

3 ファウチの大嘘、エイズの真実、コロナ倫理医師団の書籍『mRNA ワクチンの毒性』8章

2023年10月05日 17時42分02秒 | ウイルス・細菌・感染の見直し


Figure 8.3 Negative correlation between HIV and syphilis prevalence in South Africa [376].

図 8.3 南アフリカにおける HIV と梅毒の罹患率との負の相関関係 [376]。

A: Prevalence of HIV and syphilis by province among antenatal clinic attendees in 2000.

A: 2000 年の産前クリニック参加者における州別の HIV と梅毒の有病率。

Provinces: KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), Mpumalanga (MP), Gauteng (GP), Free State (FS), North West (NW), Eastern Cape (EC), Limpopo (LP), Northern Cape (NC), Western Cape (WC).

州: クワズール・ナタール州 (KZN)、ムプマランガ州 (MP)、ハウテン州 (GP)、フリーステート州 (FS)、ノースウェスト (NW)、東ケープ州 (EC)、リンポポ州 (LP)、北ケープ州 (NC)、西ケープ州 (トイレ)。

B: National HIV and syphilis prevalence trends among antenatal clinic attendees in South Africa 4.

B: 南アフリカの産前クリニック参加者における全国的な HIV および梅毒の有病率傾向 4.

Data for syphilis prior to 1997 were unavailable.

1997 年以前の梅毒のデータは入手できませんでした。




3 ファウチの大嘘、エイズの真実、コロナ倫理医師団の書籍『mRNA ワクチンの毒性』8章


8.8 Thabo Mbeki’s ill-fated attempt to get at the truth about AIDS

8.8 エイズに関する真実を知ろうとするタボ・ムベキの不運な試み


Aware of this history and faced with the disturbing fact that his country’s “scientists don’t read,” South African President Thabo Mbeki was compelled in 1999 to ask: why is AIDS in Africa so vastly different from AIDS in North America and Western Europe?


Why does AIDS remain restricted to the same at-risk groups in which it was originally observed?


To get answers to these and other questions, he set up the Presidential AIDS Advisory Panel in 2000.

これらやその他の疑問に対する答えを得るために、彼は 2000 年に大統領エイズ諮問委員会を設立しました。

In order to gain a full understanding of AIDS, a decision was taken to invite an international panel of experts to South Africa and provide a platform for them to deliberate on the issues pertaining to the subject.



The results of these deliberations would be used to inform and advise the government on the most appropriate course of action to follow in dealing with AIDS.


This decision was endorsed by the Cabinet of the South African government in April 2000.

この決定は 2000 年 4 月に南アフリカ政府の閣僚によって承認されました。

A world-wide search took place to identify eminent specialists in the fields of AIDS and HIV, ranging in scope from basic scientists, physicians, historians, economists to public health professionals and policy makers.


Furthermore, it was decided that persons living with AIDS, as well as lay persons would be invited to serve on the panel.


South Africa’s recent experience of coming to terms with its history of Apartheid had taught Mbeki the necessity of including dissenting voices.


One third of Mbeki’s AIDS Advisory Panel comprised scientists and doctors from around the world who questioned AIDS dogma.


The two meetings of the advisory panel resulted in an extensive written report [373].

諮問委員会の 2 回の会議の結果、広範な書面による報告書が作成されました [373]。


The inclusion of dissident scientists in this advisory panel did, however, not sit well with some representatives of the AIDS orthodoxy and with the U.S. government.




Figure 8.2 Angry HIV-positive people march through Durban, South Africa, between July 14 to 20, 2000 to protest against scientists who dare to question whether AIDS is caused by HIV. Mail & Guardian, vol 16, no 28, page 8.

図 8.2 | 怒った HIV 陽性者たちが、エイズが HIV によって引き起こされるかどうかをあえて疑問視する科学者に抗議するために、2000 年 7 月 14 日から 20 日まで南アフリカのダーバンを行進しました。 Mail & Guardian、第 16 巻、第 28 号、8 ページ。


Accompanying a sign with the words “One Bullet, One Dissident,” the head of Médecins sans Frontières led a march through the South African city of Durban, protesting against those scientists on the AIDS Advisory Panel who wanted answers to the same questions about AIDS that Mbeki had asked (Figure 8.2).

「一発の弾丸、一反体制派」という言葉を書いたプラカードを添えて、国境なき医師団のトップは南アフリカの都市ダーバンを行進し、ムベキが尋ねたエイズに関する同じ質問への答えを求めていたエイズ諮問委員会の科学者たちに抗議した。 (図8.2)。

Others advocated that the dissidents be jailed, or that the U.S. constitution be changed to prevent them from speaking.


