

Essay代写:Director's liability insurance market in the United States

2019-03-06 16:45:18 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Director's liability insurance market in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的董事责任保险市场。在20世纪80年代,美国的董事责任保险市场爆发了一场严重的危机。危机爆发后,许多保险公司在销售董事责任保险时采取了诸多的限制措施,一些保险公司甚至彻底退出了董事责任保险市场。在这种情况下,美国各州分别采取制定法和非制定法的方法来应对董事责任保险市场的危机,并取得了一定的成效。

In the 1980s, there was a serious crisis in the American directors' liability insurance market. After the outbreak of the crisis, many insurance companies took a lot of restrictive measures in selling director's liability insurance, and some insurance companies even completely withdrew from the market of director's liability insurance. In this case, American states adopted the methods of statutory law and non-statutory law respectively to deal with the crisis of directors' liability insurance market and achieved certain results. Although China's director's liability insurance market has not yet reached the scale of the United States, there is no doubt that the crisis of the American director's liability insurance market and its countermeasures have great significance for the development of China's director's liability insurance market.

After the 1970s, the market demand for directors' liability insurance in the United States kept heating up, and some insurance companies that did not originally operate directors' liability insurance also launched this kind of insurance business one after another, which made the market scale of directors' liability insurance continuously increase. In this case, many insurance companies in order to compete for market share, constantly reduce premiums and expand coverage. After some time, the rate of directors' liability insurance fell to the lowest point in history. During this period, however, the number of claims against directors and officers continued to increase. According to the results of a survey of 917 companies in the United States and Canada, the number of claims against directors and officers increased by 58% in 1984 compared with 1980. While Banks, petrochemicals, steel, insurance and computers are among the most heavily litigated industries, others have been hit hard. The unprecedented increase in the number of lawsuits against directors and senior staff directly led to the increasing amount of directors' liability insurance claims, which often reached millions of dollars. Even if the insured reached a settlement with a third party, the insurance company had to pay a large amount of settlement fees. For example, in 1984, the average compensation or settlement cost per case was $1.3 million and the average defence cost was $461,000, an increase of approximately 69 per cent compared with 1980.

With the rapid increase of the number of lawsuits filed by directors and the continuous increase of the claim amount, many companies selling directors' liability insurance gradually feel inadequate. In order to reduce the operational risk, they have to expand the deductible of insurance contract and reduce the compensation limit of insurance contract. From 1984 to 1987, for example, the deductibles on directors' liability insurance contracts grew by 44 per cent a year. At the same time, the compensation limit of director liability insurance contract is also decreasing. In the first quarter of 1986 alone, the limit on directors' liability insurance contracts fell by 50%, according to a report by Wyatt. With the decrease of the limit of indemnity in the insurance contract, the directors' liability insurance premium is rising successively. From 1985 to 1986, the premiums of about 80% of the companies' renewal policies began to rise, and about half of the insurance companies' premiums increased by more than 200%. Some insurance companies even increased the premiums by 15 to 20 times. As a result, many companies, especially small and medium-sized ones, simply cannot afford the huge premiums. Therefore, many companies have to reduce the amount of directors' liability insurance they buy or even give up the insurance completely. The decline in purchasing power further worsened the operating conditions of those companies selling director's liability insurance, and many companies gradually withdrew from the director's liability insurance market due to the consideration of operating costs. As a result, many companies in urgent need of director's liability insurance to disperse the risk of operator's liability cannot obtain director's liability insurance at normal prices, which triggered the crisis in the American director's liability insurance market, and thus produced a series of effects.

At present, China's director's liability insurance market is in the initial stage of development. Although there is still a considerable gap between the size of the market and that of the United States, the crisis of the American director's liability insurance market and its countermeasures have great inspiration and reference significance for the healthy and stable development of China's director's liability insurance market.

The crisis in the American directors' liability insurance market does not arise out of thin air, but has its profound social and legal background, which is mainly reflected in the following four aspects.

In the daily operation and management of a company, the risk of lawsuits against directors and senior staff comes from various sources, including shareholders, creditors, liquidators, receiver, government regulators, employees, customers, consumers and even the general public. In the United States in the 1980s, the number of directors and senior staff suffering from claims litigation increased dramatically, mainly due to the following three reasons.

