!!

Twitter…@arena8order 他


2013-02-08 08:36:43 | 日記







更に『自爆テロ』と呼ばれる『レストラン等で自信の体を爆発する行為』はスカトロジーで体内に大量にある硝酸銀に煙草等の火が引火した結果で 本人の自覚が無い『超常現象』的な事故と理解出来る。

朝鮮テロリストや親戚の日本国内に不法に滞在中のフィリピン人達は 朝鮮国行きの船に乗らなければ、南極の特別施設『監獄』に『投獄』…懲役となると決まったらしい。


"silver nitrate" in body…Terro

2013-02-08 08:28:55 | 日記


The artificial island that a map does not have…

The terrorist clan who saved a large quantity of "silver nitrate" in longtime scatology in the body…

I continue taking "a drug with a parasitic egg" which there is not in Japan and repeat the scatology, and there are a large quantity of parasitic worms in brain and the body.

I ate pancreas in the parasitic worm, and it was thought that there was the parasitic worm which advanced while dissolving a cell in pancreatic juice, but it was revealed that there was the same work to "the silver nitrate".

A race of "object X from the planet" which mistook all of symptoms of "the nitric acid argyria" for hereditary healthy damage of a race.

Furthermore, as for "the act to explode with a body of the confidence at restaurants called "the suicide bombing" ," a large quantity of silver nitrate can understand the awareness of the person with the accident that is the "supernatural phenomenon" mark that there is not by the result that caught fire from the fires such as cigarettes in scatology in the body.

If Philippine people staying in Japan of Korea terrorist and the relative illegally do not get into the boat to Korea countries; of the South Pole particularly in the facilities "prison" "the imprisonment"…It seemed to be sure that it became the penal servitude.

Please confirm it in Asia.


2013-02-08 04:42:33 | 日記


Eleana.eve.ear-earomさんがリツイート | 1 RT