<英語・数学> さくら教育研究所(中学・高校受験・SKREDU)

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2020-02-11 | 日記

CHAPTER 1 文の種類
CHECK 1 次の各文を否定文にしなさい.
1) They are high school students.

2) Lisa was angry with Tom.

3) Mr. Hayashi works for a bank.

4) Ken did his homework.

CHECK 2 CHECK 1 の各文を Yes / No 疑問文にしなさい.
1) They are high school students.

2) Lisa was angry with Tom.

3) Mr. Hayashi works for a bank.

4) Ken did his homework.

CHECK 3 次の各文に付加疑問をつけ,付加疑問文にしなさい.
1) It's a beautiful day.

2) Tom can't play the guitar.

3) You know this song.

4) Junko didn't join the club.

CHECK 4 日本文の意味に合うように( )内に適語を入れなさい.
1) 君は昨日徹夜で勉強してたけど,疲れを感じないの?
You studied all night yesterday. ( ) ( ) feel tired?
― ( ), I ( ).
2) 私の声が聞こえなかったのですか.
Didn't you hear me? ― ( ), I ( ).

CHECK 5 会話が成り立つように,( ) 内に適語を入れなさい.
1) ( ) did you buy yesterday? ― I ( ) a CD.
2) ( ) will Mr. Oka go to Kyoto? ― Next week.
3) ( ) is your English teacher? ― Mr. Smith ( ).
4) ( ) cleaned the room? ― Tom ( ).

CHECK 6 日本文の意味に合うように,( )内に適語を入れなさい.
1) いい子にしていなさい,ジョニー.
( ) a good boy, Johnny.
2) あなたの夢をあきらめてはいけません.
( ) give up your dream.
3) 10時に電話してくれませんか.
Call me at ten, ( ) ( )?
4) 明日映画を見に行こうよ.
( ) go to a movie tomorrow, ( ) ( )?

CHECK 7 ( )内にHow か What を入れて,感嘆文を作りなさい.
1) ( ) a sweet voice the singer has!
2) ( ) quickly time passes!
3) ( ) beautiful pictures they are!
4) ( ) boring the movie was! *boring「退屈な」