The boom in the us stock market in the 1980s led to a boom in new share offerings, particularly in the technology sector. Due to the strong legal consciousness of American investors and the prevalence of litigation, once the price of a new issue falls, investors will quickly file a lawsuit under the federal securities and exchange act to seek compensation. As a result, many scholars attribute the surge in shareholder lawsuits in 1985 to an increase in the number of new issues. With the increasing number of shareholder lawsuits, the probability of insurance companies to pay insurance compensation increases gradually, thus setting the stage for the outbreak of the crisis of directors' liability insurance market.

With the prosperity and development of the stock market, the number and scale of mergers and acquisitions in the capital market have been increasing since the 1980s due to the influence of the financial and legal environment and the prosperity and development of the stock market. Representatives from the legal, economic and media circles all believe that the booming m&a market is one of the reasons for the outbreak of directors' liability insurance crisis. In the process of enterprise merger and acquisition, shareholders may file huge claims against directors and senior staff for opposing the conditions of merger and acquisition, or believing that the company did not disclose relevant information in the process of merger and acquisition, or believing that the directors of the acquired company took hostile actions to resist merger and acquisition.

During this period, bankruptcies continued to occur, with a much higher rate of bankruptcies among oil companies and Banks than among other companies, especially those with a high percentage of loans. The increase in the number of bankrupt enterprises has a direct impact on the insurance companies, because the receiver and creditors usually file lawsuits to seek relief from the directors and senior staff of the bankrupt enterprises, which to some extent also increases the risk of directors' liability insurers' compensation.

In the United States, with the continuous development of economy, the shareholder derivative litigation against directors of the number of cases is increasing, but according to the provisions of the business judgment principle, the director of the breach of duty of care, thereby causing loss to the company, if the director and the decision-making matters not interested, involved a legitimate reason to believe that their business decisions are made on the basis of collecting enough information, and there is reason to believe that its business decisions in the company's best interests, the director of business negligence can get the protection of the business judgment rule, court does not usually director shall bear the liability for compensation. However, in the case of Smith v. Gorkom in 1985, the Delaware Supreme Court bypassed the business judgment rule and ruled that the directors of Trans Union company should be liable to shareholders. The judgment makes the applicable standard of operating judgment principle more strict and increases the operating cost of insurance companies selling directors' liability insurance to a certain extent.

The shrinking of the reinsurance market is a key factor leading to the outbreak of the crisis in the directors' liability insurance market, because most companies selling directors' liability insurance will sign reinsurance contracts, and the signing of reinsurance contracts can greatly reduce the compensation risk of insurance companies. In fact, since the 1970s, American insurance companies began to compete with British insurance companies in the field of director's liability insurance. With the support of European reinsurance companies, many inexperienced American companies also entered the market of director's liability insurance. However, in the mid-1980s, with the increasing business risks of reinsurance companies, the worldwide reinsurance market was seriously affected and began to shrink. Owing to the directors liability insurance reinsurance is original underwriter and reinsurance person alone the result of the negotiation, so this kind of insurance are more easily affected by reinsurance market, once the reinsurance market crisis, many directors liability insurer because unable to obtain appropriate reinsurance contract, also had to give up the sales director liability insurance plan.

In the process of interpreting directors' liability insurance contracts, courts usually tend to assign liability risks to insurance companies. For example, in the course of the trial of the directors' liability insurance case, the court will usually require the insurance company to pay the defense fee to the insured, even though the said fee may not be included in the indemnity of the policy. When the insured goes bankrupt, the court will usually limit the exercise of the right of rescission of the insurance company. In addition, if the policy does not specify the scope of the insured, the court's interpretation will normally include the litigation suffered by the outside directors in the coverage of the policy.

Directors liability insurance market in the United States, the United States government and insurance companies have adopted a series of measures to cope with the crisis of directors liability insurance market and tried to alleviate the negative effects brought by crisis, comprehensive view, these measures can be divided into two categories: basic approach and the enacted law enacted law approach.

