


2019-03-22 16:05:49 | 日記












Paper代写:American multicultural music education

2019-03-22 16:04:30 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- American multicultural music education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国多元文化的音乐教育。美国是一个拥有二百七十多个民族的移民国家,种族歧视,移民问题,公民权运动等的影响触动了整个教育的发展,进而影响到多元文化音乐教育的进程。从美国的多元文化音乐教育发展进程中可以看出,从开始的同化融合到今天的多元文化音乐教育,教育领域几乎数十年就出一次深刻的思想变革,这种变革是在目前音乐教育理念的基础上,进行不断的总结和反思,从而形成了新的更适应社会发展的音乐教育理念。

Music is not only imbued with the cultural personality of the nation, but also a reaction to the cultural life of the nation. The inheritance of music culture of a country and a nation cannot be separated from music education. Music education in different times, countries and nations has formed many patterns and characteristics due to the time features and regional differences of music culture. In these different music culture, each has its own characteristics and equal value, and multicultural music education connotation of equality is advocated all national music, and all kinds of music culture coexist, so the multicultural music education into today's international music education development general trend, the development of multicultural music education, will inevitably make the different music culture, race, a show.

America is a country with more than two hundred and seventy ethnic immigrants, the immigrants create and prosperity in the United States, and in the United States brought the innovation and continuous development of science and technology at the same time, they also pressing for higher social status and power in search of equality, racial discrimination, immigration, the influence of the civil rights movement touches the development of the whole education, which affect the multicultural music education in the process. Under this social background, the view of multi-culture follows the trend and develops timely. And China in the han nationality as the main body of the multi-ethnic country of 56 ethnic groups, unlike the us, China is not brought to national internal contradictions, but China's music education exists and the eurocentric approach with the center of the ethnic problems, since the beginning of the 20th century, to haunt the eurocentric China's music education, in the school music course, the characteristics of minority music curriculum is quite lack, with the national multicultural music education has not been very good development.

Throughout the United States in the multicultural music education in the process of development, you can see that from the beginning of assimilation into today's multicultural music education, the education sector decades is almost out of a deep ideological change, this change is in the current music education idea, on the basis of constant summary and reflection, thus formed a new, more adapt to the social development of music education philosophy. The end of the 19th century early 20th century, American music education also has the experience, the eurocentric education idea and the curriculum is based on western music as the main body of the system, but after the change of The Times and reflect on, the United States realized its own population diversity and the characteristics of cultural diversity, it is because has such rich and colorful, make students in the learning process, can put the national culture in various factors compared with other factors of foreign culture, so as to make the students feel diverse cultural heritage is the human common spiritual wealth. In Chinese modern history of music education, music of kua culture education exploration is not very successful, the opium war, the westernization movement representative put forward the "traditional Chinese values aided with modern western management school for the body," argues that to promote the development of Chinese culture in the form of assimilation, later again the idea of "wholesale westernization", so blindly copying, is actually to the denial of traditional culture, from the traditional to the modern cultural education has not been really implemented.

In today's China, many scholars have realized that "multicultural music education" is an inevitable trend of The Times, but we often put it in the position of attachment or supplement, just a routine procedure or step, and it is not the practice standard that we should really implement. For example, in our curriculum setting, we can see that the absolute proportion is based on the western music system, such as music theory audition and ear training, four-part harmony writing, orchestration, and form analysis, etc., while ethnic music or world ethnic music curriculum setting is very few. In today's more global integration of the world, at the same time of feeling the pressure from global competitiveness, classroom teaching and curriculum have tended to cater to the market demand of commercial development, practicability and value of market business has become a measure of music education is the standard of success, the students' utilitarian heart also more and more strong, music education is the purpose of the real? Is it just to complete the training and equip the students with the ability to survive, or is it to educate for the increasingly commercialized music? If so, what would be the point of a multicultural music education? A teacher should be the most important factor in the implementation of the whole educational process. The level of teaching quality he has and the teaching results he produces will affect the inheritance and development of the whole national culture. Our country's at present most of the music teachers in colleges and universities lack is the ability, a professor at the world music culture, their music in professional college or in art colleges, accept is the traditional teaching model of "western-centric", there is no denying the fact that today's music teachers and music education itself is suffering from the dual crisis of the epistemology and methodology.

