


2023年09月27日 10時36分09秒 | ビル・ゲイツ/コロナ/WHO

Proposed model of biodistribution of vaccine mRNA to breast milk (BM). Credit: Nazeeh Hanna et al.

母乳 (BM) へのワクチン mRNA の生体内分布の提案されたモデル。 クレジット: Nazeeh Hanna 他








09/26/23 Childrens Health Defense、2023年9月26日、子供の健康防衛

‘No Real Debate’ After New Study Shows mRNA From COVID Shots Contaminates Breast Milk


A peer-reviewed study published Sept. 19 in The Lancet provides “pretty conclusive proof” that mRNA from the COVID-19 vaccines migrates into breast milk, according to internet lecturer John Campbell, Ph.D. — despite claims by regulators, public officials and doctors that the mRNA in the vaccine would stay localized at the injection site.

インターネット講師のジョン・キャンベル博士によると、919日にランセット誌に掲載された査読済みの研究は、新型コロナウイルス感染症ワクチンのmRNAが母乳に移行するという「かなり決定的な証拠」を提供しているという。 ワクチン中のmRNAは注射部位に局在するという規制当局、公務員、医師らの主張にもかかわらず。

By  John-Michael Dumais


A new peer-reviewed study provides “pretty conclusive proof” that mRNA from the COVID-19 vaccines migrates into breast milk — “probably for the first 48 hours after vaccination,” according to internet lecturer John Campbell, Ph.D.


Campbell, a retired emergency room nurse, teacher and author of two nursing textbooks, reviewed the study, published Sept. 19 in The Lancet, in a video presentation.


According to the study, the breast milk of 10 of 13 women who took the vaccine tested positive for mRNA up to 45 hours after the vaccine was administered.


The study confirmed the transportation of the synthetic mRNA lipid nanoparticles to the mammary glands via the bloodstream or lymphatic system, leading to its presence in breast milk, Campbell said.

この研究により、合成 mRNA 脂質ナノ粒子が血流またはリンパ系を介して乳腺に輸送され、母乳中にそのナノ粒子が存在することが確認されたとキャンベル氏は述べた。

“This is consistent with other studies, so there’s no real debate about this anymore,” he added.


The study did not investigate the effects of the contaminated breast milk on infants, Campbell said.


A study last year in JAMA Pediatrics produced similar results.

JAMA Pediatricsで昨年行われた研究でも同様の結果が得られました。


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Regulatory bodies failed to disclose risk



According to Campbell, regulators, public officials and doctors worldwide initially claimed the mRNA in the vaccine would stay localized at the injection site.


For example, mothers were reassured by the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM) in a statement released on Dec. 14, 2020, that the vaccine lipid was unlikely to enter the bloodstream and reach breast tissue.


“If it does, it is even less likely that either the intact nanoparticle or mRNA transfer into milk,” the ABM said.


The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology had — and continues to promote — a similar message.


Referring to the lipid nanoparticles carrying the mRNA, Campbell said, “If these people had gone to the bother of talking to anyone who specializes in pharmacokinetics … they would have said, ‘Well, with this size particle, it’s … almost certain to be distributed everywhere.’”



“It goes to your liver. It goes to your heart,” he said.

「それは肝臓に行きます。 それはあなたの心臓に行きます」と彼は言いました。

“In this case, through the breasts. … It probably goes everywhere. It’s a pity we weren’t told.”

「この場合は乳房からです。 …それはおそらくどこにでも行きます。 私たちが知らされなかったのは残念です。」

Campbell said he was “pretty cross” because such a disclosure would have reversed his decision to get vaccinated.


He pointed out that in the initial trials, breastfeeding mothers, pregnant women and infants were excluded, “yet the regulatory body still decided to go ahead and give these vaccines [to these groups] which weren’t tested.”


“That’s a question they really need to answer,” he said.



mRNA ‘hijack[s] natural process of genetic communication’



Referring to an illustration provided in the study, Campbell said synthetic mRNA can “hijack the natural process of genetic communication.”

