

2ファウチの大嘘、エイズの真実、コロナ倫理医師団の書籍『mRNA ワクチンの毒性』8章

2023年10月05日 17時40分44秒 | ウイルス・細菌・感染の見直し

2ファウチの大嘘、エイズの真実、コロナ倫理医師団の書籍『mRNA ワクチンの毒性』8章




8.4 HIV is not sexually transmitted

8.4 HIVは性行為では感染しない


The literature on retroviruses, the family of viruses to which HIV belongs, goes back over a hundred years [340, 341].

HIV が属するウイルス科であるレトロウイルスに関する文献は 100 年以上前に遡ります [340, 341]。

Every person and animal on the planet carries 50 to 100 or even a thousand dormant retroviruses in their genomes [350].

地球上のすべての人や動物は、ゲノム内に 50 ~ 100 個、さらには 1,000 個の休止状態のレトロウイルスを保有しています [350]。

It is estimated that up to 8% of the human genome is made up of retroviruses [351].

ヒトゲノムの最大 8% がレトロウイルスで構成されていると推定されています [351]。

Over 3,000 different retroviruses have been cataloged and not one to date has been demonstrated to cause disease in humans.

3,000 を超える異なるレトロウイルスがカタログ化されていますが、これまでにヒトに病気を引き起こすことが証明されたものはありません。

For at least 70 years, scientists have known that retroviruses do not kill the cells they infect and are not sexually transmitted [340].


Retroviruses are so not-sexually transmissible that you can mix different strains of rodents with their unique spectrum of retroviruses and they never transmit them to their sex partners from a different strain.


This is also true for humans, apes, monkeys, and cats.



The experimental versions of HIV used in laboratory animals have never been shown to be sexually transmitted to virus-free sex partners.

実験動物で使用された実験版の HIV が、ウイルスを持っていないセックスパートナーに性感染することはこれまでに示されていません。

The world’s best controlled human study that attempted to measure the efficiency of heterosexual transmission of HIV was conducted by Nancy Padian and her colleagues [352].

HIV の異性愛感染の効率を測定することを試みた、世界最高のヒトを対象とした研究は、ナンシー・パディアンとその同僚によって実施されました [352]。

The most striking result of this ten-year study was that none of the HIV-negative sex partners became HIV-positive from years of unprotected sexual intercourse with their HIV-positive partners.


I repeat, not one HIV-negative sex partner became positive during the 10-year study.


Thus, the observed transmission efficiency was ZERO!


However, to avoid reporting zero sexual transmission of HIV, Padian and colleagues assumed that the HIV-positive sex partners in their study must have become positive through sexual intercourse before entering the study.


Using that assumption, they estimated that an HIV-negative woman would need to have sexual intercourse 1,000 times with HIV-positive men before becoming HIV-positive herself.

その仮定を使用して、研究者らは、HIV 陰性の女性が自身も HIV 陽性になるまでに、HIV 陽性の男性と 1,000 回性交する必要があると推定しました。

Even more astoundingly, they estimated that HIV-negative heterosexual men would need 8,000 sexual contacts before becoming HIV-positive.


Virtually identical figures have been reported by others [350, 353, 354].


Given these figures, the CDC’s estimate that “one million Americans are living with HIV” raises an enormous problem for the assumed sexual transmission of HIV.


Since there were around 280 million men and women in the USA during the AIDS scare, on average an HIV-negative 8 AIDS & HIV:

エイズ恐怖の時代、米国には約 2 億 8,000 万人の男女がいたため、平均すると HIV 陰性のエイズと HIV は 8 人になります。

The Blueprint for the Perversion of Medical Science 141 woman would require 140,000 episodes of random sexual intercourse in order to become HIV-positive, and a man fully eight times that number.

「医学倒錯の青写真 141」では、女性が HIV 陽性になるには 140,000 回の無作為性交が必要で、男性はその 8 倍になります。


Such absurdly high numbers of sexual encounters are out of reach even for prostitutes.


Against this background, it makes a certain amount of sense that sex with a prostitute is not even listed as a risk category for AIDS by the CDC.

このような背景を考えると、売春婦とのセックスが CDC によってエイズのリスクカテゴリーにさえリストされていないことは、ある程度の理にかなっています。

According to Root-Bernstein [355], “the number of American and European heterosexuals who have had sexual relations with a prostitute, who have no other admitted risk factors (such as drug abuse), and who have subsequently developed antibody to HIV can be counted on the fingers of one hand.”