While these protests and efforts to silence the dissidents were in progress, observers on Mbeki’s AIDS Advisory Panel noted that [373, p. 45]

こうした抗議活動と反体制派を沈黙させる取り組みが進行中である一方で、ムベキ氏のエイズ諮問委員会の観察者らは次のように指摘した。[373、p. 45]


The deliberations of the panel were at all times be devilled by the absence of accurate and reliable data and statistics on the magnitude of the AIDS problem or even HIV prevalence in South Africa.


Repeated requests for such data and statistics failed to result in the provision of such data by either South African panelists or the officials of the Department of Health.


While mainstream AIDS researchers agreed that South Africa has the best statistics in Africa, these same experts failed to point out that from 1994 to 2001, South Africa recorded a constant annual population growth rate of about 2%.





All cause mortality did increase during the same time interval, but only a small fraction of all deaths were attributed to HIV according to government statistics [374].

同じ期間にすべての原因による死亡率は確かに増加しましたが、政府の統計によれば、HIV による死亡は全死亡のほんの一部にすぎません [374]。

In May 2000, an open forum was convened in Pretoria, the capital of South Africa.

2000 年 5 月、南アフリカの首都プレトリアで公開フォーラムが開催されました。

The goal was to discuss the central issues of AIDS in Africa and address the government’s specific questions, so as to come up with the best evidence available to help the government decide what AIDS policy it should pursue.


The government had invited internationally recognized AIDS authorities, who accounted for two thirds of the panel, but also a “Who’s Who” of international critics, who formed the remaining one-third of the participants.


From day one, the AIDS establishment did everything it could to torpedo President Mbeki’s AIDS Advisory Panel.


Since the idea that AIDS is contagious and caused by HIV had originated with the U.S. government’s Department of Health and Human Services, the Clinton administration had to discredit Mbeki’s probing of AIDS dogma and prevent an open public debate about the causes of AIDS.


But to simply reject Mbeki’s invitation was just too politically untenable for the United States and the other governments that follow its lead.


After all, world leaders at the time were committed to supporting South Africa’s new democracy that had recently emerged from the oppression of apartheid.


To keep from embarrassing the government of South Africa, the United States reluctantly sent a contingent of AIDS authorities.


AIDS czar Anthony Fauci was conspicuously absent.


The attempt to reconcile the irreconcilable doomed Mbeki’s effort.


It was clear from the start that the mainstream panelists had agreed among themselves, or were instructed beforehand, not to participate in any of the discussions in good faith.


An overt provocation happened at the first meeting soon after the invited panelists had been seated.


Three African-American “physicians”—carrying themselves like FBI agents, wearing dark suites and grim expressions—were added to the panel at the last minute.


That they were all Blacks escaped no one.


In contrast to the invited panelists, there were no name-plates to identify the newcomers.



A few of the African delegates were irate with the sudden appearance of the strangers.


The meeting was about to come unhinged before it started.


A rumor quickly spread that President Clinton had asked Mbeki to include the unnamed panelists.


Professor Mhlongo asked the panel and the moderator if the rumor was true but received no answer.





Eventually, a woman from Mbeki’s office appeared and said Clinton had indeed asked that these people join.


Other than maintaining a menacing presence as Clinton’s eyes and ears, I don’t recall the strangers contributing anything at all to the meeting.


When the meeting finally got underway, the mainstream panelists flat-out refused to participate and did everything they could to derail the conference.


Peter Duesberg was about to give the first presentation when somebody loudly objected.

Peter Duesberg が最初のプレゼンテーションをしようとしていたとき、誰かが大声で反対しました。

The not so neutral moderator— Stephen Owen, a Canadian law professor—acquiesced to the mainstream’s demand that no data be presented, demolishing even the pretense of a scientific exchange.


This was noted in the official report of the Panel proceedings [373, p. 108]:

これはパネル会議の議事録の公式報告書に記載されている  [373、p. 108]:

The nature and format of the deliberations of the panel could not allow the in-depth scientific argumentation that is necessary to resolve many of the differences over scientific issues of a fundamental nature.


The second meeting of the Panel that took place in Johannesburg conveyed a decidedly more professional appearance than the first.


High-level South African officials expressed the government’s anger and frustration with the mainstream’s stonewalling during the first meeting and especially their boycotting of the internet discussions that had been designed to come up with the agenda for the second meeting.



The government discovered that the mainstreamers had set up their own internet discussions, urging other members of Mbeki’s panel not to participate.


Weaponizing their AIDS dogma, the mainstreamers secretly engaged in an international email campaign, which led to the Durban Declaration that was designed to discredit and neutralize Mbeki’s AIDS Advisory Panel.


The Durban Declaration was released just before the second meeting of the Panel in June.


A few days later, it was published in the journal Nature [375].

数日後、この論文は Nature 誌に掲載されました [375]。

The purpose of these 18 paragraphs of text was to stop any criticism of AIDS dogma once and for all.

