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 the teachings of yogism & sufism 

2011-12-23 15:34:47 |  過去執筆物・翻訳物  

These message is for every country's every person.

These message is teaching of spiritualism.

I introduce these message from India for the peace of whole world.

I think some of these teaching are very good for protect whole world from
tragedy come from egoism and harm occur from materialism.

● He is indeed an unfortunate person who,not knowing his own SELF, takes pleasure in sense-objects,like one who realizes too late that the food eaten by him was poisonous.

 ● How wonderful that in me,the infinite ocean of Consciousness,waves of individual souls rise,sport for a while and disappear according to their nature.

 ● Oh Raghava, abondon all desires inwardly,be free from attachments and latent impressions do everything outwardly and thus play your part in the world.

 ● Without Reality there cannot be Relative knowledge of Reality,Which,free from thoughts,doth dwell within the Heart,Thatof all thought’s the source.
   Yea,verily,The HEart it is. 
   How can it be invoked?
   To be it in the Heart is to invoke it!

 ● This is my Curbs on Thee,God send the love,
One like thyself,unkind and obdurate,
That Knowing love is deep coutery than mayth writhe
In loneliness, and know my worth too late!

 ● Thy love put me in Chain again ,
Excessive endeavour to free myself Was in vain;
Love is a sea with an invisible shore, how is it a sea with an invisible shore, how is it possible to swim across,
O sensible man

 ● O son of the preacher of Gunja! take an advice of mine,
Sit on the throne of pleasure and hold the cup of wine
Indifferent is God to devotion and transgression,
Howbeit in this world fulfil thou thy heart's desire

 ● The Book in one hand and the wine cup in the other hold we,
Now to faith and now to hereby do turn we,
Under this canopy of heaven,frail and fickle are we,
Neither absolute Heathens nor perfect Muslim are we.

 ● Rise and come, for I've decorated Chamber for thee,
And a pretty curtain I've hung for thee,
Pertake of wine and reach with me,
With eyes tears and heart, I've prepared the two for thee.

 ● Confirmed drunkards,resident in tavern are we,
Neither devotees nor hermits are we,
The Qazi drinks not wine as he dreads it,
Stealing in the tavern is better than robbing orphans.

 ● Mansur Hallaj! this crocodile of the ocean,
He who from the cotton of his body corded the seed of the soul,
On the day when he cried out I am the Truth' in human language,
Where,therefore,was Mansur? God was God!

● Before him the whole bows prostrate,
before him who called himself His servant
His essence is neither Arab nor no-Arab
he is a man, yet more ancient than man

● The intoxication of lovers comes from emptied cups;
no-being is to be ignorant of gnosis.
You who seek your goal in annihilation,
non-existence can never discover existence.

● A Sweet hearted one has reduced me to a very low position,
By the intoxicating cups of His eyes He has carried me away from myself,
He is in my arms and I run about searching for Him,
A strange thief has stripped me of my garments.

● A fool is he who gives up drinking wine ,
A beast, yes ,and not a human being,
It strips up pangs of separation,
And rekindles fire that is extinguished.

 ● My heart is again lost in love for this beautiful one;
It is lost in desire and grief for the sweet-faced one;
I am old but my heart still has the strength of youth,
That is in autumn it blooms like spring.

 ● Give up asceticism, it's the source of all evils,
Drink wine,O ascetic,it's so sweet;
Surely it's lawful and not at all forbidden,
And its effect is "All is he".

● He does not live only in the temple and the mosque,
But all the heavens and the earth are his abode.
The whole universe is gone mad about His name.
Yes, wise is one who is lost in Him.

 ● These towns, country ,hills and deserts are nothing,
All good and bad have been found to be nothing,
These desires for the world and the religion are nothing.

 ● O Sarmad, if He is faithful He will come by Himself,
If His coming is possible He will come by Himself,
Why do you run after Him in vain?
Sit content , if He is God , He will come by Himself.

● Sarmad,the pang of love is not granted to avaricious ones,
The passion of the moth's heart is not given to that of a gadfly.
To attain union with the Beloved needs a long time,
But this imperishable wealth is not given to everyone.

 ● These men of the world are envious of each other
Lost in themselves ,each one sings his own music,
All laws of love and affection have been thrown to the winds,
And they quarrel in stead of living in peace.

 ● He who understood the secrets of the Truth ,
Became vaster than vast ocean,
Mulla says," Ahmad went to heaven ,
Sarmad says ," Nay , heaven came down to Ahmad.

 ● That Beloved of mine pays no heed what to do?
The sighs of my heart produce no effect what to do?
Though He is ever present in my heart ,
Yet He knows notihings of my grief what to do He knows notihings of my grief what to do?

● I grew old, but my sinning became young,
And the buds of shame opened in autumn
These tulip faced ones have made me behave like a child;
I'pious sometimes and other times drenched in sins.

 ● No moth ever knew such burning,
No madman bore such dree;
Ants have their nests for shelter ,
For serpents holes there be,
But roof is none for me.

 ● Drunkards and drunk though we be,Thou art our faith,
Unstable,weak though we be, Thou art our faith,
Though we be Muslims,Guebres ,Nazarenes,Whatever the outward form,
Though art our faith.

 ● I am that wastral called a Kalandar,
I have no home ,no country and no lair,
By day I wander aimless over the earth,
And when night falls , my pillow is a stone.