研究で提供された図を参照しながら、キャンベル氏は、合成 mRNA が「遺伝子伝達の自然なプロセスをハイジャック」する可能性があると述べた。


He described the mechanism of action this way:



・The synthetic mRNA is packaged into extracellular vesicles (EVs) and secreted into breast milk. EVs are similar to the body’s own lipid nanoparticles that are naturally present in breast milk.

・合成 mRNA は細胞外小胞 (EV) にパッケージングされ、母乳中に分泌されます。 EV は、母乳中に自然に存在する体自体の脂質ナノ粒子に似ています。

・This process, a natural way for mothers to transfer RNA to their babies, is mimicked by the synthetic mRNA.

・このプロセスは、母親が RNA を赤ちゃんに伝達する自然な方法であり、合成 mRNA によって模倣されます。

・The synthetic mRNA lipid nanoparticles enter mammary epithelial cells responsible for producing milk.


・The mRNA is released into the cytosol (the clear, colloidal area) of these cells and could be packaged into EVs or excreted by various mechanisms such as exosomes, along with breast milk components.

・mRNA はこれらの細胞のサイトゾル (透明なコロイド領域) に放出され、EV にパッケージングされたり、エクソソームなどのさまざまな機構によって母乳成分とともに排泄されたりする可能性があります。

・The EVs do not express the spike protein but serve as carriers for the synthetic mRNA.

・EV はスパイクタンパク質を発現せず、合成 mRNA のキャリアとして機能します。

・The study found the mRNA in the breast milk was a degraded form with only 12-25% efficiency compared to the original vaccine.



Campbell emphasized that the only way the mRNA could get to the breast tissue would be if it were “systemically absorbed.”



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mRNA vaccine manufacturing built on ‘completely flawed’ science



Speaking of other biodistribution studies, Campbell said the lipid nanoparticles could find their way to the myocardium, perhaps the vascular endothelium in the coronary vessels, creating an autoimmune response.


RNA from vaccines can produce antigens that stimulate inflammatory responses from cytotoxic T-cells.

ワクチンからの RNA は、細胞傷害性 T 細胞からの炎症反応を刺激する抗原を生成する可能性があります。

Even lipid nanoparticles can potentially cause inflammatory reactions, Campbell said.


The huge mRNA manufacturing efforts “are based on a completely flawed … fundamental scientific problem … until the liquid nanoparticle systemic distribution problem is solved,” Campbell said.


“And yet, this massive investment is going ahead, looking to replace the traditional vaccines.”


According to Campbell, pharmaceutical companies are overlooking these problems because they will be able to develop new patentable products that ensure vast new income streams.


(訳注: 見逃しているのではなく、金もうけのために、意図的に無視している。)


He emphasized the need for large-scale epidemiological surveys, conducted by organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.K.’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, to gather more information about potential risks associated with the systemic distribution of the vaccines.


Campbell discussed the HT-29 cell line, derived from colon cancer tumors, that has been used in vitro since 1964 to study absorption, transport and secretion by intestinal cells.

Campbell 氏は、腸細胞による吸収、輸送、分泌を研究するために 1964 年以来 in vitro で使用されている結腸癌腫瘍由来の HT-29 細胞株について議論しました。

The study exposed these cells to the mother’s milk, which failed to produce the spike protein.


Campbell said this was inconclusive as they mimic only intestinal cells, not all other cells exposed to the mRNA.


Campbell also called for further research on the effect on newborns and for healthcare workers to have candid discussions with lactating mothers before vaccination.


Manufacturers should “give us really good reasons why lipid nanoparticles will not be systemically distributed in their new products,” Campbell said.


“Let us as a human race proceed with humility — although I don’t think there’s much chance of that,” he said.


Watch here: ここで視聴してください:



John-Michael Dumais

John-Michael Dumais is a news editor for The Defender. He has been a writer and community organizer on a variety of issues, including the death penalty, war, health freedom and all things related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

John-Michael Dumais は、The Defender のニュース編集者です。 彼は、死刑、戦争、健康の自由、新型コロナウイルス感染症のパンデミックに関連するあらゆる事柄など、さまざまな問題について作家であり、コミュニティのオーガナイザーでもあります。

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