Fumie Masaki Blog


Thank you for support,Happy Birthday to me.

2024-07-16 21:01:06 | ピアノ

Today is my birhday.I appreciate that I could spend healthy life own to you and my family.Thank you very much for supporting me.
I wish to make a goal of my life with careing of myself.
Best regards to you.

音楽の友に掲載されました Information of publicaton of Ongaku no Tomo

2024-07-15 16:59:57 | ピアノ

Music Magazine Ongaku no Tomo July2024 showed an article of a concert on23th.May by the Grieg Society of Japan.
I took an interview by reporter after the concert.I told on our society to her.
I am glad to publish our activity in the magazine.


2024-07-08 20:42:08 | ピアノ
On14th.September ( Saturday),I will hold my lecture concert on Grieg's Lyric Pieces Series 8th and 9th.Collection at Toho Music Academy.
This series consists of Grieg's Lyric Pieces,I have executed it since in 2022.
This lecture concert,I pick up th8th. and the 9th.collections from 10collections of Lyric Piano Pieces.Lyric Piano Pieces are very precious with elaborated expressions in Grieg's musical trait, and are very popular in the world.Many piano students,professional level and amature level widely play these pieces.
Futuremore interpreting a trace of Grieg's music,The Lyric Piano Pieces are very significant.Grieg composed it from middle of 20age to over 60age that was of his life.So to speak music dairy of life.Grieg told to his friend that Lyric Piano Pieces looks like small jewel box,have rich of harmony, poetic expression and his occcational joys and sorrows.
10collections consists of 66pieces.
I have traced until 7collections, I could understand the transition of Grieg's music style, including variable circumstance and his thought with meeting peoples who influence him.
I am gradually more interesting to study deeply..

As for 8th.and 9th collections,Grieg composed them in middle of 50age, that time was his health got worse, he had serious problem of lung innate. He suffered anamia,difficluty breathing and nervous breakdown.He occasionally stayed sanatoriums in Denmark or Norway,and consciously noticed hisend of life.
So these collections are entirely quite and moderate, not aggressive.

I am looking forward to interpretate this music in public.

I will play all pieces of 8 and 9collections besides several pieces of until 7collections..

Please refer to the advertisement and come to my lecture concert on14th.September.

If you are interested in it,please contact with Toho Music Academy 03-3946-9667.

豊洲文化センターホールコンサート Concert at Toyosu Culture Center Hall

2024-07-08 20:26:39 | ピアノ

On23th.May,I played at the concert titled Homage to Grieg No.2 by member at the Grieg Society of Japan at Toyosu Culture Center Hall.

Homage to Grieg,Troldsalen i Tokyo,translated Troldsalen in Tokyo.
Troldsalen is located a ground of Grieg's house in Bergen,Norway.The hall has window backside on hall,we can see Grieg's composten and beautiful view from the window.
Toyosu Culture Center Hall,we can also see nive Tokyo bay's view from the window.So we play Grieg in our minds during concert.

I played piano sonata by Grieg.

I felt comfortably during my performance with Fazioli.

Thank you very much for came and listened to my piano.

グリーグフェスティバルinいしかわ2Grieg Festival in Ishikawa pref.2

2024-07-08 20:10:12 | ピアノ

Grieg festival in Ishikawa was held on12th.May.

After moderators introduced me, I greeted audience at stage.
Before I played concert,I explained Grieg's human being and music style.
As a beginning piece,I selected Grieg's piano concert a-moll,this piece is quite famous ,so I think audience know well.Ordinary , this piano concert plays with orchestra,at concert,I used a version for two pianos.This beginning of piano concert is very dramatic, as if images Fjords's sheer cliff.

I interpreted per Grieg's pieces,and then I played piano.

The concert program consisted of a-moll concert,Morning mood from peer Gynt,Piano Sonata,one piano arrangement of song Jeg elsker deg,From folk life and from Lyric Piano Pieces.It took for 75min.

After first stage,musician from Ishikawa pref.played Grieg.

It was great concert,and I am very hoonored to play Grieg for audience in Ishikawa pref.

I appreciate everyone who supported this concert and also came to the concert.

グリーグフェスティバルinいしかわ1Grieg Festival in Ishikawa pref.1

2024-07-08 20:05:31 | ピアノ

After performed in Mai-Sai,sooner than I took a shinkansen to Ishikawa pref.
Because I had to play piano concert at Grieg festival in Ishikawa on12th.May.

I re-visited Kanazawa city, and I was very glad to visit there.

The day that I arrived,I went to a hall to foresee. I saw a big my poster in front of hall and had a deep emotion.

Thank you for invited me.

ピアノ演奏マイ祭②Piano Performance Mai-Sai②

2024-07-08 19:42:20 | ピアノ

When I lived in Oslo,I attended Norway Foundation Day on17th.May. It was a first time for me to see the national festival.It was unforgotten memory for me.

