CHAPTER 2 文の組み立て
CHECK 1 次の各文を主部と述部に分け,①~③の語が主語・動詞・目的語・補語・修飾語のどれになるか答えなさい.
1) Many (students①) in our class (went②) (to the concert③).
①( ) ②( ) ③( )
2) Kenji (is①) a (new②) (member③) of our baseball team.
①( ) ②( ) ③( )
3) My (sister①) (studies②) (math③) at the university.
①( ) ②( ) ③( )
CHECK 2 次の各文を日本語に直し,S,V,O,C をそれぞれ 1 語で指摘しなさい.
1) Bill ate a hamburger for lunch.
2) I go to school by bus on rainy days.
3) The boy got sick during the trip.
4) Mai has four cats in her house.
CHECK 3 日本文の意味になるように,( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) ケンはジミーに日本語を教えている.
Ken (Japanese, Jimmy, teaches).
2) マキは彼らに自分の赤ちゃんの写真を見せた.
Maki (a picture, them, showed) of her baby.
3) 兄は私のためにこの映画のチケットを手に入れてくれた.
My brother (this, me, got, movie ticket).
4) メグは妹に弁当を作ってやった.
Meg (her sister, made, a bento).
CHECK 4 次の各文の( )内に to か for のどちらかを入れ,文を完成しなさい.
1) Mike cooked dinner ( ) the guests.
2) Bob lent his guitar ( ) his brother.
3) She left some pizza ( ) her son.
CHECK 5 各文の下線部が S,V,O,C のいずれかを指摘し,全文を日本語に直しなさい.
1) Ben handed me the key to his room.
2) I believe his story false*. *false「間違った,うその」
3) My mother calls me Aya.
4) He called me a taxi.
CHECK 6 各組の文を( )内の動詞に注意して日本語に直しなさい.
1) a .The news (made) me very happy.
b .Kate (made) me a nice sweater.
2) a .I (found) Takuya at that cafe.
b .George (found) me a taxi.
c .You will (find) the movie very exciting.
3) a .I (got) to Tokyo late at night.
b .The teacher (got) angry at her answer.
c .Lucy (got) an email from Andy.
d .My mother (is getting) breakfast ready.
e .My father (got) me the watch.