

怪人二十面相 38

2022-11-25 23:51:21 | 日記


Kobayashi storoked Pippo's head, then pigeon asnwered by cooing as if it understood him.


 Pippo is a pet of this boy detective. He had a steady faith that everything is all right in any danger if he was with this pet.


 In addition to that, this pigeon has an important mission other than being his pet. It is very important to get communication means for a detective. For that the police has radio system on their cars but unfortunately private detective doesn't have anything like that.


It's perfect if there was a small radio that can be hidden under clothe but it's unattainable for him so Kobayashi got an idea that using a carrier pigeon.


It was very childlike idea but sometimes child's innocent idea could work very well and surprise grownups.


"I have my radio and airplane in my bag."


 Kobayashi sometimes would talk to himself triumphantly. Sure, carrier pigeon is a radio and also an airplane.


 Now, he finished his seven tools and hid the bag under his clothe. Next, he started to check the surroundings of the basement using the flash lihgt.


怪人二十面相 37

2022-11-23 22:52:51 | 怪人二十面相


After made sure Pippo was all right, Kobayashi took his bag off his shoulder and picked up the six diamonds and the pistol by the light of a pen-shaped flash light which he pull out from the bag. As he put those in the bag he made sure he didn't lose his tools carefully.


 There were all seven tools for detective. In old times an outstanding hero, Musashibo-Benkei used to have whole his war tools on his shoulder all the time and it became legend calling those items "Seven tools of Benkei." The detective seven tools of Kobayashi were not big weapons, he could hold them all in his hands. Still they were equally effective as Benkeis'.


Firstly, the pen-shaped flash light. It is the most important thing for the night investigation. Also it can be signal.


 And there is a small utility knife. It has all sorts of folded cutting tools like saw, scissors, drill and so on.


There also was a rope ladder made of strong silk which can be held in a hand. And a pen-shaped telescope, a watch, magnet, a small note and a pen, and the small pistol that's used to scare the thief off.


 Well, other than that we can't forget about Pippo. It is a pigeon in the light of the torch. A cute pigeon is sitting still in other corner of the bag.


"Pippo, it must be tight for you but hang on a little bit more. It would be a big problem if that scary guy found you."


怪人二十面相 36

2022-11-23 09:08:19 | 怪人二十面相


Seven Tools


 Kobayashi had been lying still for almost 20 minutes in the dark basement. He hit on his back so hard that he didn't feel like to move.


 Meanwhile Twenty Faces threw a bunch of scornful words from the ceiling and shut the lid firmly. There is no hope. He became a prisoner forever. If the thief didn't feed him he would be starved to death in this basement of shack no one knew.


 How can a young boy deal with this situation. Most of the boys would just whimper for the lonliness and fear.


 But Kobayashi didn't cry or lose hope. He was brave enough to believe that he didn't lose against Twenty Faces.


When the pain on his lower back subsided finally the first thing he did was to toutch his small shoulder bag covered under his withered clothe softly.


"Hey, Pippo, are you alright?"
He said this strange thing and stroke the bag, then something small moved in it.


"Oh, Pippo, you haven't gotten hurt anywhere. If you are here I'm all right."


怪人二十面相 35

2022-11-16 22:49:01 | 怪人二十面相


 My readers must know who the disguised statue is. Kobayashi won the battle against Twenty Faces beautifully. How triumphant was it for him. Even any adult couldn't do it.


 However, when he almost reached the exit an eerie laughter echoed suddenly. He saw Twenty Faces in old man's shape was laughing with his mouth wide open as if it was so hilarious for him.


 Oh, my readers, we can't feel easy yet. This is the famed thief. He could pretend to be defeated but in reality he might have a secret weapon.


"Well, what are you laughing at?"
 The boy halted in a fright, steeled himself for anything cautiously.


"Oh, my apologies. It couldn't be helped because you were talking like an adult and was so sassy."
 The thief stoped laughing at last and said.


"I mean, I know can tell who you are at last. There are not so many who can manage this kind of thing decieving me, other than Twenty Faces. Tell you the truth I thought of Akechi Kogorou first.


But Akechi Kogorou can't be this small. You are a child. There is only one who learned his work and it's his assistant boy, Kobayashi Yoshio, I think. Ha ha, I guessed right, didn't I?"


Kobayashi in disguise of Budda statue was startled by his insigt. Still, now all the plans were done, there shouldn't be no problem if the thief knew who he was.


"Who cares. You guessed right, I'm a child. It's a shame for you, Twenty Faces being defeated by a child like me. Ha ha.."


Kobayashi made a quick retort.
"Kid, you're cute. You think you have won against this Twenty Faces."


”Don't be a sour loser. The Budda statue you thought you had stole started moving, the diamonds were taken back. Still you say you haven't lost the game."


"Yes, I never lose the game."
"What will you do, then?"
"I do this!"
With his voice, Kobayashi felt like the floor board under his feet vanished suddenly.


 His body floated instantly, and next moment he saw stars as he felt an acute pain with his body hitting horribly hard to something.


 Oh, what a blunder. The floor his was standing on was the lid of a pitfall. A finger of the thief pushed the botton secretly and got off the latch, then a dark square mouth to the hell opened.


 He couldn't move because of the pain, lay flat on his stomach at the bottom of the dark space. To his ears, Twenty Faces' delightful laughter resounded.


"Ha ha ha, hey kid, it must be painful. Too bad, isn't it. Well, think carefully how strong your enemy is. Ha ha ha. You are too young to beat Twenty Faces. Ha ha ha.."



怪人二十面相 34

2022-11-15 20:59:32 | 怪人二十面相


"Let me show you the proof it's not a toy."
As soon as it said that it's hand maved lightly.


 At the same moment there was a terrible noice almost made you jump. The glass window of the other side of the room clashed. There had been a real bullet from the pistol.


 The tiny Budda statue gave one glance at the shattered glass and pointed the gun at him again, showing a creapy smirk on its black face. 


 From the gun pointing at him there was a thin blue smoke.


 Twenty Faces got scared of boldness of this small beast.


 No one knows what this kind of violent person will do next. It may shoot me to death really. If the bullet missed me another big noise may arose neighbor's suspition and it's not good anyway.


"All right. I give you the diamonds back."


 With this, giving up obviously, he went to the big desk, took the six gems from the hidden drawer and came back with them clinking on his hand.


 The diamonds were dancing in his hand and sparkling like rainbow by the light of the candle on the floor.


"There. Check them carefully."
The tiny Budda statue reached out by its left hand, recieved them and laughed with a hoarse voice like an old man.


"Ha, ha,, well done. Seems like even Twenty Faces doesn't lose his life."
"Yeah, it's regretful but I have to take my hat off."


Biting his lips vexingly, he said.
"Who are you, by the way? I never thought anyone could give me, this Twenty Faces hell. Tell me your name for my information."


"Ha ha. It's such honor praised by you. My name? Let me keep it for fun of your time in the prison. Policeman will tell you."


 The Budda statue said triumphantly, started to walk back to the exit, still pointing the gun at the villain.


 He has found the thieves' hiding place, gotten the diamonds back, now all he has to do is to get out this shack and go to the nearest police station.