Fumie Masaki Blog


ことのはロビーコンサート出演のお知らせ An information of performance at Kotonoha Lobby Concert

2024-03-29 20:00:47 | ピアノ

「ことのはロビーコンサート」正木文惠 ピアノコンサート
会場:言の葉ミュージアム 徳島県立文学書道館ロビー
主催:言の葉ミュージアム 徳島県立文学書道館
入場料:無料 各回170名(抽選)
申込先:言の葉ミュージアム 徳島県立文学書道館
    〒770-0807 徳島県徳島市中前川町2丁目22-1
    Tel:088-625-7485 Fax:088-625-7540

I am pleased to announce that I will be performing at the 'Kotonoha Lobby Concert'. The concert will be held in the lobby of the Tokushima Prefectural Museum of Literature and Calligraphy in my home prefecture of Tokushima. I am looking forward to playing the piano in this beautiful venue with a view of the lush green garden through the window. The event will be held at the end of March next year, so there is still much time left, but they have prepared a flyer for the event and hope that those who are interested and available will make time to attend.I will keep you posted. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Kotonoha Lobby Concert" Fumie Masaki Piano Concert
Programme: piano works by Schubert, Debussy, Prokofiev and Grieg.
Sunday, 23 March 2025 Performance time: 14:00-15:00
Venue: Kotonoha Museum Tokushima Prefectural Museum of Literature and Calligraphy Lobby
Organised by: Kotonoha Museum Tokushima Prefectural Museum of Literature and Calligraphy
Admission: Free of charge, 170 people per performance (drawn by lot).
How to apply: by postcard, fax or email with your postal code, address, name (furigana), telephone number and "Lobby concert on 0 Month 0 date “You can also apply at the reception desk on the ground floor of the museum. Group applications are limited to three people. The result of the lottery will be notified by postcard.
Application address:Kotonoha Museum Tokushima Prefectural Museum of Literature and Calligraphy
    2-22-1, Nakamaekawa-cho, Tokushima, Tokushima 770-0807
    Tel: 088-625-7485 Fax: 088-625-7540
Application period: 31 Jan - 2 Mar 2025

The 13th.Jyula Kiss International Piano Competition Final round

2024-03-25 20:45:42 | ピアノ

18th.and 19th.in March,the 13th.Jyula Kiss International Piano Competition Final round was held in Tokyo. Participants ,who could pass in semi-fainal, came from here and there in Japan,,and could play at final stage and their performance were very high level.They played piano enthusiastically.
Unfortunately Jyula Kiss who is chairman of juries could not attend the competition because health problem with doctors inspection.

But I and another juries carefully listened and judged. Finally professor Jyula Kiss is supposed to judge by DVD ,and will make a decition of prizes

I wish this competiton will be continued and also to meet prof.Jyula Kiss next year.

Thank you for playing splendidly,I also could study well.
I was inspired myself by their performance,and wish to improve my performance.