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ブログ村ランキング2トップの二人の教育部長さんへ質問 (とにかくはっきりさせて さんより)

2013-10-15 | イシュー


ブログ いつも私のとなりに神さま と 教育部長の講義日記 を書いている二人の教育部長さんに質問です

質問1 アメリカに行かれた亨進様は現在も世界平和統一家庭連合の世界会長ですか?

質問2 先日この目安箱に上がったように、仁進様は10月12日ニューヨークで結婚式をベン氏と挙げましたか?

質問3 また、その結婚式に國進様と亨進様が参加されましたか?

質問4 以下の火の粉を払えブログのコメント欄にあったBill Miho氏の記述によれば





質問5 また同様の記事に














Bill Miho: In Jin Nim's longtime friend and civil rights icon Dr. Joseph Lowery married Ben and In Jim Nim today. Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jim Nim and their wives attended, and everyone's families and many of us who have been privileged to have worked with them and love them as well. Many flew over from Norway, Social Workers who worked with Ben saving the lives of troubled young people before he came back to America. Congressmen Dennis Kucinich offered some beautiful words. Many sincerely expressed the belief it was the hand of God that brought them together. I certainly do.
It was a beautiful day! Now, the ball!




火の粉を払えブログのコメント欄にあったBill Miho氏の記述

アメリカの“How Well Do You Know Your Moon”
というHPに、Bill Miho(仁進氏のスタッフ/バンドのメンバーだったと思います)が書いたらしき面白い(屁)理屈の記事が載っていたので、以下にその記事のハイライトの部分の抜粋・要約を簡単粗雑に翻訳してみました。
ビル・ミホ:ムーニーのドラマについて 9月29日, 2013








私も「准ヘドロ師」という言葉(任意資格)を作ってみました。正ヘドロにはそのための教育訓練が足りないが妄想の力はヘドロ並に逞しい。いくら妄想を書いても大目に見てもらえるユメの国の資格。だめか、やはり世間はそんなに甘くないですね。♪どうせおいらは准ヘドロ~♪ はい修行、修行。
[2013/10/03 02:31] URL | 暗在翔子 [ 編集 ] TOP ▲ 


Bill Miho on Moonie Drama

You can go to Pennsylvania and Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim will explain their views quite openly to you. They have been asking In Jin Nim to work with them as well. But as an FYI, I will give you my admittedly imperfect view of the situation.

My understanding is this. True Father left a clear will before he died. This included who his One Heir was to be, which of his Children were in the positions of Providential Cain and Abel, and who had the Authority to give the Blessing Absolutely, with the same authority as True Parents have.

True Father asked Hyung Jin Nim to swear to carry on his mission, and made both he and Kook Jin Nim as Cain and Abel swear that no matter what happened in the future, the would remain united as Cain and Abel - no matter what. He also asked In Jin Nim to swear certain promises to him.

We all saw the videos in writing, Hyung Jin Nim was clearly his designated Heir and Providential Abel, Kook Jin Nim Providential Cain. Besides the Heir’s couple, the Chook Sa Jang (translated roughly as Chairman Of Blessing) is a position Father created quite some time ago which is someone who can give the Blessing absolutely. In Jin Nim holds this position as does Hyung Jin Nim’s wife. They could with this authority in fact Bless anyone, including themselves, just as True Father Blessed himself (and let us not forget, Father Blessed himself 3 times.)
Father also left as his Will specific Instructions about what was to happen and not to happen after he died. This included not changing a single word in the collection of his speeches he prepared before he died. Do not edit them, do not replace one speech with another.

Unfortunately since Father died, True Mother, influenced by Kim Hyo Nam has acted in direct contradiction to Father’s will on several issues, including changing his speeches. In addition True Mother has made Kim Hyo Nam’s womanizing son her Legal Brother, giving him legal claim to her True Family inheritance. She has fired Peter Kim and replaced him with a longtime UCI Chung Hwan Kwak loyalist - little surprise, as Kim Hyo Nam, the medium who calls herself Dae Mo Nim was herself a Kwak protege. All True Family financial information is now accessable by these persons. In addition Mother has been trying to replace Hyung Jin Nim as the Heir with Kwon Jin Nim.

My understanding is Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim have pretty much at this point written off the Unification Church as a foundation upon which they can stand to fulfill their mission, which they swore to Father they would fulfill. But it would be better if anyone with questions go to their Church in Pennsylvania and ask them personally. They committed no sin except vocally disagreeing with their Mother or several issues of serious conscience. It is highly unfortunate that Mother, influenced by Kim Hyo Nam considers disagreement to be disloyalty.

In addition, although theologically In Jin Nim has full authority to decide what she wishes regarding her own marriage situation, Mother has insisted that without her special permission - which she will never give - In Jin Nim remarrying will never be recognized by the Church. This creates a major theological problem, and it is an arbitrary rule Mother created after the fact.

And Mother has told her children any of them that attend In Jin Nim’s wedding in two weeks will be cut off - basically disinherited financially. Church Leaders are also being warned it will harm their careers if they attend In Jin Nim and Ben’s wedding. But Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim, who are in my view the essential core of God’s Providence now have already been pretty much cut off.

Personally I have long had a problem with idea of trying to control the consciences of people with money. I feel so lucky that I am not dependent on the Church financially. This is not the kind of Church I thought I was joining once upon a time, and if Hak Ja Han had been leading the Church not Sun Myung Moon it is not likely I would have joined, or perhaps stuck around long.

This is my view of the situation, as I have seen it develop over time. It is not good when the Mother has lost the confidence of the Heir, and is the one trying to destroy the reputation of her own kids.

にほんブログ村 哲学・思想ブログ 統一教会へ


にほんブログ村 哲学・思想ブログ 統一教会へ