ルート・バーンスタイン [355] によれば、「売春婦と性的関係を持ち、他に認められた危険因子(薬物乱用など)がなく、その後 HIV に対する抗体を発現したアメリカとヨーロッパの異性愛者の数は、 片手の指で数えられるほどだ。」

Non-drug abusing American prostitutes have no higher risk to contract AIDS than other women [356].


The same is true for prostitutes in Germany, Zurich, Vienna, London, Paris, Pardenone (Italy), and Athens [357–361].

ドイツ、チューリッヒ、ウィーン、ロンドン、パリ、パルデノーネ (イタリア)、アテネの売春婦にも同じことが当てはまります [357–361]。



8.5 Kary Mullis’ quest for evidence that HIV causes AIDS

8.5 HIV がエイズの原因であるという証拠を求めるキャリー・マリスの探求


In 1988, Kary Mullis, winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize in chemistry for inventing the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), needed a literature reference to support the statement he had just written: “HIV is the probable cause of AIDS.”


He simply wanted to cite the person who had demonstrated that HIV was indeed “the probable cause of AIDS.”

彼は単に、HIV が確かに「エイズの原因である可能性がある」ことを証明した人物の名前を挙げたかっただけです。

He soon learned, to his dismay, that the individuals—who it seemed would surely be candidates for a Nobel Prize—had no name.


In 1994, Mullis had the opportunity to ask Luc Montagnier, the discoverer of HIV, whom to cite.


But even Montagnier did not know.


In 2000, Montagnier himself came to reject the central feature of AIDS dogma, namely, that HIV causes AIDS [362].1

2000 年に、モンタニエ自身がエイズの定説の中心的特徴、つまり HIV がエイズの原因であるということを拒否するようになりました [362]。

Mullis became an outspoken critic of Anthony Fauci’s mishandling of AIDS and of those advocating the use of PCR-testing to detect viruses and diagnose infectious diseases.


In an interview in the London Sunday Times, Mullis said [363]:

ロンドン・サンデー・タイムズ紙のインタビューでマリス氏は次のように述べた [363] 。

I can’t find a single virologist who will give me references which show that HIV is the probable cause of AIDS.

HIV がエイズの原因である可能性が高いことを示す参考文献を教えてくれるウイルス学者は一人も見つかりません。

On an issue as important as this, there should be a set of scientific documents somewhere, research papers written by people who are accessible, demonstrating this.


But they are not available.



1Note that Montagnier was awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize for discovering HIV—not for proving that HIV causes AIDS.

1 モンタニエは、HIV がエイズの原因であることを証明したことではなく、HIV の発見で 2008 年のノーベル賞を受賞したことに注意してください。




If you ask a virologist for that information, you don’t get an answer, you get fury.


Mullis died August 7, 2019, just before PCR testing launched the global COVID-19 fraud.


In April 2020, Montagnier concluded that SARS-CoV-2 had been created in a lab because genetic sequences of HIV had been inserted into the gene encoding the spike protein [364].


Montagnier died on February 8, 2022, just 8 months after criticizing the global push to “vaccinate” against COVID-19 [365].




8.6 The crucifixion of a dissident

8.6 反体制派の十字架刑


Duesberg’s assault on the causative role of HIV went completely unchallenged in the scientific literature—a tacit admission among scientists that his arguments were, at the very least, compelling and most likely irrefutable.

HIV の原因となる役割に関するデュースバーグの攻撃は、科学文献の中でまったく異議を唱えられていません。科学者の間では、少なくとも彼の議論は説得力があり、おそらく反論の余地のないものであると暗黙のうちに認められていました。

As the most credentialed, persistent and effective critic of AIDS dogma, Peter Duesberg was at the top of Anthony Fauci’s hit list.


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) decided to “contain” Duesberg’s ideas so that the public would not learn about them.


On April 28, 1987, two months after Duesberg’s Cancer Research paper had appeared, Chuck Kline of the Office of the Secretary of HHS sent out a “Media Alert” [366]:

デュースバーグの癌研究論文が発表されてから 2 か月後の 1987 年 4 月 28 日、保健省長官室のチャック・クラインは「メディア警告」を発しました [366]。

An NCI [National Cancer Institute] grantee scientist, Dr. Peter Duesberg of California/Berkeley, has published a paper in a scientific journal which concludes that the HTLV-III/HIV virus identified by Dr. Gallo and Dr. Montagnier is not the cause of AIDS and that the disease is caused by “a still unidentified agent” which may not even be a virus.


Inexplicably, the paper was published in the March 1 addition [sic] of Cancer Research, and gives a non-specific credit to Dr. Robert Gallo and others, but nobody within the Department or the news media seems to have been aware of it until it was disclosed Monday, 4/27, by a gay publication in New York City.

