◯ Measure against heatstroke. 飲めばいいってもんじゃ…熱中症対策「正しい水の取り方」

2014-07-31 08:24:56 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2014-07-31 07:29:49. nikkan-gendai.com
It is necessary just to drink. -- Measure against heatstroke "how to take the right water"
July 30, 2014

The right hydration is a point / (C) nikkan-gendai.
The measure against heatstroke requires sufficient moisture ingestion.
However, you have to take care about how to take especially water depending on a chronic disease.
What kind of person is so?
It asked Emeritus Professor Takako Norioka of the Yokohama Souei university.
First, it is diabetes.
"Since a diabetic person becomes it thirsty easily from the first, there is more moisture ingestion from every day, but there are not few people who are adopting how to have been wrong."
In an isotonic drink, carbonated water, juice, etc., it takes too much.
"More than it considers, there are many non-fibrous carbohydrates.
The water of moisture ingestion is foundations."
For the diabetic person, moisture ingestion suppresses overeating and also has the meaning of preventing a blood sugar level rise.
For that purpose, the water which is not too cold is drunk.
Moreover, it is a time of getting up in the morning, before sleeping night to like to drink consciously especially.
The water of one cup of glass is drunk.
"Most persons have the highest calorie of supper.
That is, it is the highest in the blood sugar level being one day, and there is a possibility that blood is sticky.
water before sleeping boils it smoothly and carries out it.
And it is the purpose to supply the moisture lost while morning water was lying down."
The standard also of the fluid intake on the first will be 2 liters.
■ Blood sticky, a uric acid level rise
High blood pressure is also requiring special attention to moisture ingestion.
"If high blood pressure has few fluid intakes, the flow of blood will worsen and sticky-ization of blood will follow it.
Conversely, if there are many fluid intakes, since it is contained in blood, the amount of blood will also increase, blood pressure will rise, and moisture will apply a burden to the heart."
Generally, at 2 liters, although it is good, it divides into a number of times briskly, and drinks the standard of an intake.
one cup was said as .... to going-out front, inside, and the back, respectively -- it is .
There is the amount of perspiration to the extent that it thinks whether going out of summer exercised.
Since blood sticky raises the risk of myocardial infarction and apoplexy, I would like to take care.
Since it becomes easy for the person of a chronic disease to start the present season and a fit, gout and his gout are requiring special attention.
"Since the amount of moisture in the living body decreases by perspiration, it becomes easy to go up a uric acid level.
Furthermore, since the urinary output to excrete decreases, the amount of discharge of uric acid also decreases, and a uric acid level in the living body goes up at a stretch, and tends to start gout."
To time after a bath, U drink beer with gurgles with great relis,but it is with many purine bodies --
Although it is unbearable to a beer lover, the person of gout and gout should avoid.
As for each of diabetes, high blood pressures, and gout and gout, if condition of disease reaches an advanced stage, the kidney will also worsen.
"If the person of kidney disease, such as chronic renal failure, takes in moisture superfluously, in order to process it, a burden is placed on the kidney, and it becomes impossible to be unable to process wastes in the living body, and may cause hyponatremia and consciousness disorder."
Although those by whom the renal function fall is already seen should look for a family doctor's directions about the required amount of moisture, when it can do by itself, they are daily weight measurement.
"It is thought that a rapid weight change is based on moisture.
If it is decreasing, please take in moisture intentionally, and when you are increasing, cut down salt.
The excess of salt ingestion causes moisture storage."
Let's overcome summer safely.


2014-07-31 07:29:49. nikkan-gendai.com




 熱中症対策には十分な水分摂取が必要だ。しかし、持病によっては、特に水の取り方に気をつけなくてはならない。どういう人がそうなのか? 横浜創英大学の則岡孝子名誉教授に聞いた。

















