flagburner's blog(仮)


Memorandum about Australian Federal Election, 2013(Sep 7, 2013)

2013-09-07 20:50:25 | 時事ネタ(海外)
ちうわけで、今日というか明日は国際オリンピック委員会(IOC)総会で 2020年夏季五輪開催都市が決まる。

・オーストラリア総選挙、野党保守連合が圧勝の可能性も(2013年9月7日 afpbb.com)
・Election Night live: ABC election analyst Antony Green calls election for Coalition(2013年9月7日 abc.net.au)

ともかく、2013年9月7日分 abc.net.au『Election Night live~』から本文部分を(略

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An hour into the vote count, respected ABC analyst Antony Green has called the federal election for the Coalition, ending Labor's tumultuous six years in power.

Early poll numbers suggest the Government is facing strong swings against it in NSW, Victoria, Queensland and Tasmania, with a number of high-profile MPs fighting for their political survival.

"I think we can say the Government has been defeated. What we're having fun and games with is trying to figure out the size of the swing," Green said.

Tony Abbott, who will be the nation's 28th prime minister, looks on track for a resounding majority in the House Of Representatives.

The battle for the Senate, however, remains up in the air.
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・Federal Election 2013 | Live results(abc.net.au)



・In Australian election, the facts have no place(2013年9月4日 aljazeera.com)

以下、2013年9月4日分 aljazeera.com『In Australian election~』からその部分を(略

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The 'Tampa affair'

However, both parties do stand their ground on the issue of asylum seekers, also known as boat people.
Ever since John Howard's Liberal government used the refugee issue to garner votes and stave off electoral defeat in 2001, boat people have become the chosen bogeymen of both parties.

Still, it is deeply ironic that Australia - itself a nation of boat people - should be so intolerant and hysterical about newcomers.
Yet our political leaders tap into the electorate's deepest insecurities.
In the politics of perception, the facts have no place.

Afflicted by our own general affluence and sense of entitlement, Australians are ready to believe the refugees desperately trying to reach our shores represent an invasion.

We allow ourselves to be persuaded that on any given day we are somehow worse off, although the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling shows the Australian standard of living has increased by an average of 2.6 percent annually since 1996.

Appealing to our basest nature

When politicians talk about our "porous borders", what they really mean is borders to the poor.
They are appealing to our basest nature on a question that won't make one iota of difference[影響を与えない、という意味の慣用句らしいが・・・] to the quality of the average Australian's life.
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失言に定評のあるトニー・アボット(Tony ABBOTT)氏が次期オーストラリア首相って・・・。