Influenced by the case of Smith v. Gorkom, some state legislatures began to reconsider how to reasonably hold directors responsible for business while looking for a solution to the crisis of directors' liability insurance market. For example, under section 102, paragraph 8, of the Delaware companies act, a company may amend its articles of association and add provisions limiting or exempting directors from liability. At the same time, this section also provides exceptions to limit or exempt the liability of directors, that is, the liability for compensation arising from the breach of duty of loyalty, malicious misconduct, intentional violation of the law and the pursuit of personal interests shall not be limited or exempted.

Corporate legislation now authorizes companies in all 50 states to compensate directors and officers. Many scholars believe that directors and officers alike with others will inevitably make some mistakes, the causes of these errors is because of not fully predictive of future events, and is not due to the directors and officers failed to perform as a common industry managers should have the obligation to the attention of the results. Therefore, the directors and officers of the company believe that the company should compensate them for the compensation and defense costs incurred in the lawsuit, only in this way can it be in the spirit of fairness and justice.

In the wake of the crisis in the directors' liability insurance market, many American states have expanded the right of directors and officers to receive compensation from companies by modifying their compensation schemes. Missouri and New York, for example, offer more flexible compensation. In accordance with sections 351 and 355 of the Missouri companies act, the state has no restrictions on compensation for liability arising out of ACTS of good faith and ACTS carried out in the best interests of the company. New York's corporate law also provides directors with wide scope for compensation. Under section 721 of the New York state companies act, a company may provide compensation to directors and officers for ACTS that are not malicious, dishonest, or otherwise of unlawful personal benefit.

Another way to deal with the crisis in the directors' liability insurance market is to reform and regulate the insurance industry itself. In Virginia, for example, there was a reform to regulate the behavior of insurance companies. According to the provisions of Virginia law, insurance companies must inform the insured of the termination of the contract of directors' liability insurance some time in advance, which is intended to give the insured sufficient preparation time, thus protecting the legal rights and interests of the insured.

However, unexpectedly, the approach taken by Virginia to eliminate the directors' liability insurance crisis did not achieve the expected effect, but had the opposite effect. Though restricted the state promulgated the provisions of the insurance company to remove directors liability insurance contract shall take effect on June 1, 1987, in response to these measures, however, in the state registration of most insurance companies to cover the company issued a notice, the notice stated, the sales director liability insurance contract will be on May 31, 1986 is lifted.

The Virginia legislation and the insurance companies' response illustrate an important fact: when the state legislature passes laws affecting insurance companies, insurance companies will not remain silent. On the contrary, insurance companies have enough strength to resist the restrictive legislation of state legislatures, which greatly hinders the state government's plan to eliminate the crisis of directors' liability insurance market by directly regulating the insurance industry.


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Assignment代写:America's pillar industries

2019-03-06 16:44:58 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- America's pillar industries,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的支柱产业。美国的支柱产业是不断发展变化的,这背后的决定因素是多方面的,其中最主要的是其工业化发展阶段。长期以来,美国经济不管如何发展,农林产品特别是农业产品始终是其支柱产业之一,这和美国拥有大量的土地、森林等丰富的自然资源是分不开的。美国作为先发的工业化国家,其技术驱动是工业化支柱产业发展的主要驱动力量。

The stage of industrialization determines the general scope of a country's pillar industries. Industries with resource endowment advantages will become the pillar industries of the country for a long time. At some point, a large country can achieve international dominance in many pillar industries at the same time

The process of industrialization is the process of constant optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and constant changes of pillar industries. As a representative of the first industrialized countries, the change process of pillar industries in the United States not only follows the general law of the evolution of industrial structure, but also has its particularity. The study of the changes of pillar industries in the process of industrialization in the United States is helpful to grasp the development and change of China's industry in the future.

Before World War II, the United States mainly relied on market regulation, and later strengthened the guiding role of the government. Before 1860, the light textile industry occupies the main position; from 1860 to 1900, steel and coal grew rapidly, and the electronic, chemical and automobile industries appeared. From 1900 to 1950, the output value of heavy chemicals exceeded that of light textiles, and the steel, machinery and chemical industries developed rapidly. After World War II, the United States focused on developing capital-intensive industries, with steel, automobile and electromechanical as the pillar industries for industrial development. After 1970, we vigorously developed technology-intensive industries, such as aerospace, IC, computer and new materials industries. After 1990, we vigorously developed the information industry and strengthened its integration with other industries.