不可解なことに、この論文は『Cancer Research』誌の 3 月 1 日追加号 [原文のまま] に掲載され、ロバート・ギャロ博士らの功績が具体的に示されていないが、部門内やニュースメディアの誰もそのことを知るまで知らなかったようだ。 それは4月27日月曜日、ニューヨーク市のゲイ出版物によって明らかにされた。


Dr. Duesberg has been an NCI grantee doing research in retroviruses and oncogenes for 17 years and is highly regarded.

Duesberg 博士は、NCI の助成金を受けて 17 年間レトロウイルスとがん遺伝子の研究を行っており、高く評価されています。

He is the recipient of an “outstanding researcher” award from the Department.


The article apparently went through the normal pre-publication process and should have been flagged at NIH.




Failing that, it should have caused a splash on publication nearly two months ago.

それができていれば、ほぼ 2 か月前に出版されて話題になっていたはずです。

Playwright, gay activist and Department critic Larry Kramer is currently bringing it to the attention of the media, but it really hasn’t taken off yet.


I know for instance he has talked to Tom Brokaw about it.


There has been one call to CDC from Newsday and none to the press office so far.


This obviously has the potential to raise a lot of controversy (if this isn’t the virus, how do we know the blood supply is safe? How do we know anything about transmission? How could you all be so stupid and why should we ever believe you again?) and we need to be prepared to respond. I have already asked NIH public affairs to start digging into this.





そして私たちはそれに応える準備をしておく必要があります。 私はすでにNIH広報にこの件についての調査を開始するよう依頼しました。


Chuck Klineチャック・クライン


The Secretary秘書

The Under Secretary次官

Chief of Staff参謀長

Assistant Secretary for Health保健次官補

Surgeon General外科医総長

Assistant Secretary of Public Affairs広報次官補

The White Houseホワイトハウス



Since World War II—but especially in recent decades—the stifling of debate and the persecution of dissenters has become entrenched in virtually every major field of science in the United States.


It is particularly virulent in the so-called biomedical sciences.


For more than three decades, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have employed every weapon available to silence and punish Professor Duesberg for his steadfast refusal to recant, or at least remain silent.


Prior to questioning HIV, Duesberg had been continually funded by the NIH as a cancer researcher in high standing, and was even awarded the coveted “Outstanding Investigator” grant.

HIV に疑問を抱く以前、デュースバーグは高い地位にあるがん研究者として NIH から継続的に資金提供を受けており、切望されていた「優秀な研究者」の助成金も授与されました。

With jaw-dropping swiftness, Duesberg lost all government funding grants following the appearance of his 1987 invited paper in Cancer Research questioning AIDS dogma [367].


(訳注: 政府による研究資金の削減による弾圧。このようなことが行われるため、新型コロナでも、ほとんどの現役の研究者は沈黙している。)

He has not had a new graduate student since the early 1990s.




Some premier science journals have stopped publishing his work.


Because of tenure, Duesberg can’t be fired.


For this reason, the University of California at Berkeley has marginalized, humiliated, and punished Duesberg continually, hoping he would leave voluntarily.




8.7 AIDS in Africa

8.7 アフリカにおけるエイズ


Most people are not aware that the CDC—and the World Health Organization, which follows its lead—defined two very different AIDS epidemics.


There is one definition for Americans, Europeans, and other wealthy nations, and a very different definition for Africans, Asians, Latin Americans, etc. You get the picture.

アメリカ人、ヨーロッパ人、その他の裕福な国々については 1 つの定義があり、アフリカ人、アジア人、ラテンアメリカ人などについてはまったく異なる定義があります。おわかりいただけるでしょう。

The reason for this peculiar situation is that AIDS is completely different depending on where you live.


So different in fact that the Reagan Administration urged the WHO to come up with a definition of AIDS in the “Third World.”


In 1985, at a conference in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic, AIDS in Africa was defined as a grab bag of symptoms including fever, diarrhea, persistent cough, and weight-loss [368].



To this list, tuberculosis was added in the mid 1990s.

1990 年代半ばに結核がこのリストに追加されました。

These long-recognized diseases of poverty and malnutrition remain the basis for making a diagnosis of AIDS in Africa to this day.


Amazingly, HIV was not even part of the definition!

驚くべきことに、HIV はその定義にさえ含まれていませんでした。

Using the Bangui definition, it could be said that African AIDS has been around for hundreds of years.


In George Orwell’s iconic year 1984, the cover of Newsweek asked:

“Can Black Africa Be Saved?”

