Fumie Masaki Blog


ロンドン・ウィーンへ・Go to London and Vienna

2009-02-28 15:37:33 | ピアノ
How wonderfully spring season in Europe!I am going to London and Vienna in March.and I am supposed to watch musical,concert by London Philharmonic Orchestra and Opera Carmen at Royal Arbert Hall in there.In Vienna I will go to Konzerthaus to listen J.S. Bach.If I have a time,I would like to consider my concert there!My plans is full up nice music.Anyway I am looking forward to staying there.

コンクールにて・At the place of competition

2009-02-20 21:02:34 | ピアノ
A Music Competition is held now.I listend to piano,vocal,wind and wood wind instruments and chamber music.I think that the important things in good performance,is not only excellent skill but also rich expression of tone and originality.And it is necessary to listen sounds of own.

バレンタインローズ・Valentein rose

2009-02-18 01:09:16 | ピアノ
On14th.Februry is St.Valentein day.Usually in western or foreign countories ,man gives rose flowers to woman to express love or affections.Japan is bit differ from another because of woman gives some chocolate to man as present. When I get such as passionate and beautiful rose flowers from man on valentein day,it is my hear to good to be woman.I wish Japan to introduce a custom of lady-first in western civilization.

エカチェリーナ・リヒテル、ピアノリサイタル・Ekaterina,Richter Piano

2009-02-17 02:25:35 | ピアノ
I listened to Piano Recital by Ekaterina Richter who is prof.Elena Richters daughter.After graduated Moscow Music Academy,she currently performs in base Germany.A program consisted of Beethoven,Chopin,Tchaikovsky and Prokofieff,particularly Prokofieff who is Russian composer, was best one.

エレーナリヒテル国際ピアノコンクール・E.Richter Piano Competition

2009-02-15 22:07:49 | ピアノ

We have invited Prof.Elena Richter from Moscow,and the second Elena Richter International Piano Competition was held in Tokyo for 1week.Prof.Richter is International pianist and also famous professor at Moscow Music Academy,and has educated superiative pianists.I took part in the competition with her and could have a precious experience.