flagburner's blog(仮)


Operation Musashi 1.1

2008-07-26 20:30:22 | 捕鯨騒動
ってことで、Sea Shepherd の Paul Watson 船長が、今年の冬日本の「調査捕鯨」船団に仕掛ける『Operation Musashi』に対する意気込みを語っていたのだが・・・。
・Operation Musashi ? The Entirely Possible Impossible Mission(2008年7月21日 Sea Shepherd)

この記事の前半で Watson 船長は、過去に Sea Shepherd がやった『Operation Leviathan』という抗議活動(2006年→2007年にやったもの)の思い出を語っている。
俺が気になったのは、Sea Shepherd が使ってる船に関して日本政府が色々働きかけてたという部分。
以下、Sea Shepherd の記事からその部分を引用しておく。
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It was not easy.
The Japanese government has pressured the Canadian government to pull our flag.
We re-registered with Belize but within 9 days, the Belizean flag was pulled but not before we were able to depart from Tasmania southward towards the coast of Antarctica.
We entered the Antarctic Whale Sanctuary as an unregistered pirate ship.

Together the two ships hunted down and engaged the Japanese fleet twice.

Then an accident occurred on the Japanese factory ship Nisshin Maru - a fire that killed one of their crew and crippled the ship.

The Japanese whaling fleet was forced to retreat back to Japan with less than half their kill quota.
More than 500 whales were spared.

The Japanese government was furious and forced the British registrar to pull our registration from the Robert Hunter leaving us flagless.

We quickly re-registered our two ships under the Dutch flag, a nation not vulnerable to being dictated to by Japan or any other pirate whaling nation.
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逆に考えると、日本政府が Sea Shepherd つーか捕鯨への抗議に神経を尖らせてるってことなんだろうな。


後半部分で Watson 船長は、『Operation Musashi』をやる理由(つーか抗議活動を続ける理由?)を以下のように述べている。
以下、Sea Shepherd の記事から再び引用しておく。
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I personally believe that taking risks to protect endangered species is far more noble and worthwhile than risking one’s life to protect real estate, money and oil wells and they pin medals on people who do that.

We fight for life, for diversity and for the future of humanity and all living things and in my opinion that is the ultimate justification for sailing into harm’s way.

This brings us to Operation Musashi.
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下手すると、Sea Shepherd は『Operation Musashi』で日本の「調査捕鯨」船団もろとも地獄へ道連れ・・・なんてわけないか。
にしても、これだけ動物関連で Watson 船長が持つ愛情を示されると、(正しいかどうか別として)ある意味尊敬できるわ。

そして、この記事の最後の方で、Watson 船長は改めて『Operation Musashi』の目的を述べている。
以下、(性懲りも無く)Sea Shepherd の記事から引用しておく。
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Woody Allen once said that 90% of success was just showing up.
In this case he is absolutely right.
We just need to continue showing up on the tail of the Japanese fleet, harassing them and intervening against their killing.
We need to wear them down by forcing them to endure financial losses every year until they are so far in debt they will have to submit.

We can and we will destroy the Cetacean Death Star.
We intend to sink the Japanese whaling fleet - economically.
Without hurting a single person we can drive their operation into bankruptcy and we can end the killing.
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