◯ Google Tricks / 11の方法 Googleでtrick する

2014-12-12 11:59:20 | ♪Google XLNT Search

2014-12-12 11:30:54 time.com

11 Google Tricks That Will Change the Way You Search
Jack Linshi @jacklinshi Dec. 8, 2014

Google Search’s learning curve is an odd one. You use it every day, but still all you know is how to search. But the search engine has plenty of tricks up its sleeve.

Here’s an overview of some of the most useful Google search tricks, from basic tips to new features just recently released.

1. Use quotes to search for an exact phrase.

This one’s a well-known, simple trick: searching a phrase in quotes will yield only pages with the same words in the same order as what’s in the quotes. It’s one of the most vital search tips, especially useful if you’re trying to find results containing a specific a phrase.

2. Use an asterisk within quotes to specify unknown or variable words.

Here’s a lesser known trick: searching a phrase in quotes with an asterisk replacing a word will search all variations of that phrase. It’s helpful if you’re trying to determine a song from its lyrics, but you couldn’t make out the entire phrase (e.g. “imagine all the * living for today”), or if you’re trying to find all forms of an expression (e.g. “* is thicker than water”).

minus sign to eliminate results containing certain words.

You’ll want to eliminate results with certain words if you’re trying to search for a term that’s generating a lot of results that aren’t of interest to you. Figure out what terms you’re not interested in (e.g. jaguar -car) and re-run the search.

4. Search websites for keywords.

Think of the “site:” function as a Google search that searches only a particular website. If you want to see every time TIME.com mentioned Google, use the search “Google site:TIME.com”.

5. Search news archives going back to the mid-1880s.

Google News has an option to search over 100 years’ worth of archived news from newspapers around the world.

6. Compare foods using “vs.”

Can’t decide between a burger or pizza for dinner? Type in “rice vs. quinoa,” for example, and you’ll receive side-by-side comparisons of the nutritional facts.


2014-12-12 11時30分54秒time.com

Tech Web
11 の方法を変更するGoogleでtrick 検索する
Linshi @jacklinshi2014年12月8日をジャッキで持ち上げなさい




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ここにはより小さい既知の計略がある:言葉を取り替えるアスタリスクによって引用文のフレーズを検索することによって、そのフレーズのすべての変種が捜索される。もしあなたがその歌詞から歌を決定しようとしているならば、それは役立っているけれども、あなたは全体のフレーズを作成できなかった(例えば「今日の間すべての*生きを想像しなさい」)、もしまたは、あなたが表現のすべての形を見つけようとしているならば(例えば「* 水より厚い」)。


もしあなたが、あなたに興味ではないたくさんの結果を生成する用語を検索しようとしているならば、あなたは一定の言葉によって結果を取り除きたい。理解しなさい どんな用語で中であなたが興味がない(例えばジャガー-車)および re-run捜索 。







◯ Abenomics isn't estimated, 51% アベノミクス評価せず51% 衆院選トレンド調査

2014-12-12 11:10:30 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2014-12-12 11:10:30 Kyodo News.

Abenomics isn't estimated, 51% Election of the House of Representatives trend investigation.

December 12, 2014

Kyodo News put third time of the whole country telephone poll I sound about the voter's support trend for ten or eleven a couple of days and the election of the House of Representatives (trend investigation) into effect. LDP was the same 28 and 0% as an investigation (twenty-eight or twenty-nine a couple of days November) last time, and a voting destination of proportional representation was the top continuously. Democratic Party of Japan is 1, 5 points more of 11 and 8%. LDP takes a big lead beyond two times of Democratic Party of Japan by three times of all investigation, and superiority follows. The answer which "isn't estimated" about Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's economic policy "Ave flea camphor tree" accounted for the majority by 51 and 8%. "I estimate." for, they were 37 and 1%.
Cabinet support rate exceeded 41 and 1% in 48 and 7% approval rate-lessly. Backstay 47 and 3%-lessly, last time was reversed again by backstay 43 and 6%.
"The opposite" exceeded half in 51 and 7% about nuclear power plant re-operation. "Opposite" 45 and 6% were "agreement" 36 and 2% for an amendment to the constitution.
1 % of party 6* by which a proportional voting destination is restoration in addition to LDP and democratic both parties (last 3 and 3%), 1 % of the Komeito 6* (4 and 6%), 0 % of party 2* of the next generation (0 and 6%), 0 % of the Communist Party 6* (4 and 4%), 9 % of living party 0* (0 and 3%) and 9 % of Social Democratic Party 0* (0 and 8%). There were no answers following last time for new party reform. The answers which "have not decided" a voting destination were 32 and 5%, and 8* was less than last time 7 points.
The total of the person who answered "with some degree interest" which "is interested in an election of the House of Representatives greatly" is minute compared with last 67 and 4% by 69 and 5%, increase, it stopped. The independents to whom a support political party replied "" were 64 and 6%.

2014-12-12 11:10:30 共同通信

アベノミクス評価せず51% 衆院選トレンド調査

