◯ LDP's THREAT. / 自民のTV恫喝は“言いがかり”

2014-12-14 07:41:54 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2014-12-14 07:41:54

Without the words by which a television threat of LDP is "neutrality" in "false charge"... broadcast law

December 12, 2014

"Freedom of an expression" and the meeting which considers report/(C) daily Gendai
"Freedom of an expression" and the meeting which considers report/(C) daily Gendai

Mr. Suna-gawa hiroshiyoshi of a research laboratory general manager of a division of media and Mr. Hiroaki Mizushima and others of Hosei University professor, on the 11th, 5 researchers, scholars and famous journalists (7 promoters) opened "the meeting which thinks report "freedom of an expression"", disclosed the contents of the misdirected "speech pressure" of Abe LDP and criticized.

It's a trigger that Abe LDP sent "threat sentence" to the main television station in late last month. "Fairness is neutral" in election report, request the report posture, by a 'Man on the Street' interview, "Don't let only Ave flea camphor tree criticism run!" Threatened that.

If it "is the problem of shaking the democracy's root", 5 people criticize for yesterday's meeting. "The shrinkage mood I never have was spreading in a report site of a television." was complained.

■ The criticism is natural by democracy.

Mr. Mamoru Sakamoto of the journalist who has a promoter by himself, "After all the way of thinking of "fair neutrality" Abe LDP says is wrong.", I spoke.

"A word doesn't also come out for the word as "neutrality" LDP says to broadcast law. When it's neutral, even a political party aiming at monocracy can't criticize any more. Democracy's country is criticized, and it's a proper thing. It should be judged by the whole radio program poured into certain fixed period, not something which should also be achieved by a single program about "political fairness". For this thing, of a broadcast, it also becomes clear from an answer in the past of the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications which has jurisdiction. It includes obvious "slip" in comment (of Abe LDP) and is also against a government view in the past as well as spirit and a regulation of broadcast law."

Because the television side has yielded to such unreasonable threat, a pitiable one is a word.

"IIgakari"" False charge"
Mr. racsui 2009/06/06 22:01:56
I'm going to annoy you, and it's that I'm saying an impossible thing.
When passing each other, the person who is bumping a shoulder and is calling it "it's hit with what, I'll get it" . And "Give money." and, it's according.
I try to put a dead body of the fly one has prepared at a restaurant in the dish, say "Is such one supported?" and charge, and.
"I'd say my bad things." and, of "probably stealing a glance at", that I'm saying the thing which isn't being done, "A false charge is put."

2014-12-14 07:41:54


2014年12月12日. 日刊ゲンダイ









racsuiさん 2009/06/06 22:01:56

1 口実を作って、難癖をつけること。また、その事柄。「―をつける」「とんだ―だ」
2 言い出して、あとに引けなくなること。

類語: 因縁(いんねん) 難題(なんだい) いちゃもん 難癖(なんくせ)  

◯ ERASE!!!日本の衆院総選挙:経済政策の争点化で「改憲」・「再稼働」への議論を消そうとする安倍晋三。

2014-12-14 07:30:53 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2014-12-13 23:52:22 Le Monde

Japanese House of Representatives general election: Abe government which tries to erase argument to "revision of the constitution" and "re-operation" by issue-ization of an economic policy/LEMONDE (December 13)

Abe political power is to limit an issue of the House of Representatives general election to an economic policy, and I try to evade a national eye from the important issue into which a national opinion such as "amendment to the constitution", "re-operation in a nuclear power plant", "group right of self" and "state secret protection law" is divided. Prime Minister Abe succeeded to serve this election like retention election to the economic recovery policy called "Ave flea camphor tree". "There are only no these ways." but a catchphrase of the said prime minister and the follower.

It's thrust at by sudden election and an opposition party is having a hard time with presentation of a new policy draft. The expectation that LDP wins 300 seat in the House over 475 seats and achieves a great victory by poll dated December 12 is indicated. When achieving it, there is also a possibility that 2 Cabinet ministers can recover the problem that they resigned successively by a disgraceful affair and an approval rate decline by retracing to depression after November (Financial Times Limited " "takes back depression"", an headline was put up.) in October.

"When being reelected, Prime Minister Abe seems not to say Ave flea camphor tree any more. Prime Minister Abe would concentrate his energy on a group right of self and revision of the constitution in which one has the interest."

Prof. Koichi Nakano of Sophia University (political science) analyzes so.

"It takes serious effort to put the policy which is being talked about by "Ave flea camphor tree" into practice. The profit of the person concerned would be opposed and involve difficulty.".

Michael of Temple University and a KUSEKKU professor point out, too.

Japanese about half is opposing a state secret protection law and a group right of self according to poll. The Japanese order in the free rank of the world report was descended in about 59 from about 53 out of last year's 180 worlds by formation of a state secret protection law.

Prime Minister Abe wishes for re-operation in a nuclear power plant by the pressure from the industrial world. It's saddled with the debt which also goes up to 245% of GDP, but Japan is making the next year's war expenditure increased substantially for reason of "competition to China". These policy changes have a big influence on Japan, but Abe government avoids argument in the election.

Thus the thing by which a result of this election brings a big change to Japanese society is expected. But when the voting rate is low according to Michael and a KUSEKKU professor, there even is a possibility that political power can be maintained by the vote of 1/5 of a voter. But, when it was reelected by support from small number of voter, "The thing from which an approval rate falls big by a form of problem by an economic policy and unpopularity from the country is expected."

Japanese politics are facing at the crossroads.

(« Au Japon, les enjeux cachés des législatives », Le Monde, 2014.12.13) 


2014-12-13 23:52:22 Le Monde













(« Au Japon, les enjeux cachés des législatives », Le Monde, 2014.12.13) 