

1 研究論文 ドイツ 新型コロナワクチン接種率が増加すると、超過死亡率の増加が増大

2024年07月04日 07時58分16秒 | ビル・ゲイツ/コロナ/WHO

Figure 5: Increase in Excess Mortality and Vaccinations. The increase in excess mortality from the first to the second and third pandemic years in percentage points in the individual federal states is shown as a function of the vaccination rate in a federal state.

図 5: 超過死亡率の増加とワクチン接種。各連邦州におけるパンデミック発生 1 年目から 2 年目、3 年目にかけての超過死亡率の増加率 (パーセンテージ ポイント) が、連邦州のワクチン接種率の関数として示されています。




The most obvious expectation of an effective vaccination would be that the increase in excess mortality would be lowest in the federal states in which the most vaccinations were administered.


However, the opposite is the case. Already in the second pandemic year, a moderately strong positive correlation is observed (r = 0.45, p = 0.081), and in the third pandemic year, a strong correlation is observed (r = 0.85, p < 0.001), indicating that the increase in excess mortality is the higher the higher the vaccination rate.

しかし、実際は逆である。パンデミックの2年目にはすでに中程度に強い正の相関が見られ(r = 0.45p = 0.081)、パンデミックの3年目には強い相関が見られ(r = 0.85p < 0.001)、ワクチン接種率が高いほど、超過死亡率の増加も高くなることを示している。

Importantly, as can be seen in Figure 5, a continuous increase in excess mortality with increased vaccination rates can be observed even in the middle range of the observed vaccination rates, which rules out that the observed correlations could be driven by the extreme values.






1 研究論文 ドイツ 新型コロナワクチン接種率が増加すると、超過死亡率の増加が増大





Differential Increases in Excess Mortality in the German Federal States During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Christof Kuhbandner∗ and Matthias Reitzner†


Christof Kuhbandner

Universit¨at Regensburgレーゲンスブルク大学

Institut f¨ur Experimentelle Psychologie心理学実験研究所


Matthias Reitzner

Universit¨at Osnabr¨uckオスナブリュック大学

Institut f¨ur Mathematik数学研究所



Background: 背景:

The present study investigates the influence of COVID-19 on mortality in the sixteen German federal states.


To examine this issue, we estimate the burden of the COVID19 pandemic separately for each federal state by calculating state-specific excess mortalities for the three pandemic years 04/2020-03/2021, 04/2021-03/2022, and 04/2022-03/2023, and explore a number of key state-specific quantities to determine the extent to which these covary with the excess mortality.


Among the explored quantities are aspects related to the pandemic (strength of measures, COVID-19 infections and vaccination rates) and aspects unrelated to the pandemic (mean age, gross domestic products, poverty rates, proportions of people in need of care).



Methods: 方法

To estimate excess mortality, we compare in each federal state the observed number of all-cause deaths with the number of the statistically expected all-cause deaths.


To estimate the expected number of deaths, we use German life tables and longevity trends, and state-specific population tables and state-factors.


The results yield for each federal state separate estimates for the expected number of all-cause deaths if there had been no pandemic.



Results: 結果

Excess Mortality varied substantially across federal states in each of the pandemic years.


In nearly all states, excess mortality was small in the first pandemic year, increased in the second and even more in the third pandemic years.


The increase varied substantially across the federal states as well.


Regarding the covariations with the explored state-specific quantities, two correlation patterns are noticeable.


In the first two years of the pandemic, but not in the third, there was a strong correlation between excess mortality and the number of reported COVID deaths, suggesting that the differences in excess mortality observed earlier in the pandemic are due to differences in the levels of exposure to COVID-19.


However, this cannot explain the increase of excess mortality in the second and third pandemic years because the number of COVID-19 deaths decreased instead of increased in almost all federal states.


Regarding the increase in excess mortality, an increasingly strong positive correlation with the vaccination rate of a federal state is observed, which reaches a value of r = 0.85 in the third pandemic year, indicating that excess mortality increased the stronger the higher the vaccination rate in a federal state was.

超過死亡率の増加に関しては、連邦州のワクチン接種率との相関がますます強くなり、パンデミックの3年目にはr = 0.85という値に達しており、連邦州のワクチン接種率が高いほど超過死亡率が増加したことを示唆している。

An analysis of stillbirths showed exactly the same pattern. No other systematic correlation pattern was observed.



Conclusions: 結論

Excess mortality during the pandemic varied substantially between federal states, a finding that requires explanation.


While the positive correlation of excess mortality with COVID-19 infections and deaths in the the phase of the pandemic without vaccinations suggests an explanation through different levels of exposure to COVID-19, COVID-19 cannot explain the increase in excess mortality after vaccinations began.


For the second and third pandemic year a significant positive correlation between the increase of excess mortality and COVID-19 vaccinations is observed, a fact that strongly calls for further investigations on possible negative effects of COVID-19 vaccinations.


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