& Patrick Chan is the ONE


2011-02-17 17:29:29 | 氷の孤独
曲のイントロが脈動し始め、クリストファーは踊り出した。身体の動きが重い、第二のジャンプ、トリプル・トゥループで彼は氷に手をつき、次のジャンプ、トリプル・アクセルに間に合うよう急がねばならなくなった。それも巧くいかない。もう駄目だ、という思いが一瞬過ぎった。が、突然3つのトリプル・ジャンプが決まり、メドレーが’Dirty Diana’に移行する頃には観衆全員が拍子に合わせて手を打っていた。定番の股間に手をやる仕草、そしてシット・スピンを成功させた後、クリストファーはメイン・ジャッジに走り寄ってそのデスクを掴み、彼女の眼を覗き込んで前髪を振ってみせた。ジャッジは無関心を装っていたが、口元が緩むのはどうすることも出来ないでいる。それからクリストファーは完璧な二つのダブル・アクセルを決めて滑走を終えた。


苦悩 ユーロに選出されなかったと知って、マヨロフはナショナル・チームのリーダーたちのことをフェイスブック上で”fOOking Swedish pussies idiots niggers”と呼んだ。”FOOk everyone!” アフトンブラデットがこれを取り上げた後、この19歳はエリック・アルムクヴィストに次のようなSMSを送ってきた:「凄く後悔している、だってどれひとつ本気で言ったことじゃないんだもの」



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拍手 ()
2011-02-19 00:19:55










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2011-02-20 03:30:56







Thank you so much for translation (麒霁(Kylin))
2011-04-08 13:35:09
Sorry for writting English here as my japanese is so poor :p

I translated this report from a Swedish-English version made by siberia82 into Chinese. As it's a kind of second-handed translation, I'm not so sure if all of the content is interpretated properly. So it is very fortunate for me to run into your blog and find your translation. Using your version as reference, I proofread my Swedish-English-Chinese version and I did find some very usful info there. Please allow me to express my sincere gratitude!

PS: it seems that URL is prohibited in comment, so I just leave my blog adress here and you can find the Chinese there:)blog.sina.com.cn/flamingblue
OMG (Etsu)
2011-04-08 15:34:40
Dear Kylin,
thanks a lot for leaving comment here.

So you are the one who have introduced "Ensamhet på isen" to Chinese people. Nice to get to know you!
Have you translated the whole contents? I just feel awesome to the fact that now this little article in Sweden has been translated even into Chinese!!!
It is I who should be grateful. Thank you very very much.

Although I understand no Chinese, I would like to visit your blog and FEEL a bit of Sweden there ;)

See you
^^ (Kylin)
2011-04-08 23:30:14
Dear Etsu,

Yes the whole piece...(When I started this work I had even no idea how long the original textis:p)

I don't dare to boast myself as THE ONE as I know that many Chinese FS fans are capable of reading the English version directly...Understanding Swedish(which I can't) would be a much higher-end ability, Hmm... But yes,it's very happy to see that some fans enjoy this Chinese version and it is really amazing when I find that one of my friends becomes an ADSL fan by reading his story in the report:) Though the very initial momentum of dong this is just Kris, after going through the whole piece I got not only a in-depth view of SWE FS backstage but also something that may be somewhat universal for men who are skating on this road. The manners of their endeavor may be different, but all of them are equally respectable.

BTW, when I watched the homevideo of backward skating race in SI, it really rang the bell of Kris' explanation about why he chose FS rather than ice-hockey(the freedom & speed thing). Sometimes these FSters and IHists do remind me of cats and dogs :D
thanks for the comment (Etsu)
2011-04-09 02:34:53
Hej Kylin,
I've tried to comment on your blog. But not so succesful, I guess :(
You understand Japanese, don't you? How have you learned it?

Woa! You've created (at least) one ADSL fan! How nice!
But, wait a minute. Are you ALSO calling Adrian ADSL in your country? (Sorry I'm not sure which country you are from. As you are writing traditional Chinese, maybe from Taiwan or HongKong?) Are there many FS fans who are interested in Berntsson and Schultheiss?

Sorry for asking many questions. It is so exciting to be able to talk about SWE FS with somebody from other asian country. I don't chatte or twitte, so my connection to the world is usually quite limited.

I very much agree with you everything you wrote. That article was pretty deep. Although I don't think we can believe everything written there literally, it still gives us a contour of relatinoships among them. And as you say "all of them are equally respectable", so true.

Well. I'm very happy to get to know you.
Hope you can drop by from time to time and tell us some interesting stories.

Keep in touch
Q&A time :D (Kylin)
2011-04-09 16:43:49
Oh sorry for the language problem of my blog T_T

Yeah…I can understand some Japanese (learning it by reading some text books in my spare time) but not much, let along speaking or writing it :p

I guess “ADSL” is borrowed from Japanese fans as Adrian has a long name which is difficult to pronounce or remember ="=. My friends and I sometimes like to call him “阿蛇” as a nickname (へび さん in Japanese I guess?)

As for hometown, I live in Beijing (北京) and use simplified Chinese :) You know it’s a little bit confusing for non-Chinese speakers that although Chinese people in Taiwan and Hong Kong keep traditional Chinese while the mainland adopts simplified Chinese, actually there are a lot of characters remain the same in both writing systems. And as for pronunciation and vocabulary, there is almost no difference. Back to FS, I’m not so sure if there are a lot of Kris or Adrian fans, but I do know many Chinese FS fans know them (especially Kris maybe, as he is a veteran as well as came to CoC and UNIVERSIADE in China), and a common impression of these two is that their programs are always so original and entertaining to watch:) BTW, I think Kris is very good at using film OST or other music to tell his own story, which means the story-line is seldom confined by the film or lyrics, so sometimes it makes me to think it’s the story comes to him first and then he will find the melody fit for the story. Just like the two amazing Amelie programs which have nothing to do with Amelie the film, but are so expressive of his own feelings to touch me.

It’s also a great pleasure for me to know you, and yes, your blog is really fun to read (though I definitely need higher Japanese language ability to understand more of them). ありがどう :)
finally settled (Etsu)
2011-04-10 00:34:07

Actually you made me realize a grave mistake which I made in the translation concerning the comment Kris made about figure skating and hockey. I'de never felt comfortable with this part but now it finally made sense thanks to you.
Thank you very much!
So you see, my translation is not so reliable as it seems

>so sometimes it makes me to think it’s the story comes to him first and then he will find the melody fit for the story.

This is a very interesting theory:) Yeah, it can be so, why not! His Amelies are really amazing, aren't they?
I don't know how I can survive after this season without him :(

By the way, I bookmarked your blog and commented about you on today's entry. Hope you don't mind.

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