Compared with other countries, the United States does not have specific industrial policies in most cases, but this does not mean that the U.S. government does nothing about industrial development. In fact, one of the roles of American government is to act as the creator of factors of production. U.S. government agencies at all levels continue to invest heavily in education, science and technology, and infrastructure, sparing no effort to create the factors of production. American government also played an important role in maintaining the order of market competition. It enacted and enforced strict anti-trust laws to maintain a free and open trading system. The U.S. government also plays a vital role in addressing forward-looking challenges, such as space exploration, health care and environmental protection, and creating new space for domestic industries. The Obama administration's plan for the future of the new energy and biotechnology industries falls into this category.

The development and vicissitude of American pillar industry give us many inspirations. To sum up, there are mainly:

The stage of industrialization determines the general scope of a country's pillar industries. The pillar industries of the United States are constantly developing and changing, which are determined by many factors, the most important of which is the stage of its industrial development. Different from the United States, which needs to seek new technological breakthroughs to form new pillar industries, China is currently in the latter half of the middle stage of industrialization, in which the pillar industries are mainly heavy chemical industries. Current our country put forward to take a new road to industrialization, this does not mean without developing heavy industry, it is the heavy industry development must accord with China's national conditions of a new road to industrialization, intensive, high benefit of heavy chemical industry development path, relying on information technology, energy saving and environmental protection technology in areas such as technology innovation, maximize ease the heavy chemical industry development and the contradiction between resources and environment, make the heavy chemical industry can be implemented with minimal resources environmental costs the rapid development of its own. Accelerating the development of the electromechanical industry, especially the equipment manufacturing industry, and increasing their proportion in the heavy chemical industry will be the key to upgrade the industrial structure in the coming period.

Industries with resource endowment advantages will become the pillar industries of the country for a long time. For a long time, no matter how the American economy develops, agricultural and forestry products, especially agricultural products, have always been one of its pillar industries. This is because the United States is rich in natural resources, such as land and forests. Unlike the United States, China's resource endowment advantage is not in natural resources, but in human resources. This has decided in the choice pillar industry aspect must display the human resources superiority. In the face of the current international financial crisis and the rise of trade protectionism, we should, on the one hand, expand domestic demand, on the other hand, stabilize external demand, continue to expand international trade, and turn our advantage in human resources into a real economic advantage. As long as we have a comparative advantage in labor force, we need to continue to develop labor-intensive industries and labor-intensive links in high-tech industries.

At some point, a large country can achieve international dominance in many pillar industries at the same time. For more than 20 years after World War II, the United States gained international competitive advantage in almost all industries. This shows that a big country is different from a small country in that small countries can only concentrate their limited resources on developing one or several industries, while a big country cannot and can develop many industries at the same time in certain special periods. China is a large country with a large population, vast territory, large regional differences and multiple levels of productive forces. Therefore, the development of heavy and chemical industry is the main task at the present stage. It does not exclude some local areas to develop other industries as pillar industries, and it is possible to gain international competitive advantages in many industries.

Vigorously strengthening national defense programs and scientific and technological research will help a country maintain its leading edge in emerging industries. As a first-mover industrialized country, the United States is driven by technology, which is the main driving force for the development of its pillar industries. Under the reality that the gap between China's industrialization degree and developed countries is getting smaller and smaller, this practice can be used for reference. China should vigorously develop the aerospace industry, major aircraft, aircraft carriers and other cutting-edge technology industries, enhance China's independent innovation capacity, and promote the upgrading of China's industrial structure.

The capture of international opportunities is conducive to the cultivation and continuation of a country's pillar industrial advantages. The United States has successfully seized international opportunities, including the two world wars, to expand its competitive industries around the world, and to develop declining industries at home abroad. Since the 1990s, some industries that had been declining at home have even become pillar industries again with the help of information technology. The outbreak of the current international economic crisis will be a rare opportunity for Chinese enterprises to implement the strategy of "going out". We can consider transferring some industries with competitive advantages to other countries.

