Fumie Masaki Blog


全日本ジュニアクラシック音楽コンクール埼玉本選会審査 Judge at Piano Competition in Saitama Semi-Final

2023-02-26 13:38:44 | ピアノ


I judged All Japan Junior Classic Music Competition in saitama pref.on25th.Februry.
I listened to piano performnace from kids to 6grade at elemental school.
If they pass this competition,they will be able to Final stage.
They seemed to play piano with enthusiasm.I wanted to pass all participate but it can't be helpted.
I must decide go or not.
But it is most important not result but take courageous in future.

全日本ジュニアクラシック音楽コンクール東京本選会審査 Judge at Piano Competition in Tokyo Semi-Final

2023-02-20 18:27:37 | ピアノ


I judged All Japan Junior Classic Music Comptition on18th.Februry.
I listened from kids to 2grade of university.
Many particitate played piano and lively competition.They had practied lots to play this stage and nourves.But their performance was very high level and also passionate.
Of course performance needs high techniques but also musical sence if how to image and communicate with audience.
I also studied well.
It is important not also result but also satisfaction oneself and how to go next step.

グリーグの『抒情小品集』レクチャーコンサート第2回目開催 Lecture Concert Vol.2 Grieg's Lyric Pieces

2023-02-07 21:32:40 | ピアノ


I am suppoed to hold lecture concert of title Grieg's Lyric Pieces Vol.2on18th.March.Currently gather students.
I will pick the 4and 5collection and reserch these pieces deeply with interpretation of background or referance books or datas.
I will also interpretation of how to play these pieces,finally I will play piano all.
Currenltly Grieg's Lyric Pieces are played by many pianists ,also subject of piano competition or recital.
I wish piano students to make use of my lecture concert..