◯ French whole was "Je suis Charlie" 11日、ほぼフランス全土が「私はシャルリー」だった (AFP)

2015-01-18 12:32:05 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-01-16 22:10:08. swissinfo.ch AFP

For 11 days, French whole was "Je suis Charlie" mostly.

300-people as much as 4,000,000 people gathered at Paris town and area all part on the 11th in France where our France paper "Je suis Charlie" company was marauded on and spent 1 week of an addict, and the strong decision which complains of freedom of an expression and doesn't permit terrorism was shown. Each Swiss paper also takes up this affair extensively.
"A historical affair. Paris was the capital of the world which resisted terrorism yesterday.". People gathered a rabbi (the Judaism leader), Imam (Islamic leader) and a father beyond the limit of the religion at the beginning in French area daily newspaper Tribune DO Geneva, I reported on the large-scale demonstration from which every country where terrorist violence was received so far wasn't judged feverishly.
It's estimated highly that about 40 prime ministers and administration officials including the Middle East and Africa where terrorism occurs frequently participated. "Even an Israeli prime minister and the autonomy government chairperson in Palestine marched in line around several people. The whole Prime Minister participated from Europe including (Swiss) Simonetta and SOMARUGA federal president."
It'll be La Liberte paper of Fribourg state to report "A cut of a newspaper and a magazine is a symbol of resistance to authority spirit and is the cultural model which can't be infringed. The decision from which France and Europe each country and also countries besides that would like also to protect that was shown to the world." "Several, the century in France which dates back, decisively, if, done "license of" spirit is something to continue by human assets."

"The capital of the world and Paris"
It's #ref. Le Temp paper to describe this demonstration if it's the "most wonderful affair" which was achieved in France where 1 week of an addict was experienced. The remark to which president Hollande says "Paris was the capital of the world on this Sunday." is quoted, and even if I say that it was the capital of the free world, it "wouldn't be exaggerated." ...Le TempI says.
Each paper of the Switzerland French area tries to protect Jewish visitors by a shutting event of the muslim policeman who ran to a newspaper and received shooting and a supermarket of the ingredients, and the muslim shop assistant who lost his life touches other victims, too.

Each paper of the German area is reporting "People took the grief to the victim by demonstration in Paris, and support to weekly publication paper "Charlie Hebdo" all at once.

Daily newspaper NZZ, "This demonstration would be useful the tension heightens and deep-rooted discordant conspicuous French society reconfirms the value, and to find new union.", it's analyzed. But president Hollande mentioned.

But it's mentioned that president Hollande didn't call a RUPEN head of a political party of a far right political party "the national front" to demonstration, and points out "The political world couldn't be solid."
"It's necessary to make "coexistence", now I have to define coexistence with a Muslim newly in particular when and French both camps which regard the immigration system French and them as a problem in complicated society be united."
What should be done from now on?
La Liberte paper, like, politicians point out "Through educating it's placed in the difficult situation I have to get a solution immediately in the very complicated problem that it takes time to make (emigrant) dissolve in society where." I touch that there was a student who refused the silent prayer which shows intention of mourning to a victim on the next day of an event, and we assume "The depth of the ditch between France and the certain children is told."
When Le Temps paper also has to reflect on the state of the education and the coexistence immediately, I'm accentuating. "I have to start action even tomorrow. I know that politicians can't postpone this problem with 1 day of demonstration and president Hollande who became a leader of "the free world" at the head."
"It's so fascinating that I die."

If are Basler Zeitung and numerical paper "Charlie Hebdo who survived and the one by which reporters of carry a caricature of prophet Muhammad by a next issue on Wednesday", It presents a different question.
"Indeed it's a dilemma. The response seems "Yes.", but anger just recurs at the suburb where this terrorist lived. Even if we have the right to express the opinion freely, perhaps can't we help admitting that that can't always be used? Charlie Hebdo may not also run to sharp caricature this time. It's because I have to do the effort to which mutual steps up like the Muslim who participated in demonstration on Sunday." (Basler Zeitung )

On the other hand, Le Matin paper "will suppress radical legally", though you assume "by education, in anti-aufklarung, of stop", you "aren't supposed" to forget only a laugh, and, it's continued. "Terrorist's weapon is our fear. Turnip (of killed caricature person) and a weapon in a warren opening and SHARUBO are harmless blather. The hard liner who doesn't have the sense of the wit was hurt at that. The force can be understood, but they can't understand monkeyshine. Everything was wonderful, wonderful and solemn yesterday. There were no big laughs. But I'll behave myself like Charlie Hebdo tomorrow. I'll return it by the humor, not a fight."
Marc-Andre Miserez, swissinfo.ch
(Translation from French and edit Kaori Yui )

., reference of <<and>> Le Temps in the world big encyclopedia

... French daily political newspaper. Great politician Guizot was published in Paris in 1829 and was a cooperator from next 30. But, I suspended the issue of in 42 and reissued for 61 years. Evrard Adrien Hebrard (1833-1914) was an editor in 67, and I got evaluation which equals a <<two world criticism>> magazine (1828 first publication) by a luxury edit policy. One after his resignation (1873) supported Thiers government in the third republicanism early stage, and also kept opposing with a party of royalists. I also insisted on license and republicanism protection in Boulanger event in 1880 's....
[Le Monde] lay

... Typical luxury evening paper newspaper of present-day France. I took an office building of the company over and was published as succession paper of the cooperation paper against Germany <<RUTAN Le Temps>> (for a date, 19 days) on December 18, 1944. BUBUMERI Hubert Beuve-Mery where a central figure of first publication was Prague correspondent of <<RUTANLe Temps>> from 1934 (1902-89), DA.

.世界大百科事典内の《ル・タンLe Temps》の言及

…フランスの日刊政治新聞。1829年パリで創刊され,翌30年からは大政治家ギゾーが協力者になった。ただし42年に休刊,61年復刊した。67年にエブラールAdrien Hébrard(1833‐1914)が主筆になり,高級な編集方針によって《両世界評論》誌(1828創刊)に匹敵する評価を得た。第三共和政初期にはティエール政府を支持し,彼の辞職(1873)後も王党派とは対抗しつづけた。1880年代のブーランジェ事件においても,自由と共和政擁護を主張した。…

…現代フランスの代表的な高級夕刊新聞。1944年12月18日(日付は19日)対ドイツ協力紙《ル・タンLe Temps》の後継紙として,社屋なども引き継いで創刊された。創刊の中心人物は,1934年から《ル・タン》のプラハ特派員をしていたブーブ・メリーHubert Beuve‐Méry(1902‐89)だっ

2015-01-16 22:10:08. swissinfo.ch AFP




Marc-André Miserez, swissinfo.ch
(仏語からの翻訳・編集 由比かおり)

◉自由 平等 博愛の国是は
素晴らしい。だけど自分たちの国の中で自由を言うのはいい。自分たちの国のまわりの国の文化 感情 宗教とかを理解することは一番大事じゃないだろうか。そうじゃないと世界中が戦争の渦の中になってしまう。

それともう一つ言語のこと。お互いの言語の解釈の問題もあります。i'll write later.

◉Freedom. Equality. Philanthropism are Splendid.

. But it is good to say freedom in their countries. Is it not most important to understand the culture, feelings, religion of the country around their countries? The World becomes in a whirlpool of the War when not so.
On more thing,there's Language itself. i'll write later.