Giving full play to the role of the government is conducive to the development of pillar industries and smooth transformation. At present, in China's ten major industries adjustment and revitalization plan, it is necessary to further clarify the responsibilities of the government, associations and enterprises. To play the leading role of the government is not to make the government intervene in the micro business activities of enterprises, but to give full play to the role of the government as the provider of production factors, the maintainer of the competitive order, and the decision-maker of forward-looking issues, so as to support the smooth development, transformation and upgrading of pillar industries.

Period of economic revival: while maintaining the development of agriculture and light textile industry, adopting the policy of "key mode of production", increasing steel production with oil and steel aided by the United States, increasing coal production with steel, and promoting the development of sectors such as power and fertilizer.

High-speed economic growth: steel, electric power, shipbuilding, petrochemical, automotive, household appliances as the pillar industries. Belongs to the heavy industry process, the entire industry has realized the high level.

Industrial restructuring period: the oil crisis of 1973 prompted Japan to carry out industrial restructuring. We will vigorously develop the processing and assembling industries and the tertiary industry.

Industrial structure transformation period: vigorously develop emerging high-tech industries such as microelectronics, biological engineering and new materials. The industrial structure has been transformed from external demand-oriented to domestic demand-oriented.

South Korea used foreign loans to complete industrial restructuring.

The first five-year plan: we will vigorously support textile and food processing, with a focus on import substitution. A $350 million loan was used to invest in leading industries such as power, building materials and chemicals.

Second five-year plan: focus on the development of labor-intensive export processing industry. The use of $3.38 billion in loans to promote the serialization and specialization of industrial enterprises.

The third five-year plan lays emphasis on developing technology-intensive industries, vigorously supporting heavy and chemical industries such as machinery, metallurgy, chemistry and electronics, and defines the "ten strategic industries".

Fourth five-year plan: focusing on industrial technology development, 67 percent of foreign loans will go to manufacturing. The transition to industrialization was completed. Established pillar industry.

In the 1990s, South Korea identified 20 industries as key export industries.


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2019-03-06 16:44:29 | 日記








4、方法论(methodology or method)即定性或定量的分析方法。定性:比较简单,可能是调查问卷或二手资料属于经验性的论证方法。定量:比较难因为要用软件做分析数据如:SPSS、STATA、MATLAB.

5、分析结果及结论和建议(Analysis conclusion Recommendation)即得出结果。需要有权威性的根据与理论来证明,主要是通过上面的method发现了什么?并总结自己的看法与建议。






Paper代写:Effects of Globalization on Taiwan

2019-03-06 16:44:12 | 日記
​本篇paper代写- Effects of Globalization on Taiwan讨论了全球化对台湾的影响。20世纪60年代以来,全球化给台湾带来了新的经济机遇。进口替代产业市场规模较小,接近饱和。这削弱了台湾经济保持高增长势头的潜力。随着全球化,工业部门的国际再分配发生了。台湾抓住这一机遇,利用当地工资低的优势发展出口产业,有效地促进了经济的高速增长。另外,台湾旅游业的发展也受到全球化的积极影响。与中国大陆相比,由于台湾经济发展程度较高,基础设施较好,在早些年获得了更多的旅游优势。台湾也将其丰富的自然资源与文化元素相结合,创造出众多既耐人寻味又多元可持续的旅游产品。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Globalization was initiated when physical distance became less and less relevant for different areas of the world. Therefore, it is difficult to track the exact origin of globalization on this planet. However, the effects of globalization are indeed traceable. Globalization has created significant changes in almost all parts of the world, in both positive and negative ways. In this essay, the influences of globalization on Taiwan will be discussed. There have been three ways that globalization has affected Taiwan positively.

Globalization brought new economic opportunities to Taiwan since the 1960s. With a relatively small market size, import substitution industries were close to saturation. This diminished the potential of the Taiwan economy to maintain a momentum of high growth. With globalization, an international redistribution of industrial sectors occurred. Having seized such an opportunity, Taiwan took advantage of the low local wages to develop its exporting industries, which effectively led to high economic growths. Globalization and the international trend of free trade enabled Taiwan to obtain means of production from Japan more easily. Market-wise, the United States became the major marketplace for products made or assembled in Taiwan. Globalization, free trade and improved international transportation became the major reasons for Taiwan’s economic development from the 60s to the 80s.

