

怪人二十面相 28

2022-11-10 23:08:18 | 怪人二十面相


"Is there any chance that something bad happen to Souji?"


"That's okay. If the oponent was a petty thief it might be danjerous but this is Twenty Faces. He wouldn't beak a promise. He says he's going to give Souji back in exchange for the statue. He must be back in time before any dangerous thing hapen. If not I have a plan for that. It's all right. I'm young but I don't do anything stupid."


"I don't want you to do anything danjerous while Akechi is absent."


"Ha ha, you don't know how things go with us. The detective is like policeman. It'd be just satisfactory if we fell for the investigation. But this is nothing. Not so much of danger. You just pretend you don't know anything. Even if you didn't give me your permisson I wouldn't back down. I will go with my plan."


 This boy's energy was rather too much for both of Hashiba and Kondou.
 After a long discussion they decided to go as Kobayashi planed.

怪人二十面相 27

2022-11-10 18:27:47 | 怪人二十面相


”I heard you said you were a friend of Souji. Why did you know his name?"


"Without knowing things like that you can't work as a detective. I looked up a scrapbook and found an article about your family. I heard it was a matter of life or death on the phone so I imagined Sanae or Souji was missing. It seems like I guessed right. Is this case related to Twenty Faces?"


 Kobayashi talked very smoothly.
 I see, this boy may be a great detective as a matter of fact. Soutarou was really amazed.


 He decided to call Kondou and they were telling him about what happened in detail.


 The boy listened them earnestly asking some questions from time to time. When they finished he asked to see it. After he saw the art room and came back to the guest room he fell silent and closed his eyes. He looked like he was absorbed in thought.


Then he opened his eyes wide, leaned forward and said enthusiastically.


"I got a bright idea. If the openent was a magician we got to become magicians. This is a dangerous plan. But without a danger you can't earn anything. I have done even more dangerous things before."


"Oh, that's promising. But what kind of scheme?"
"It is.."


Kobayashi suddenly came close to Soutarou and whispered something.
"What, you?"
 Soutarou was stunned by this extraordinary proposal with his eyes bulged.


"Yes, it looks difficult but we have done it before. My master have given Arsene Lupin in France a hard time with this scheme."


怪人二十面相 26

2022-11-10 17:49:59 | 怪人二十面相


"Well, then please tell him to come soon. Just I'd like to tell you that our asking you this case has to be held back from the opponent. This is a matter of life or death. So please come carefully and discreatly."


”Of course I know it."
With this conversation now the great detective Kobayashi is coming.


It was ten minutes after this call one cute boy came to the front door. When the secretary answered he introduced himself.
"I am a friend of Souji's."


"Souji is out now."
By this the boy got an knowing expression.
"I guessed so. Then I'd like to meet his father. There is a message from my father. I am Kobayashi."
He said coolly.


Hearing this from the secretary, Soujirou who knew the name Kobayashi let the boy go to the guest room.


When Soutarou went into the room around twelve or thirteen years old boy with bright cheeks like apple and big eyes.


"You are Hashiba, nice to meet you. I'm Kobayashi from the detective agency Akechi. By your call I came."
 The boy said clearly with bright eyes.


"Oh, you're an errand boy from Kobayashi. This is a little bit complecated matter. I'd like Kobayashi himself to come."


 While Soutarou saying the boy raised his hand and answered.
"Yes, I am Kobayashi Yoshio. There is no other assistant."
"Oh, you are the person."


 Soutarou was surprised. At the same time he got a funny sensation. Is this little boy a great detective, really? But from the visage and choice of words, I must say he may be reliable. Well, let me ask him a counsel.


"A great detective on the phone, did it mean yourself?"
"Yes, it is. I am left all cases during his absence."
He looked confident enough.