Finally, music teachers are the key to implementing multicultural music education. Although the multicultural music education in the United States has a history of nearly one hundred years and is at the forefront of the multicultural music education in the world, it also has an insufficient aspect. For example, the introduction of music in the world is very limited in the curriculum setting. Many ethnic minorities and the music culture in underdeveloped areas are not included in the curriculum. Although some teachers have some multicultural awareness, they are limited by traditional concepts and do not have a thorough understanding and understanding of different cultures. Therefore, they cannot undertake the task of multicultural music education. Therefore, teachers are the most important resource for the implementation of multicultural music education, which cannot be realized without qualified teachers. In the process of the development of multicultural music education, the United States has always attached great importance to the cultivation and training of music teachers. Multicultural music education cannot be carried out in a country without independent music teachers. In view of the current music education in China, teachers with multicultural teaching ability need to be cultivated. , music courses about world nationalities are added to the undergraduate and graduate professional courses of musicology in institutions of higher learning. In history class, can be installed an introduction to the national music, national music appreciation in the world, the world's ethnic music courses, also can be set up according to the regional or national "Asian music", "Latin American music", "African music", "Japan's music", "American music", "the Russian music" course. In terms of basic music, representative melodies from music of all nationalities in the world can be selected and compiled into the teaching materials for solfeggio and ear training, and representative scales of music of all nationalities in the world can be introduced in music theory and solfeggio and ear training classes, which has positive significance for cultivating students' multi-stress sense. In terms of vocal music, instrumental music, choral conductor and other performance courses, we can compile representative folk songs, music, songs and dances of various ethnic groups in the world into teaching materials. In the art practice class, students rehearse and perform music dance programs of all ethnic groups in the world, so that they can experience the connotation of music culture of all ethnic groups more profoundly. In the educational practice, students are allowed to teach the music of the world ethnic group in the music class of middle school, and interns can more firmly grasp the music knowledge of the world ethnic group in the teaching practice. Qualified schools can choose to send teachers abroad for further study, or invite foreign experts to give lectures in China, in order to "go out, please come in" approach to training multicultural music education teachers.

Only by respecting the unique nature of differences among places, regions and countries can we enrich life in the 21st century with a truly global understanding of music culture. To understand a music, we must first understand a culture, understand its background and cultural roots, so as to make a better and objective evaluation. In this way, we can change the backward phenomenon of international music education, attach importance to and strengthen the international communication, so that students can acquire more rational knowledge and humanistic knowledge while learning music, and lay a foundation for the development of music education in China.


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七种essay title形式分析

2019-03-22 16:02:54 | 日記
有的同学在写作essay的时候,会非常纠结标题,不知道该选择哪些形式的标题。其实常见的essay title形式就是那七种,同学们从中选择一种合适的就行了。下面就给大家讲解一下这七种essay title形式,同学们快来看看!

1. Whenever possible, use a declarative rather than a neutral title 把题目改为说明性的陈述性的句子


neutral title是什么样呢?如下:

Influence of aspirin on human megakaryocyte prostaglandin synthesis


而declarative title是:

Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis as a mechanism of action of aspirin-like drugs



Birds on the rise

Improved survival in homozygous sickle cell disease: Lessons from a cohort study


Leaf damage decreases pollen production and hinders pollen performance in Cucurbita texana


Leaf damage decreased … and hindered …


Anatomy of the vessel network within and between the tree rings of Fraxinus lanuginosa (Oleaceae)

2. Titles ending with a question mark 标题结尾慎用问号


Does gut function limit hummingbird food intake?


Limitation in hummingbird food intake by gut function


How long is a giant sperm?(Pitnick et al., Nature,1995)


3. Begin with the keywords 把关键词往前放


Te effect of calcium antagonist felodipine on blood pressure, heart rate, working capacity, plasma renin activity, plasma angiotensin II, urinary catecholamines and aldosterone in patients with essential hypertension



Essential hypertension: Te effect of . . .


4. Use verbs instead of abstract nouns 以动词代替抽象名词


Treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome


How to treat . . .

5. Avoid abbreviations in the title 标题中避免适用缩写


OCs o-t-c?


