◯ Japan Faces a Deadline.警告期限…人質2人を追い詰めた安倍政権と外務省公式英訳

2015-01-24 08:17:04 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-01-24 07:19:47

Junko Ishido, the mother of the journalist Kenji Goto, made her plea during a hastily organized news conference in Tokyo on Friday, just hours before a ransom deadline. Credit Toru Hanai/Reuters
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Japan Faces a Deadline to Save Men Held by ISISJAN. 22, 2015
TOKYO ― Making a desperate plea for her son’s life, the mother of one of two Japanese hostages held by the Islamic State militant group told his kidnappers on Friday that he was not an enemy of Islam.

Junko Ishido, the mother of the journalist Kenji Goto, made her plea during a hastily organized news conference in Tokyo just hours before a ransom deadline. A video posted on Tuesday by the Islamic State threatened to kill Mr. Goto, 47, and another man, Haruna Yukawa, if Japan did not pay $200 million within 72 hours.

That deadline came Friday afternoon Tokyo time, as the Japanese government said it was still trying to contact the kidnappers and confirm whether the men were alive. The ransom demand posed a serious political challenge to Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe, who has been trying to shift Japan away from its more passive role in international relations.

The demand is the same amount that Mr. Abe pledged during a visit to the Middle East earlier in the week to help with humanitarian relief and nonlethal measures against the Islamic State. In the video, the two hostages appeared kneeling in orange jumpsuits on a rocky hillside with a masked, knife-wielding militant standing between them.

In her emotional news conference, Ms. Ishido asked the kidnappers to spare her son, saying that his wife had given birth recently and that Mr. Goto needed to be at home as a father. She also asked the Japanese government to do everything it could.

“I have been just crying for the last three days,” she said. “Time is running out. I beg you, Japanese officials, please save Kenji’s life.”

“Kenji has a strong sense of justice,” she said of her son. “If things turn out good with his release, I think he would devote himself to the future, to the children.”

Mr. Goto, who has covered war zones and other crises as a freelance journalist, disappeared in late October. He is believed to have gone into Islamic State-held territory in Syria to try to win the release of Mr. Yukawa, 42, a self-described military contractor who was captured in Syria in August.

Japan paid to free kidnapped citizens in at least one previous case, but officials declined to say directly whether they would meet the Islamic State’s ransom demand.

“This is a very tough situation that we are facing now. The government is making utmost efforts and will continue to make utmost efforts to have the two hostages released,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said on Friday. “Japan will not yield to terrorism.”

The Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, released gruesome videos last year of the beheadings of two American and two British captives. The British-accented masked man shown making the ransom demand to Japan is believed to have also appeared in the footage of those earlier killings.

Austin Ramzy contributed reporting from Hong Kong.

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2015-01-24 07:43:58 三谷英弘オフィシャルブログ


三谷英弘オフィシャルブログ「衆議院議員 三谷英弘の考え」 [外部リンク] エジプトでの安倍首相のスピーチ原文をぜひ見て頂きたいと思います。以下抜粋です。 「イラク、シリアの難民・避難民支援、トルコ、レバノンへの支援をするのは、ISILがもたらす脅威を少しでも食い止めるためです。 地道な人材開発、インフラ整備を含め、ISILと闘う周辺各国に、総額で2億ドル程度、支援をお約束します。」 [外部リンク] 外務省による英訳 &We are going to provide assistance for refugees and displaced persons from Iraq and Syria. We are also going to support Turkey and Lebanon. All that, we shall do to help curb the threat ISIL poses. I will pledge assistance of a total of about 200 million U.S. dollars for those countries contending with ISIL, to help build their human capacities, infrastructure, and so on.& [外部リンク] どうですか?上の日本文は安倍首相のスピーチ、下の英文は外務省の公式の英訳です。 日本文から受ける印象と英文から受ける印象、相当印象が違うなと思いませんか? 日本語のスピーチの方でも相当踏み込んでいるなという印象はありますが、英語の方は、 人道的支援、難民支援という要素と敢えて切り離し、直訳すれば「これからトルコとレバノンの支援を行う。 ISILと戦う国々に、人的能力・インフラ支援のために2億ドルを供与する」となっていれば、 直接的にISと対峙するトルコやレバノンなどの国々にISと戦う兵力や施設を整えるためのお金を提供すると読むのが当然です。 今までの政策を変更したというメッセージに受け取られても仕方ありません。 今回の安倍首相のスピーチは一貫して平和外交を訴えておりました。 しかし、この部分だけを切り取ると完全に資金の面で戦争に加担すると読める内容になっています。