ジョージ・オーウェルの象徴的な年である 1984 年、ニューズウィークの表紙は次のように問いかけました。



This was only months after the Reagan Administration had told the world that AIDS had started in Africa and was caused by a virus.


Two years later the piece “Africa in the Plague Years” appeared in the same journal.


The authors informed us: “Nowhere is the disease more rampant than in the Rakai region of south-west Uganda, where 30% of the people are estimated [not determined] to be seropositive [for HIV] [369].”



In 1995, the World Health Organisation poured fuel on the fire declaring: “by mid-1991 an estimated 1.5 million Ugandans, or about 9% of the general population and 20% of the sexually active population, had HIV infection” [370].


Similar reports were repeatedly published over the next several years, prophesying that as much as 30% of the population was doomed to premature death, with dire consequences for families and society as a whole.


The predictions announced the practically inevitable collapse of the country in which the entire worldwide epidemic had supposedly originated.




Today one reads little about AIDS in Uganda, because all of these prophesies have proved false.


In its 2002 census, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics [371] reported that Uganda’s Population grew at an average annual rate of 3.3% between 1991 and 2002.

2002 年の国勢調査で、ウガンダ統計局 [371] は、1991 年から 2002 年の間にウガンダの人口が平均年率 3.3% で増加したと報告しました。

The high rate of population growth is mainly due to the persistently high fertility levels (about seven children per woman) that have been observed for the past four decades. . . .

高い人口増加率は主に、過去 40 年間観察されてきた高い出生率 (女性 1 人あたり約 7 人の子供) によるものです。 。 。 。

There has been a declining trend in Infant Mortality Rate from 422 per 1000 as of the 1991 Census . . . to 83 per 1000 live births in 2002.

乳児死亡率は、1991 年国勢調査の時点で 1000 人あたり 422 人でしたが、減少傾向にあります。 。 。 2002 年には出生 1000 人あたり 83 人でした。


The census report makes clear that Uganda’s population growth rate, which had been as high as 2.5% between 1980 and 1991, had indeed further increased in the subsequent decade.


Uganda’s population growth rate is currently among the highest in the world.


Nevertheless, the popular media continued to inform us that the whole of Sub-Saharan Africa had suffered massive devastation and depopulation as a result of more than three decades of AIDS.


Notwithstanding these claims, the statistics make it extremely difficult to find evidence of an African AIDS catastrophe on a scale that some have compared to the European plague of the Middle Ages.



By 2001, Africa had reportedly generated a cumulative total of 1,093,522 AIDS cases [372].


But during this period—between 1980 and 2000—the population of Sub-Saharan Africa had grown from 378 million to 652 million, corresponding to an annual growth rate of 3.6% !

しかし、この期間 (1980 年から 2000 年の間) の間に、サハラ以南アフリカの人口は 3 億 7,800 万人から 6 億 5,200 万人に増加しました。これは年間成長率 3.6% に相当します。

Of course, against this background, a possible, above-normal loss of one million lives to AIDS would be statistically hard to verify, for two reasons:

もちろん、このような背景から、エイズによって通常を上回る 100 万人の命が失われる可能性は、次の 2 つの理由から統計的に検証することが困難です。

  1. the loss would be dwarfed by the overwhelming simultaneous gain of 274 million people—the equivalent of the entire population of the USA in 1999;
  2. この損失は、1999 年の米国全人口に相当する 2 億 7,400 万人という圧倒的な同時増加を考えれば小さく見えます。

2.the diseases which according to the Bangui criteria define African AIDS are indistinguishable from conventional African morbidity and mortality [370].



As of May 2019, the population of Sub-Saharan Africa had grown to 1.08 billion.


Compared to 1980, that is a gain of 700 million people, or twice the population of the United States!

1980 年と比較すると、これは 7 億人増加しており、これは米国の人口の 2 倍に相当します。

The population of Sub-146 8 AIDS & HIV: The Blueprint for the Perversion of Medical Science Saharan Africa grew by an explosive 2.8 times since the AIDS epidemic supposedly began in Africa.

サブ 146 8 エイズおよび HIV の人口:

医学の倒錯の青写真 サハラ砂漠アフリカは、アフリカでエイズの流行が始まったとされる以来、爆発的に 2.8 倍に成長した。


The explosive population growth of Sub-Saharan Africa and the many epidemiological and clinical differences between African AIDS and its American/European namesake cast doubt on the existence of an African AIDS epidemic.


Indeed, all available data are compatible with a perennial African epidemic of poverty-associated infectious diseases which simply has been given the new name of “AIDS.”


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