これら 18 段落の文章の目的は、エイズの定説に対するいかなる批判もきっぱり止めることでした。

A number of the orthodox members on the AIDS Panel were signatories.


Infuriated, the South African government lifted the prohibition on presenting data and tried to shame the orthodox panelists into engaging in a real scientific debate this time around.



However, it was too little, too late.


The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) had received permission from the government to provide live coverage of the AIDS Panel.


However, the mainstream members refused to participate if that was allowed.





So, the government relented and SABC was excluded.


Nevertheless, the entire proceedings of the Panel were video-recorded by the government.


The Panel was told the video and transcripts would be made available to the world at some point.


This, of course, has not happened.


The people of South Africa and the world have the right to see those videos.


Releasing the video record of the mainstream’s stonewalling and behavior would be at least as explosive, embarrassing, and damaging to the United States as the Nixon Watergate tapes.


Advocates of AIDS dogma invariably resort to the historically effective practice of verbal abuse.


Among other things, dissidents are accused of being flat-earthers, denialists, murderers, psychopaths, unethical, and immoral with African blood dripping from their fingers.


If any of that were true, President Mbeki’s AIDS Advisory Panel should have provided the perfect opportunity for the orthodoxy to show the government of South Africa and people of the world convincing evidence that AIDS is in fact contagious, sexually transmitted, and caused by a virus called HIV.


They could have presented the government of South Africa with the evidence that the toxic anti-HIV drugs actually do more good than harm, as Mbeki had specifically requested.


It’s difficult to see how that would be bad—right?




8.9 Some evidence to challenge the AIDS orthodoxy

8.9 エイズ正説に異議を唱えるいくつかの証拠


Even more important from the mainstream perspective, the meetings in South Africa should have offered the perfect setting for the orthodoxy to publicly obliterate the dissidents’ position that AIDS is not contagious, not sexually transmitted, and not caused by HIV.


Instead, they authored the Durban Declaration.


Except for the dissidents in attendance, I can’t recall anyone anywhere admonishing the orthodoxy for failing to use the AIDS Panel to publicly confront and demolish the dissidents with solid scientific evidence.


Here are some examples of the evidence which the mainstream members of the panel did not want to examine in public.



If HIV were indeed sexually transmitted, then its prevalence should resemble that of other sexually transmitted diseases.

もし HIV が本当に性感染したのであれば、その蔓延は他の性感染症の蔓延と似ているはずです。

However, Figure 8.3 shows that there is a negative correlation between sexually transmitted syphilis and the prevalence of HIV among pregnant women in the South African provinces [369, 376, 377].

しかし、図 8.3 は、性感染症梅毒と南アフリカの州の妊婦の HIV 感染率との間に負の相関関係があることを示しています [369、376、377]。

Similar results have been reported for Uganda and Thailand.




Figure 8.3 Negative correlation between HIV and syphilis prevalence in South Africa [376].

図 8.3 南アフリカにおける HIV と梅毒の罹患率との負の相関関係 [376]。

A: Prevalence of HIV and syphilis by province among antenatal clinic attendees in 2000.

A: 2000 年の産前クリニック参加者における州別の HIV と梅毒の有病率。

Provinces: KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), Mpumalanga (MP), Gauteng (GP), Free State (FS), North West (NW), Eastern Cape (EC), Limpopo (LP), Northern Cape (NC), Western Cape (WC).

州: クワズール・ナタール州 (KZN)、ムプマランガ州 (MP)、ハウテン州 (GP)、フリーステート州 (FS)、ノースウェスト (NW)、東ケープ州 (EC)、リンポポ州 (LP)、北ケープ州 (NC)、西ケープ州 (トイレ)。

B: National HIV and syphilis prevalence trends among antenatal clinic attendees in South Africa 4.

B: 南アフリカの産前クリニック参加者における全国的な HIV および梅毒の有病率傾向 4.

Data for syphilis prior to 1997 were unavailable.

1997 年以前の梅毒のデータは入手できませんでした。


There is also an anti-correlation between syphilis and HIV prevalence over time [376].


Again, similar results have been reported for Uganda and Thailand.


Notwithstanding this history and the complete absence of scientific proof that AIDS is contagious, sexually transmitted, and depopulating Africa, the CDC, Fauci’s NIAID, the WHO etc., continue to assert that HIV causes AIDS [374].





The COVID-19 fraud is the AIDS scam writ large.


There is wholesale silencing of any and all critics, regardless of stature.


Families and friendships are splitting apart over questioning government dogma on COVID-19.


For a host of reasons and across a wide spectrum of livelihoods, professions and careers many millions of people have lost jobs.


We are in the middle of a global totalitarian takeover and things are going to get much worse in the months ahead.


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