

2 コロナワクチン男女の生殖能力を傷害

2022年07月29日 21時11分29秒 | ビル・ゲイツ/コロナ/WHO

TwitterのBirth Gauge30のグラフで、多数の国で2021年と2022年の出生データを比較しています。

Click here to expand

2 コロナワクチン男女の生殖能力を傷害


Other countries are also seeing unexpected birth rate reductions, nine months after the start of the mass vaccination campaign against COVID.


Between January and April 2022, Switzerland’s birth rate was 15% lower than expected, the U.K.’s was down by 10% and Taiwan’s was down 23%.25,26,27



In the five countries with the highest COVID jab uptake, fertility has dropped by an average of 15.2%, whereas the five countries with the lowest COVID jab uptake have seen an average reduction of just 4.66%.



In a July 5, 2022, Counter Signal article, Mike Campbell reported concerns expressed by Hungarian MP Dúró Dóra during a Parliamentary speech:28

2022年7月5日のCounter Signalの記事で、Mike Campbellは、議会の演説中にハンガリーの国会議員Dúró Dóraが表明した懸念を報告しました。

“In January this year, something happened that has not happened for decades.


The birth rate fell by 20% compared to the same period last year. And what is even more worrying is that the fertility has also fallen — something not seen since 2011 …

出生率は前年同期比で20%減少しました。 そしてさらに心配なのは、出生力も低下していることです。これは2011年以来見られないことです…

[A] researcher at the KRTK Institute of Economics points out that this drastic decline came just nine months after the COVID mass vaccinations began in Hungary.”



After looking into further, Campbell discovered that in the five countries with the highest COVID jab uptake, fertility has dropped by an average of 15.2%, whereas the five countries with the lowest COVID jab uptake have seen an average reduction of just 4.66%.



The U.S. is also showing signs of a drop in live births. Provisional data from North Dakota shows a 10% decline in February 2022, 13% reduction in March and an 11% reduction in April, compared to the corresponding months in 2021.29 

米国も出生数の減少の兆しを見せています。 ノースダコタ州の暫定データは、2021年の対応する月と比較して、2022年2月に10%の減少、3月に13%の減少、4月に11%の減少を示しています。29

Below is a chart from Birth Gauge30 on Twitter comparing live birth data for 2021 and 2022 in a large number of countries.

以下は、TwitterのBirth Gauge30のグラフで、多数の国で2021年と2022年の出生データを比較しています。


Click here to expand.



Take Responsibility for Your Health



At this time, women are not being warned about the risks for miscarriage, menstrual irregularities and the potential for fertility problems and stillbirths, even though all of these safety signals are glaringly obvious.


As obstetrician-gynecologist specialist, Dr. James Thorp, told The Epoch Times in April 2022:31



“I’ve seen many, many, many complications in pregnant women, in moms and in fetuses, in children, offspring, fetal death, miscarriage, death of the fetus inside the mom… What I’ve seen in the last two years is unprecedented.”

「私は妊娠中の女性、母親と胎児、子供、子孫、胎児の死、流産、母親の中での胎児の死に多くの、多くの、多くの合併症を見てきました…過去2年間に私が見たのは 前例のないものです。」


Tragically, doctors are under a worldwide gag order.


They steer patients away from the COVID shot at the risk of losing their medical license.


This puts patients in an incredibly risky situation, as most rely on their doctors to tell them the truth.


Few expect doctors to lie or hide life saving information from them simply to protect their own career.


So, we’re in unprecedented times in more ways than one.



What this means is that you have no choice, really, but to do your own research and gauge the risks as best you can.


There are tons of data out there — data that the mainstream media won’t touch, and if they do, they still insist adverse events aren’t a sign of danger.


In such situations, you simply have to put on your thinking cap and think it through for yourself.



As of July 15, 2022, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) had logged 1,350,947 adverse event reports following the COVID jab, including 29,635 deaths,32 and there’s evidence that reports are being deleted from the system by the thousands.


You can learn more about that in “Thousands of Deaths and Adverse Reactions Deleted From VAERS.”


The safety signals coming from the COVID jabs exceed anything else in medical history.


No drug or vaccine has ever been associated with as many injuries and deaths, including harm to the unborn.


At this point, it appears we’re looking at a certain depopulation event.


The question then is, are you willing to accept the risks? Are you willing to risk your fertility, even if only temporarily?

問題は、リスクを受け入れても構わないと思っているかということです。 一時的であっても、出生力を危険にさらすことをいとわないですか?

Are you willing to risk the life of your baby?


Are you willing to risk your own? If not, the answer is simple.

あなたはあなた自身を危険にさらす気がありますか? そうでなければ、答えは簡単です。

Don’t take the jab, and if you’ve already taken one or two (or three), never take another.





SoundCloud Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay CDC ACIP Public Comment April 23, 2021

NBC News July 15, 2022

3, 5 Science July 15, 2022

Yahoo News July 17, 2022

Cleveland Clinic Abnormal Menstruation

NIH Menstrual Irregularities

Menopause Now June 18, 2020

Obstetrics and Gynecology April 1, 2022: 139(4):481-489

10 Reproductive BioMedicine 2021 Jan; 42(1): 260–267

11 The Defender April 28, 2021

12 BMJ 2021;374:n2211

13 Mayo Clinic Von Willebrand Disease

14 The Phaser November 18, 2021

15 BBC News November 19, 2021

16 WDSU November 24, 2021

17 N Engl J Med 2021; 384:2273-2282

18 N Engl J Med 2021; 385:1536, Correction October 14, 2021

19, 21 Andrology June 17, 2022 DOI: 10.111/andr.13209

20 Expose June 26, 2022

22 Expose News July 18, 2022

23, 25, 28 The Counter Signal July 5, 2022

24 Twitter Havard Skjaervik June 27, 2022

26, 29 Igor Chudov Substack June 25, 2022

27 SWPRS June 2022

30 Twitter Birth Gauge June 3, 2022

31 Epoch Times April 27, 2022

32 OpenVAERS data as of July 15, 2022

Featured image is from qimono via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

The original source of this article is Mercola

Copyright © Dr. Joseph MercolaMercola, 2022


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