Fumie Masaki Blog


ノルウェーの旅2 Trip to Norway2

2019-03-10 20:49:11 | ピアノ

ノルウェー滞在時、素敵な皆様と出会うことができました。ソプラノ歌手ヴォーディル・ヴィクトリア・アーネセンさん、とお母様 クリスティーさん、近所に住むオルガニストのマーチンさん、そしてプーシェンと呼ばれている猫ちゃん。みんなとっても素敵で私の訪問を温かく迎えてくださいました。本当に有難うございました。
When I stayed in Norway, I could meet some wonderful peoples, Norwegian Soprano Bodil Victoria Arnesen and her Mother, Kristina, Martin who is a organist and cat that is called puchen.
They are very wonderful and welcomed to me so warmly.
I really appreciate on them from my heart!

ノルウェーの食卓 Foods at Norwegian house

2019-03-10 20:33:58 | ピアノ

I stayed at Bodil’s house during my staying in Norway,I got very cordial hospitality from them.I ate delicious foods at gorgeous table candle lights that is just European style. They mainly eat breads, and syurimp lunch, childish dinner and vegetable soup by Norwegian materials.that was very wonderful.With my gratitude feeling, I cooked Nokujyaga that is Japanese traditional food for them.I bought some Japanese material to cook foods.
I also can’t forget delicious Norwegian coffees.
Tusen takk mye.

ノルウェーの旅1 Trip to Norway1

2019-03-09 14:53:59 | ピアノ

I traveled to West-Norway,Sokndal of near Stavanger.I rehearsaled with Bodil Victoria Arnesen who is a wonderful soprano singer in Norway.There is a area that selected geographic park that magnificent scenery consists of fjords and rocky mountains. There are so big scale and I was so satisfied with feeling fully.