◯ ーAbe is OK? ー / 生放送で「国民の声」にブチ切れ 安倍首相“精神状態”に異変

2014-12-01 22:05:22 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2014-11-29 07:36:03 nikkan-gendai.com


It's spotted in "national voice" by a live broadcast, cloth For Prime Minister Abe "the spirit state", nothing unusual.

November 21, 2014

I'm excited by voice in the town!/ (C) daily Gendai
I'm excited by voice in the town!/ (C) daily Gendai

"The Prime Minister who becomes the direction is ugly! 」──. Voice of criticism is rushing into Prime Minister Abe's attitude. When a television appeared, the general public's interview VTR is seen, and, "Isn't this strange!", the dryness was rolled up. Indeed, "the spirit state of the Prime Minister is also strange" LDP executive, "They may be in bad condition.", I have begun to worry.

Prime Minister Abe on whom rawness appeared in broadcast TBS "NEWS23" on the 18th when dissolution of the House of Representatives was expressed. Voice in the town was introduced by a VTR about "actual feeling of business recovery" by program starting for about 20 minutes.

"Who is making a profit?" "I don't think the business became good." "Avenomics flea camphor tre2014-11-29 07:36:03 nikkan-gendai.comh


It's spotted in "national voice" by a live broadcast, For Prime Minister Abe "the spirit state", nothing unusual.

November 21, 2014

I'm excited by voice in the town!/ (C) daily Gendai
I'm excited by voice in the town!/ (C) daily Gendai

"The Prime Minister who becomes the direction is ugly! 」──. Voice of criticism is rushing into Prime Minister Abe's attitude. When a television appeared, the general public's interview VTR is seen, and, "Isn't this strange!", the dryness was rolled up. Indeed, "the spirit state of the Prime Minister is also strange" LDP executive, "They may be in bad condition.", I have begun to worry.

Prime Minister Abe on whom rawness appeared in broadcast TBS "NEWS23" on the 18th when dissolution of the House of Representatives was expressed. Voice in the town was introduced by a VTR about "actual feeling of business recovery" by program starting for about 20 minutes.

"Who is making a profit?" "I don't think the business became good." "Avenomics isn't felt at all." "When only large enterprise is understood."

The word everyone feels obediently equaled. But, Prime Minister Abe's expression changes completely. That president's remark is controlled, because I criticize and "60 percent of enterprise is raising wage", "It isn't reflected by voice at all!" "Isn't it strange!", I wound and built. When appearing on the news of Nippon Television Network, the dryness was being rolled up fast.

To the next, >>

"Dismissal criticism" the spirit state of Prime Minister Abe who is so bright in a student and increases in seriousness

November 27, 2014
The question is just respectable (from face book).
The question is just respectable (, with voice of

what hawkish< for if it's for the purpose, not choosing the means, as a terrorist> praise from "friend" is it flooding a comment space on a face book of the Abe prime minister, but 、,it is strange. The Fukushima nuclear power plant where now is also in the pollution water sauce sink state, because the one of Prime Minister Abe's temporality from which a pickpocket can remove use approval of the right of collective self-defense a national majority is opposing by reinterpretation of the Constitution thrusts at "under control" and a big bullfinch, and it's a felony all. After all the one a college student wrote in is the respectable view to which I say "Why is it dismissal now?" I don't answer the question in MATOMO, the one of a country That the Prime Minister is overt, when making a mistake in one step, it's the abnormal behavior which can also be

understood as "speech force-out" to abuse a private

citizen. A "of the narcissism type, character" Abe prime minister was also enraged with Hitoshi Tanaka and the former Deputy isn't felt at all." "When only large enterprise is understood."

The word everyone feels obediently equaled. But, Prime Minister Abe's expression changes completely. That president's remark is controlled, because I criticize and "60 percent of enterprise is raising wage", "It isn't reflected by voice at all!" "Isn't it strange!", I wound and built. When appearing on the news of Nippon Television Network, the dryness was being rolled up fast.

・There was a verbal battle of the top of the each party before the public announcement by NHK program in the afternoon today in Japanese press club.
A certain party leader asked about the above.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe talked alone and was excited.

2014-11-29 07:36:03 nikkan-gendai.com


生放送で「国民の声」にブチ切れ 安倍首相“精神状態”に異変








「解散批判」学生にマジ切れ 深刻さ増す安倍首相の精神状態







 安倍首相は気分が落ち込むと、自分のフェイスブックに寄せられる“いいね!”を見て元気を取り戻すという。しかし、コメント欄には〈××議員を血祭りに!〉〈中国朝鮮3国もろとも殲滅でいきましょう〉〈野生動物 北京原人を射殺してください〉などの罵詈雑言が並んでいる。こんなコメントを読んで悦に入っているのだとしたら、人格が歪んでいる。あと4年間、日本を託していいのか。有権者は冷静に判断した方がいい。


◯The Fukushima Crisis875/Compensation.原発周辺住民の甲状腺がん被害で電力会社に補償命令:釜山

2014-12-01 07:45:41 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2014-12-01 07:24:50 journaldelenergie. Wall Street Journal

-Nucléaire » Une malade de la thyroïde fait condamner l’opérateur nucléaire sud-coréen -

Une malade de la thyroïde fait condamner l’opérateur nucléaire sud-coréen
Par Louis Germain Tags: Asie, Corée du Sud, justice, KEPCO, nucléaire, radioactivité, santé le 6 novembre 2014 à 16:38 | Pas de commentaire

November 27, 2014 Thursday.
Compensation is ordered a power company by thyroid cancer damage of a resident around the nuclear power plant: Pusan/November 6 (Wall Street Journal + JURUNARU DENAJI)
Korea, a courthouse in second city and Pusan comes near to Mr. St. GEUMU PAKU who lived in 7 kilometers of distance for a long time from Kori nuclear power plant on October 17 (48 years old and lady), "I had thyroid cancer by radioactivity from a nuclear power plant.", about 11,000 euros of payment of compensation of (about 680,000 yen) was commanded to the Korean waterpower and the nuclear power generation corporation which are managing one from having the same origin to an appeal and are managing.

Photo : centrale nucléaire de Kori, Corée du Sud (AIEA/Flickr/CC)

He assumed "The radioactivity which occurred from a nuclear reactor and the causality of cancer weren't obvious.", but a judge pointed out "In the spot where a plaintiff is within 10 kilometers of radius from a nuclear reactor, more than 20 years, kyojun, he extended over a long term and had been exposed to radioactivity." The Korean waterpower and a nuclear power generation corporation did an immediate complaint.

A result of the epidemiology investigation conducted in Korea in 2012 was a basis by this judgment of a CHOI HOSHIKU judge. The number of the person who developed 5 kilometers of thyroid cancer by the lady who lives in the distance of the in the range from a nuclear power plant was going up to more than 2.5 times compared with the number of the lady who developed 30 kilometers by the distance of the in the range from a nuclear power plant according to an investigation.


● source: "A lost case decides for a thyroid cancer patient and a Korean atomic enterpriser."

2014-12-01 07:24:50 journaldelenergie. Wall Street Journal

2014年11月27日 (木)
原発周辺住民の甲状腺がん被害で電力会社に補償命令:釜山/11月6日(Wall Street Journal+ジュルナル・デナジー)



(abstracted )