“Oral contraceptives over-the-counter?”


“should pharmacies be allowed to sell oral contraceptives without a doctor’s prescription?”



Contaminated material caused Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD) in some undersized children who were treated with growth hormone (GH)


6. A title for your thesis 使用博(硕)士论文的题目


Antenatal diagnosis and treatment of fetal skeletal


with emphasis on in utero surgery for neural tube defects and limb bud regeneration


7. Running title 也叫栏外标题或者页头标题


如下面的例子(López-Jaramillo et al., Obstetrics &Gynecologcy,1997)

Title:Calcium supplementation and the risk of preeclampsia in Ecuadorian pregnant teenagers

Running titile:Calcium supplementation reduces preeclampsia


另外,preeclampsia是一种状态,并不能被减少,所以,仍然应该加上risk of。

最后,这个running title 可以改为

Calcium reduced the risk of preeclampsia

以上就是关于essay title的选择技巧和注意事项,同学们千万不要忽略标题的重要性,这是写作的大忌。


Paper代写:The light element in photographic art modeling

2019-03-22 16:01:41 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The light element in photographic art modeling讨论了摄影艺术造型中的光元素。摄影艺术,其实也是光学运用的技术,光对摄影造型的表现起着非常重要的作用。摄影师进行在拍摄过程中要有造型的前卫意识,努力调动光的的一切手段让其能够顺畅的配合所拍对象的造型,并能够以光为媒介,不断的渲染背景气氛,烘托情感,以便达到拍摄作品情感最饱满的状态。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

It has been said that photography is the art of combining light, which is very important for the plastic art of photography. Photographers should pay attention to the various shapes of advertising when creating photography. Different objects have different light requirements when shooting. Light is very complex and unpredictable in nature. Different character, object, scene falls in the action of different light, the visual effect that presents is different also.

When shooting art, photographers must pay attention to whether the objects they shoot are consistent with the theme of photography. After deciding this, can use the light and shade of the light flexibly to wait for expression gimmick. In this process, the photographer must pay attention to the creation of the surrounding background atmosphere, and strive to integrate the background atmosphere with the subject. The main attention should be paid to the following aspects: First, the debugging of lighting equipment. Secondly, the overall expression of the external image and the internal whole should ensure a high degree of consistency, and pay attention to the contour of the object. Third, the expression of the main shooting works. These three aspects are mutually dependent and progressive. If the above steps can be integrated as a whole, the photographer will be able to shoot a good picture. In addition, when creating, photographers must pay attention to the fact that the works they shoot are not only to let people see the objects, but more importantly to let people feel the messages and artistic emotions conveyed in the works. People can be deeply affected and touched by the content expressed when appreciating the photographic pictures. Because a good photographic work is not only a so-called objective existence, but also a work of art that can be carefully considered in the plot. This is a successful work, people have emotional resonance.

Photography art is also a technique of optics, and light plays a very important role in the expression of photographic modeling. In the process of shooting, the photographer should have the avant-garde consciousness of modeling, and try to mobilize all means of light to make it smoothly match the modeling of the object to be shot, and constantly render the background atmosphere and foil the emotion with light as the medium, so as to achieve the most emotional state of the shooting work.

Photographers should correctly understand the light, learn to distinguish different objects in different light can show what kind of state, this is a very critical approach to photography modeling. The photographer is trying to develop a 'sense of light' that will help his work perform better. Nelson, a British photographer, believes that a qualified photographer should carefully observe the different feelings of light all year round and understand the different states of light on sunny and cloudy days. In addition, he also developed a feasible method to observe and study light, that is, to choose a fixed still life and take photos on it in a sunny day at an interval of two hours, and then constantly adjust the shooting position to observe different states of still life in different scenes and different light. So how do you observe the difference between light and still life? Such as on the day's afternoon pick between has the characteristics of the photos, and then observe the silhouette of the sunshine on the still life, measured the exposure value, then according to the numerical aperture of zoom to an object, the effects of shooting photos developed ceaselessly, comparing the results, and its practice in the future.

