世の中驚くことばかり! 記事保管倉庫



2005-02-24 | 人間のこと
Page 4: 「より広い社会観について」
40) Our civil liberties are being excessively curbed in the name of counter-terrorism.
Disagree (反対)    反テロリズムに限らない。
41) A significant advantage of a one-party state is that it avoids all the arguments that delay progress in a democratic political system.
Agree (賛成)     基本的に賛成。
42) Although the electronic age makes official surveillance easier, only wrongdoers need to be worried.
Agree (賛成)     基本的に賛成。既にされているし、別に困らない。
43) The death penalty should be an option for the most serious crimes.
Strongly Agree (強く賛成)   当然。
44) In a civilised society, one must always have people above to be obeyed and people below to be commanded.
Strongly Disagree (強く反対)   最もcivilised societyから遠い状態。
45) Abstract art that doesn't represent anything shouldn't be considered art at all.
Strongly Disagree (強く反対)   artの意味がわかってない。
46) In criminal justice, punishment should be more important than rehabilitation.
Disagree (反対)     場合による。
47) It is a waste of time to try to rehabilitate some criminals.
Strongly Agree (強く賛成)   some criminalsに関して正しい。
48) The businessman and the manufacturer are more important than the writer and the artist.
Disagree (反対)     場合による。
49) Mothers may have careers, but their first duty is to be homemakers.
Disagree (反対)    父親が主夫をやっても良い。
50) Multinational companies are unethically exploiting the plant genetic resources of developing countries.
Disagree (反対)   場合による。
51) Making peace with the establishment is an important aspect of maturity.
Disagree (反対)   場合による。

Page 5: 「宗教観について」
52) Astrology accurately explains many things.
Disagree (反対)   場合による。
53) You cannot be moral without being religious.
Disagree (反対)   場合による。
54) Charity is better than social security as a means of helping the genuinely disadvantaged.
Disagree (反対)   場合による。
55) Some people are naturally unlucky.
Agree (賛成)    残念だが。
56) I would not wish to send my child to a school that did not instill religious values.
Disagree (反対)   場合による。

Page 6: 「セックス観について」
57) Sex outside marriage is usually immoral.
Disagree (反対)    場合による。
58) A same sex couple in a stable, loving relationship, should not be excluded from the possibility of child adoption.
Agree (賛成)     大きな問題はない。
59) Pornography, depicting consenting adults, should be legal for the adult population.
Agree (賛成)     大きな問題はない。
60) What goes on in a private bedroom between consenting adults is no business of the state.
Agree (賛成)     当然、問題はない。
61) No one can feel naturally homosexual.
Disagree (反対)    場合によるようだ。
62) It's fine for society to be open about sex, but these days it's going too far.
Disagree (反対)    オープンになることが、問題。It's not fine.

Economic Left/Right: -5.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.26