The development of tourism in Taiwan has also been positively influenced by Globalization. Due to globalization, an increasing awareness of cultural diversity has been created by people all over the world. As one of the oldest civilizations in the world, the Chinese culture has thus become increasingly appealing for tourists around the world, especially from western countries. Compared to mainland China, Taiwan has gained more tourism advantage in earlier years, due to the higher degree of economic development and better infrastructure. Taiwan has also integrated its rich natural resources with the cultural elements, creating numerous tourism products that are not only intriguing, but also diverse and sustainable.

Globalization has also brought positive influences on Taiwan’s civil rights development. Among the many civil rights issues, equal rights for the LGBT population is distinguished in Taiwan. In recent years, Taiwan has become one of the only few East Asian regions that are friendly to the LGBT population. Every October, a parade for LGBT rights is organized in Taipei, attracting tens of thousands of advocates from many Asian countries. Taiwan may even become the first region in Asia that will legalize same-sex marriage. As a culture that is deeply rooted in traditional Confucianism, the force of cultural globalization and influence of alien cultures are the main reasons for the success of civil rights movements in Taiwan.

In conclusion, exporting industry, tourism and civil rights are the three aspects of Taiwan that are positively influenced by globalization. With increased connectedness and free trade, globalization redistributed lines of production, to maximize profit and efficiency, and the Taiwan economy was greatly benefited in this trend. Globalization also increased cultural awareness between Taiwan and other parts of the world in a mutual way, motivating its development of tourism and civil rights.


Essay代写:The life of a serf in England

2019-03-06 16:27:34 | 日記
​下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The life of a serf in England,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国农奴的生活。对于西方中世纪的农奴问题,人们一直争议不断,有人认为农奴生活贫困潦倒,受封建领主的剥削,在法律上无任何权利可言,生活极其悲惨;但也有人认为西方农奴的生活没有想象中那么贫困,实际收入情况也较好,因为在他们看来,英国的封建制度较为完善,是西欧封建制度的典型,11―13世纪的西欧封建社会处于鼎盛时期,农奴制已成形,但同时期英国的农奴相较于其他西欧各国农奴的地位和状况却有所不同,英国农奴也是最先摆脱了农奴身份走出中世纪的社会阶层。

As for the issue of serfs in the middle ages in the west, there has been a constant controversy in the academic circle. Some scholars believe that serfs lived in poverty and were exploited by feudal lords. But another part of the scholars think that western serfs life not as poverty, real income is also good, because in western scholars point of view, the feudal system in England is relatively perfect, is a representative of the western European feudal system, 11-13th-century Western Europe feudal society at the peak, serf system has formed, but at the same time the British serf compared with other western European countries to serf status and the situation is different, the serfs is also the first out of serfdom of social class out of the middle ages.

Change after the Norman conquest, English of administrative areas, the traditional village was abolished and replaced by large and small farms, each estate has its own lords and members of the village land is seized, in order to survive, they will even family in Lord, obtain certain land, become a serf, members of the village is no longer a freemen, became a half freemen and slaves. William I remeasured the whole country's land, and classified some landless slaves and thatchers as serfs. Together with the dependent farmers, they were collectively called "weilan". At this point, the villand system began to be established in Britain. The promulgation of the forestry law in the 12th century and the legislative reform of Henry ii put villand outside the legal protection of the state, and the villand system was determined nationwide in Britain.