A photographer's work on a clear day that is consistent with natural light projection is called direct light. Light coming straight from the front of the subject is called frontal light. The photos taken under this kind of light are bright and beautiful in color, and the light is even without blurring the shadows. The layering of the effect requires the photographer to complete the layout and deployment of the form, as well as post-production. In general, photographers can deepen the subject gradually through a series of layers and color layouts, so as to form a strong sense of hierarchy and better highlight the subject and demonstrate the sense of the subject. On the other hand, smooth shooting also has certain shortcomings, such as light is too dull, the contrast is not strong enough, the object lines will be difficult to show.

The use of metering in sunny conditions is also a very basic and common method in photography. Metering is when light strikes an object at a 90-degree Angle. The contrast between light and shade is very clear and strong. Strong sense of hierarchy, obvious lines in the space, so that the shooting works more three-dimensional. Belongs to a more ideal light source. But there are some problems, the photographer in the process of shooting must pay attention to the light and dark side of the picture ratio.

Backlight is also widely used in sunny conditions. As the name suggests, a backlight is a light that is in the opposite direction to the object being photographed. This method of using light has certain difficulty, because if the photographer USES the backlight shooting method in a relatively dark environment, the whole picture will be gloomy and lose the texture of the picture. However, if the backlight shooting can be used reasonably, it will make the work more artistic. If portrait shooting features more three-dimensional, full, hair will be more bright, more dazzling. If it is pruned and processed in a certain period, there will be artistic works such as portrait silhouette, which can further strengthen the theme of portrait shooting and arouse people's appreciation desire and strong spiritual resonance. This is also an important reason why backlighting is widely used in portrait shooting.

Photography art modeling has a strong personal color, the photographer's personal preferences and personality characteristics of the works they shoot play a decisive role. For instance a few photographers that have make public characteristic nature like exaggerated and richly photograph, and the person of disposition inside collect is more apt to simple and natural shooting gimmick. And different photographers have different ideas about the use of light. On the other hand, photographic art also pays more attention to scientific, academic and technical. In the process of indoor shooting, it is a discipline that carries out a series of analysis and integration of the internal space and external environment of the building, and it is the most important part of the interior design. For example, some indoor light is not enough, the photographer will consider to add some artificial light points, in order to better shooting. And the intensity of point-blank light, light and shade direction does not have a range division to be able to appear the work modelling that pat gives is curt, colour is distorted wait for a problem. A reasonable and scientific shooting work can endow interior space with sufficient vitality and bring beautiful enjoyment to viewers. Will make indoor display space becomes drab, formalistic, lack vigor. People often feel depressed and monotonous when they observe such works of art. Not to mention appreciation and emotional empathy. It can be seen that light plays an important role in photography modeling under indoor conditions.


Essay代写:Food industry regulation in the UK

2019-03-22 16:00:46 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Food industry regulation in the UK,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国的食品行业监管。英国在食品安全监管方面,一个重要特征是严格执行食品追溯和召回制度。食品追溯是为了实现对食品从农田到餐桌整个过程的有效控制、保证食品质量安全而实施的全程监控制度。在监督检查的方法上,执法监督机构根据食品安全评估体系对企业实行诚信评级。

There are more than 7,000 businesses in the UK food and drink industry, including about 2,300 small businesses. The annual turnover of the industry is about 180 billion pounds, accounting for 19% of the British manufacturing industry, and the number of employees is 464,000. It is the second largest industry in the UK.

Laws and regulations cover the entire food industry chain. Since 1984, the UK has successively enacted the food law, food safety law, food standards law, food hygiene law and animal epidemic prevention law. At the same time, many department regulations have been issued, such as "dessert regulations", "food labeling regulations", "meat products regulations", "feed hygiene regulations" and "food additives regulations" and so on. In the case of hard liquor alone, there are 48 regulations in the UK. These laws and regulations cover all links from farmland to table, covering all food categories and involving the whole food industry chain, forming a complete legal system of food safety management.

