◯ Sakurajima explosive eruption.桜島で爆発的噴火=警戒レベル3に-鹿児島

2016-02-05 19:35:25 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-02-05 19:35:25 Kyodo news

It is - Kagoshima in explosive eruption = caution level 3 in Sakurajima
The Meteorological Agency announced that an explosive eruption occurred at the crater of Kagoshima-shi, Sakurajima of the Showa era at 6:56 on the afternoon of 5th. The agency raised an eruption caution level of Sakurajima to 3 (climbing a mountain regulation) from 2 (around crater regulation). (2016/02/05-19:26)
img src="https://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/32/3a/98f38eb123fe3efd25ff0483c26b5aec.jpg" border="0"
2016-02-05 19:35:25 Kyodo news

2016-02-05 19:35:25 Kyodo news