 ● Tonight I can do nought but weep and wail.
Tonight I am impatient, consciousless;
Last nigat one hour seemed passing sweet to me.
To night'would seem ,I pay for last night joy.

 ● Grieving for thee my heart is ever sad,
A brick my pillow, and my couch the earth ;
My only sin is loving thee too well
Surely not all the lovers suffer so?

 ● O man who never hast studied Heavenly lore,
Nor set thy foot within the Tavern-doors,
Thou knowest not what thou hast escaped or gained;
How shall thou come among the Elect? Alas

 ● Thou hurt me, soul and body My darling, sweet and pure;
I cannot tell what ails me,
But this I know for sure,
Thou only art my cure.

● Going down the hill ,some sweepers were at their work. One of them stopped work and was about to prostrate before Maharshi.
The latter said: " To engage in your duty is the true submittion to the God.
To perform one's duty carefully is the true subimittion to the God.

 ● All aims, aspirations,desires to serve humanity, schemes to reform the world ---- cast them all upon the Universal Power( God) which sustains this universe. He will do what is required.
Do you lose the sense "I am doing this? Get rid of egoism. Do not think you are the person to effect any reform. Leave these aims latent. Let God attend to them. Then by getting rid of egoism.

God may use you as an instrument to effect them,but the difference is that you will not be conscious of doing them ;
the Infinite will be working through you and there will no self -worship to spoil the work.
Otherwise there is desire for name or fame and one serves the personal Self rather than humanity.


 Q, How is work to be done by an aspirant?
A, Without identification as the actor. For instance while in Palis you did not intend visiting this place. You see how you are acting without your own intention to do so. chap.3 verse 4 of Gita says that a man cannot remain without acting. The purpose of one's birth will be fulfilled by itself.

 Q, What is the use of people like you who sit still doing nothing when the world is in great trouble?

A, A self-realised being cannot help benefiting the world. His very existence bestows the highest good to the world.

By a rishi sitting in one place ,all things can be done by him, if he wills. He can bring on wars or end them. But he knows there is a cosmic and kalmic process going on,so he won't interfere unwisely.

 ● Just as the cloth, when investigated, is seen to be nothing but thread, so also this world, when enquired into ,is merely the SELF.

 ● The only god to be conqured is the mind.
It's conquest leads to the attainment of everything . Without its conquest all other efforts are fruitless.

 ● There is nothing to equal the supreme joy felt by a person of pure mind who has attained the state of pure consciousness and overcome death.

● Just as the cloth, when investigated, is seen to be nothing but thread, so also this world, when enquired into ,is merely the SELF.

 ● The only god to be conqured is the mind.
It's conquest leads to the attainment of everything . Without its conquest all other efforts are fruitless.

 ● There is nothing to equal the supreme joy felt by a person of pure mind who has attained the state of pure consciousness and overcome death.

 ● Iswara is immanent in every person and every material object throughout the universe.

   The totality of all things and beings constitutes God.

  There is a power out of which a small fraction has become all this universe , and the remeinder is in reverse. 

    Both this reverse ppower plus the manifested power as material world together constitute Iswara.

     To worship this Creator man must understand God’s nature and man’s relation to IT.

     All maral conduct , all rational thought is the right worship of this GOD.

 ● We have not seen an atom separate from the Sun.
   Every drop of water in the sea itself.
   With what name should one call the Truth?
   Every name that exists ina one of God’s name.

 ● Men pf heart are not aggrieved at Death’s approach,
   For a waterfull mind fear not slumber;
   If thy soul cast away the body ,
   What does it matter?
   When the skin wears out, the snake Cast it away.


1,Ocean of Nectar,Full of Grace, engulfing the universe in Thy Splendour!
O Arunachala,the Supreme Itself! be Thou the sun and open the lotus of my heart in Bliss!

2,O Arunachala! in Thee the picture of the universe is formed, has its stay of the universe is formed, has its stay,and is dissolved; formed, has its stay,and is dissolved; this the sublime Truth.
Thou art the Inner Self, who dancest in the Heart as Inner Self, who dancest in the Heart as 'I','Heart' is Thy name, O Lord!

3,He who turns inward with untroubled mind to search where the consciousness of 'I' arises,realizes the Self, and dissolves in Thee O Arunachala! like a river when it joins the ocean.

4,Abondning the outer world, the mind and breath controlled, to meditate on Thee withi and breath controlled, to meditate on Thee within, the Yogi sees Thy Light, O Arunachala! and finds his delight in Thee.

5,He who dedicates his mind to Thee, and seeing Thee always beholds the universe as Thy figure, Thee always beholds the universe as Thy figure, he who at all times glorifies Thee and loves Thee as none other than the Self, he is the master wituoutrival, being one with Thee, O Arunachala! and lost in Thy Bliss.


 ● The bliss arising from the contact of the senses with their objects is contact of the senses with their objects is inferior.

● If inwardly one is cool the whole world will be cool,but if inwardly one is agitated the whole world will become a burning mass.

● There is nothing to equal the supreme joy felt by a person of pure mind who has attained the state of pure consciousness and overcome death.

● Liberation is not on the other side of the sky, nor is it in the nether world, nor on the is it in the nether world, nor on the earth; the extinction of the mind resulting from the eradication of all desires is regarded as liberation.