An important feature of food safety regulation in the UK is the strict implementation of food traceability and recall system. Food traceability is a whole-process monitoring system implemented to effectively control the whole process of food from farmland to table and ensure food quality and safety. Through innovative projects, the department for environment, food and rural affairs has developed product geographic information system, identification technology for food of origin and strict labelling system, and established a unified database to record in detail the movement track of the monitored objects. If relevant departments find food problems, they can quickly check the source of food through the database. In the event of a major food safety accident, the regulatory authorities may immediately investigate and determine the scope of possible impact of the accident and the degree of health hazards, notify the public and withdraw the food in circulation in an urgent manner. The information was also sent to the ministry of health for national planning and control to maximize consumer protection. The British "problem food" recall system has two characteristics: one is that enterprises can "retrieve" the products after finding the "problem products". The second is that the company's products are required to be "recalled" after consumers complain about them or quality and safety problems are found in the safety inspection, and the scope of the recall is decided by the company. The implementation of recall system increases the illegal cost of enterprises. Some enterprises close down or go bankrupt because of the high cost of recall of "defective products", which objectively plays a role in raising the access threshold. Since 2000, the United Kingdom has established the agricultural product information traceable system, and the country has established a unified database, including identification system and code system, to record the track of the monitored object in the production chain in detail. The system can track and inspect products in every link from production to sales, and has the traceability function.

Complete credit system. Once food safety and other illegal ACTS occur in British food companies and legal persons, their information will immediately enter the credit system. The impact and loss caused by bad credit are far greater than administrative punishment and economic punishment. Under British law, individuals with questionable credit will no longer be allowed to work in food manufacturing, with huge implications for other jobs.

The supervision of food quality and safety in the UK mainly includes three levels, namely enterprise supervision, social supervision and law enforcement supervision. Law enforcement supervision includes the supervision of member states by the European food safety authority, the supervision of central agencies such as the UK food standards agency, the supervision of local government environmental health trade standards commissioners and the daily supervision and inspection of local food safety inspectors. In terms of supervision and inspection methods, law enforcement and supervision institutions shall implement credit rating for enterprises according to the food safety assessment system. For high-risk enterprises with the lowest grade, food safety inspection officials shall inspect the enterprises every 6 months and low-risk enterprises with the highest grade shall inspect every 2 years.

Retroactive, recall and credit systems have greatly increased the cost of breaking the law, and Britain's criminal justice system, which severely punishes those who break the law, has deterred criminals. Whoever dares to take the law into his own hands will be ruined and the illegal and criminal ACTS will be deterred to the maximum extent. Farmers or traders who knowingly or unintentionally conceal the authenticity of the food they sell can be jailed for up to three years if found or complained about. A British businessman has been sentenced to three years in prison after food safety inspectors found him guilty of fraud and consumer complaints for mixing eggs from a farm with products labeled as free-range eggs.

Set standards. The member unit of food trade association is food production, processing, sale enterprise. Therefore, the food production and processing technology, operation technology, technical specifications, technical parameters, management methods and other more professional and detailed, developed standards more in line with the real situation of food enterprises, more operational. In 1998, the Global Food Standard established by the British retail consortium required every retailer to supervise Food suppliers, prompting Food manufacturers to invest more in Food safety management, or the products would be removed from shelves. Industry associations promote and distributors supervise, which fully reflects the important role of market means in food quality and safety supervision.

The industry association has a series of information in the industry and even hidden rules, so it has a certain predictability and timeliness to the occurrence of problems and improves the self-discipline of the industry. For example, diageo and other liquor companies should mark "limited drinking" on the labels of alcoholic products as required by the association and dealers, which fully reflects the corporate social responsibility and sense of self-discipline.

The British industry association also regularizes the training for its member units, and undertakes the comprehensive training, guidance and consultation of laws and regulations, technological innovation, new product research and development, enterprise rights protection, process technology, management system, operation rules, brand building and staff quality.

The UK gave full play to the role of trade associations, helped more than 4,000 supermarkets to establish traceability information systems, strengthened the quality and safety management of agricultural products, and stipulated that the products of producers who did not join the associations were not allowed to enter these more than 4,000 supermarkets. Any agricultural products that consumers buy in the market, such as vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy products, etc. Once a problem is found and a complaint is made, supervisors can quickly find the source of these agricultural products through computer records. For example, a mobile app can show the breeding base, processing workshop, production process, logistics time and restaurant production by pointing the mobile phone camera at the qr code on the food package of McDonald's in the UK. Basic information such as nutrition label, place of origin, time and factory can be inquired.