Grieg was earnest composer who strongly tended to be Norway nationalism. He expressed Norwegian traits into his music.he devoted this works in hif life.
He wished that Norway gained independence,so I think how long did Grieg look forward to this independence.
Norway was ruled by Danmark and Sweden for over 400hundred years. Norwegian citizen obliged to live under strong policy of Danmark and Sweden.They must have endured such as lack of self-direction life.

when Grieg was born, Norwegian nationalism has occured and showed an increase.
Fortunately,Grieg could celebrate on Norwegian Independence in his life. He was extremely excited to see this independence, and must have glad to see it more than eveyone.

Gratulerer til Norge!

ピアノ演奏マイ祭①Piano Performance Mai-Sai①

2024-07-08 19:34:47 | ピアノ

Mai-Sai of which celebrated on Norway's Foundation Day on17th.May.
I attended the festival as pianist who belonged to The Grieg Society of Japan on11th.May at Jiyuugakuen Myonichikan in Ikebukuro.
After I greeted in Japanese and English both as a chairman of the society to audience,I played some pieces from Grieg.

The concert was titled Morning Mood, that is why, because of Morning Mood from Peer Gynt by Grieg.

9月14日(土)グリーグ「抒情小品集」第8・9集公開講座ご案内 An information of Lecture Concert

2024-07-08 14:00:58 | ピアノ

On14th.September ( Saturday),I will hold my lecture concert on Grieg's Lyric Pieces Series 8th and 9th.Collection at Toho Music Academy.
This series consists of Grieg's Lyric Pieces,I have executed it since in 2022.
This lecture concert,I pick up th8th. and the 9th.collections from 10collections of Lyric Piano Pieces.Lyric Piano Pieces are very precious with elaborated expressions in Grieg's musical trait, and are very popular in the world.Many piano students,professional level and amature level widely play these pieces.
Futuremore interpreting a trace of Grieg's music,The Lyric Piano Pieces are very significant.Grieg composed it from middle of 20age to over 60age that was of his life.So to speak music dairy of life.Grieg told to his friend that Lyric Piano Pieces looks like small jewel box,have rich of harmony, poetic expression and his occcational joys and sorrows.
10collections consists of 66pieces.
I have traced until 7collections, I could understand the transition of Grieg's music style, including variable circumstance and his thought with meeting peoples who influence him.
I am gradually more interesting to study deeply..

As for 8th.and 9th collections,Grieg composed them in middle of 50age, that time was his health got worse, he had serious problem of lung innate. He suffered anamia,difficluty breathing and nervous breakdown.He occasionally stayed sanatoriums in Denmark or Norway,and consciously noticed hisend of life.
So these collections are entirely quite and moderate, not aggressive.

I am looking forward to interpretate this music in public.

I will play all pieces of 8 and 9collections besides several pieces of until 7collections..

Please refer to the advertisement and come to my lecture concert on14th.September.

If you are interested in it,please contact with Toho Music Academy 03-3946-9667.

The reports of my concerts in May

2024-06-25 13:57:45 | ピアノ

I apologized for not writing a blog,because of busy schedule in May.
I had several piano recitals in Tokyo and Ishikawa pref.in May.I spent quite busy time.
These concerts were very successful for me,and I could take precious experiences with playing at concerts.
Now I report these concerts in turn.

1.Mai-Sai on11th.May
Mai-Sai is a event for celebration of constitution day of Norway, and was held in11th.May at Jiyugakuen myonichikan near Ikebukuro sta.The Grieg Society of Japan attended a concert of morning mood in the morning,and a lecture of Hardingfele in the afternoon.
I attended in morning concert, and played two piano pieces from Grieg. Before I played piano, I greeted for audience in Japanese and English both. I was glad to play piano at the event, and next year I would like to attend again.Graturer til Norge.

2.Grieg festival in Ishikawa on12th.May
After Mai-Sai, I immediately took Shinkansen to go to Ishikawa pref.I get out Kanazawa sta.I met organizer who welcomed me.
On12th.I played Grieg piano pieces with lecture. The hall was quite big and acoustic was very well.And Steinway piano was very nice condition, so I played all program comfortably.After concert,I went to sakagura to eat wonderful Japanese dinner with original sake.It was amazing tastes.I enjoyed talking with performers in dinner.
After dinner,I went to Bar as second party.It was great day for me.
Next day,I went to Katayamazu-Onsen,and felt relaxing.This stay in kanazawa was unforgettable memories for me.
I would like to visit again.

3.Homage to Grieg by The Grieg Society of Japan on23th.May
This concert started in 2023,and this time was the second time.The hall was Toyosu Culture Center which has a beautiful view from a window in backside.I played Grieg Piano Sonata 1st,3rd and 4th.I wanted to play all movements,but unfortunately I couldnot play all due to limit time.
Tha piano was fazioli,has rich and profound piano sounds.I played the sonata very comfortably,and could express the combination of German music style and Norwegian folk caratcter in Grieg Sonata.I played final,and greeted everyone who came to the concert.
After concert,I went to Italian restaurant with performers as launch party.It was great day for me,too.

Next concert,I will play lecture concert of Grieg's Lyric Pieaces 8 and 9 collections.

I will introduce later.

Thank you very much for supported me.