Serfs daily work and in the estate to perform its obligations, is basically consistent, the serfs farming lords of the land, for Lord servitude, in terms of farming, except to go to church on Sunday, generally there are 2-3 days a week "Zhou Gong", in 1236 by the ordinance of merton, for those who hold 30 acres of land whelan required to perform the obligations: he worked three days in the lords land, from michaelmas to August 1, but allowed him at Christmas, Easter, and holy spirit coming weeks holiday. He had to farm four acres with his cattle for his Lord. He had to till and fertilize, weed and mow the Lord's lawn, and he worked for 24 days. In some parts of England the situation was even worse. In walden and Walpole, in the east of England, farmers worked six days a week all year. Most of the food the serfs needed was produced in their own land, which was so frequently worked for the Lord and so poorly managed that the serfs' own harvest in a year was often very small, barely enough for the whole family to get by. Sometimes most of the lords would make the serfs pay an additional payment in lieu of serf labor, squeezing the serfs out of the economy. In medieval England, most serfs were reluctant to give up their own affairs and went to work for the Lord, who was careless and unserious in the service. In order to protect their own interests, the Lord would buy some rich food and wine for the reward after serfs' work. The physical rent of a farm in Sussex recorded serfs helping out with meals: for two days the Lord of his plough helped out with fish, meat and beer. The abbot of the barthes even allowed the helping serfs to take a group of associates to the monastery for dinner. There were other advantages, such as taking a sheep from the Lord to improve the family's food, taking a bundle of grass or some wood to repair the house, and perhaps even getting a commission. In some areas, the serfs refused to exempt the "helping day". But no matter how generous the Lord was, the farmers' own interests were not fully protected.

The serfs farming without the Chinese farmer's sunrise over whether he is busy, they will often seeds into fields of can, with little or no use of chemical fertilizer, so although per capita of many, but the harvest is very poor, serfs is the busiest time of year is the autumn harvest, serfs during this period not only in his charge to harvest, but also help Lord the autumn harvest, grain in the granary, such as sealing saite manor in Britain, most of the time lords require physical labor is only half a day, must be a day when to harvest. Some serfs to himself to harvest, looking for all sorts of reason to refuse to the lords to servitude, or even voluntary pay request lords exemptions, but most of the cases, the lords forced through various ways serfs to servitude, even consented to the request of serfs, will delay the work time, another day make up, or demanding a ransom, such as do not obey, severely punished by manor court.

The end of the harvest season did not mean that serfs would have time to rest. Serfs were often obliged to transport the harvested grain to their lords' houses or markets. Holds a big portion of the serfs have to lend the horses and chariots, and those who hold a small portion of the serfs were only fell back pack, we can see from some of the data of serfs in transportation journey all have clear rules, for example, somewhere in Britain Ramsey manor, serfs must perform a distance of 20 in the distance, and to deliver the goods to a fixed location. The goods were not fixed, and the serfs had to transport whatever the Lord needed for his livelihood. This heavy transport obligation often left the serfs themselves no time to store food for the winter.

The serfs were burdened with heavy labor and had to pay rent in kind or money for the Lord. On the surface, serfs' life was miserable. But what was the reality?

At first we know about the income and property condition, serfs Bennett to a serf with 1, gerth of land income made of analysis: farming 20 acres of land every year, 10 acres of land fallow, the mixture of wheat, barley, oats yield per acre, 11.4 bushels total crop after deduction of taxes of 153 bushels, and these income is barely enough for a family of rations, if catch up with them, the harvest, the serfs will struggle of life. Brooker examined the possession of property in the village of wylam, Oxford, England, in the 13th century. He believes that each villan family in the village owns 12 acres of land, a house, a cow, a pig, a horse and some poultry. The whelan's standard of living in poverty than we can think of, in addition to the Lord and labor, life is rich, do not need to borrow, sometimes working please helpers come to help. And this kind of vilain's standard of living only in middle rdi, here, our point of view may be fuzzy, since serfs income barely enough to support the family, why there are more rich property? Medieval Britain serfs land is fixed, does not need to like a fear of losing their own copies of Chinese farmers, as long as in normal years, serfs income is relatively fixed, while the serfs of the oppressed degree is higher, but the serf as lords "private property", serfs if life doesn't go down or die, means that the lords damage the interests of the individual, so although the Lord as squeezing serf, but as far as possible, normal life of the serfs, throughout the medieval England didn't appear large-scale peasant uprising, even if is the famous warren Taylor uprising in 1381, is to call for the abolition of serfdom, just for freedom, There are no requirements in economic life. Therefore, we can see that the living standards of serfs in medieval England were not as poor as we thought in the past. The living environment of English serfs was also primitive and primitive. The Renaissance giant Chaucer had an accurate description of the living environment of medieval widows. We entered the house, dark because only two small openings in the skylight let in some light. In winter, water seeps everywhere in the house. After years of not doing it, it is always wet, especially under the bed. The floor was potholed, the stools were unstable, and soil was often taken from the garden to fill the holes. In the middle ages, most houses were built by boulders, and the main girders were made of bent wood. Hay, mud and stone were the main building materials. The manufacturing process was relatively simple. Kitchen and bedroom, poultry indoors in and out, sometimes even at night and people live together in the bedroom, the room furniture is decorated simply, a table and a few stools, a closet for clothes, this is the serfs all the belongings in the house, house without chimneys, cooking smoke out the window, the house is smoky, serfs or even be fumigated blind. The houses were repaired every year, or they would collapse in winter, so after the autumn harvest the serfs took time out to repair them to get through the hard winter.

