flagburner's blog(仮)



2008-08-30 20:08:26 | 時事ネタ(海外)
・Zimbabwe lifts ban on aid groups, but its effects linger(2008年8月30日 International Herald Tribune)

以下、IHT の記事から、情報省所属の Sikhanyiso Ndlovu 氏のコメントを引用しておく。
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The groups have long said they provide aid based solely on need, not politics.
But Zimbabwe's minister of information, Sikhanyiso Ndlovu, on Friday reiterated the government's charge that some of the international aid groups had backed the opposition against Mugabe, providing food only to opposition supporters and funneling aid money into the coffers of the opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change.

"During the elections they were monsters," he said.
But now, he added, "since there are no elections, we hope they will now go back to their core business."

"I hope some have now repented," he said.

The aid groups have challenged the government to prove its case.
Asked which nongovernmental organizations had used food for political purposes, Ndlovu declined Friday to name any.
"They know themselves," he said.
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選挙をやる心配が無い・・・、要は Mugabe 大統領が降ろされる危険が少なくなったからってことか。

とはいえ、ジンバブェ政府が人道支援を禁止させた 6月以降、ジンバブェ国内の状況は笑うに笑えない事態に。
だが、その状況ですら Mugabe 大統領にとっては、大統領の座を守るための材料になってるという見解もある。
以下、IHT の記事からその部分+αを引用しておく。

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Some aid officials suspected that the aid restrictions had become a bargaining chip in power-sharing negotiations between Mugabe's party, ZANU-PF, in office since 1980, and the opposition.
Tsvangirai, has repeatedly demanded that restrictions on aid be lifted.
His party wanted help for its supporters displaced by the political violence.

Mugabe's deep suspicion of the United States and Britain, both harshly critical of him, may also have rubbed off on aid groups financed by the two nations and made him more resistant to lifting the restrictions.
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Mugabe 大統領は、ジンバブェで住んでる人達の存在を軽く見すぎてないか?

ちなみに、ジンバブェ政府謹製 The Herald では野党側を相変わらずこきおろしてるが・・・。
・Demo over MDC-T legislators’ behaviour(2008年8月30日 The Herald;web魚拓)

どこまで Mugabe 大統領は政権の座に執着を示すのやら・・・。