The issue of serf's marriage was also a hot topic of many scholars. Serf's marriage was closely related to his personal attachment to the Lord. Medieval manor is a closed system, serfs saw life was his estate internal extending outward within in a few places, so the serfs mostly within the estate looking for a mate, and need to get the approval of the Lord, and pay a certain amount of "tax" marriage, but if the internal manor serfs to marry people outside of the manor, trouble arises, such a marriage means that damage to one of the lords of the interests, because the serfs leave means the loss of his private property, thereby lords often require serfs to compensate for his loss or volunteer to give up at this time of his land. It can be said that serf marriage was strictly controlled by the Lord, who regarded serf marriage as a business and hoped to maximize his own interests. Sometimes, the Lord would intervene in serf marriage to find a spouse for serfs. Therefore, according to modern marriage standards, we can conclude that serfs' marriage status was not good for the most part.

Entertainment activities occupied an important position in the daily life of serfs in medieval England. The country entertainment life was rich and colorful. Bennett called England in this era "happy England". In the middle ages, the entertainment activities of serfs were mainly divided into two kinds: secular entertainment and religious entertainment.

Secular entertainment: mainly related to agricultural production, the sowing and harvesting of grain, the harvesting of pasture, the picking of apples and the pruning of wool are all opportunities for farmers to have fun. For example, in a popular game custom at that time, when serfs celebrated after the harvest of pasture, the Lord would reward them by putting a ram or sheep in the field. If serfs could catch it before the end of the celebration, the sheep would become a dish at the banquet. In the grain harvest season, farmers will also hold a variety of recreational activities to carnival. "They danced to the sound of drums, and a young woman dressed in white, riding on a donkey, marched around the harvested grain to celebrate.

Country pubs and hotels in the country cannot ignore the influence of recreational activities, serfs at ordinary times after a day's hard work, gather in the pub to kill time, drink, chat, play games, singing is their favorite pastime, but at the same time these places a mixed rural mermaid, typical of moral, filled with alcohol, pornography and violence. Medieval moralists called it "the house of the devil" and described it as a romp in a tavern, with cheers being passed around until late in the evening. However, as a carrier of entertainment, it conveyed the strong demand of serfs' spiritual life and played an important role in their leisure and entertainment.

Religious entertainment: as the name suggests, serfs' entertainment activities were related to medieval Christianity. According to statistics, in the year before the religious reform, all kinds of religious festivals added up to more than 100 days. Festivals were rest and entertainment, which meant that serfs spent nearly one-third of their time on holidays.

Here take Christmas as an example. Christmas is a grand festival in western Christian countries. Serfs could have 14 or 15 days off from work. The village church was lively and stately, decorated with evergreen branches and lighted candles, and the faithful attended religious meetings and preached. At this time, the Lord also gave generously to entertain his tenants, villagers and even some serfs. At glastonbury hall, for example, there was enough bread, gravy, beer and two kinds of meat for the party. The serfs of east pennad had four feasts during the Christmas season, each of which was given a fine piece of white bread and good meat, and after that they sat down in the hall of the manor and drank heavily. In the middle ages, the rich and varied entertainment activities in the English countryside added some fun to the extremely boring life of serfs and also injected vitality into the development of rural society. History develops in the process of inheritance and change. "every progress in culture is a step towards freedom".

In medieval serfs as a whole has his two sides, on the one hand, by the exploitation of feudal production relations, on the one hand, bound by religious beliefs, from the point of their actual living conditions, while living in poverty, but it has a strong development space, serf can through their own hard work, indirectly change their living conditions, for after the great transformation of society.

