

そろそろ、始動します / It's time to get started

2024-03-10 20:58:55 | 夢を追いかけて ・・

 自宅から 3㎞。途中に信号は1個だけという、絶好の場所が使えそうです。

3km from home. There is only one traffic light along the way, so it looks like it will be a great driving venue. It's a facility run by the city where I live, but there are no signs of it being used recently, and the course surface is rough.
Therefore, I offered to clean the course and received their approval. I think it will take a lot of time and days, but I would like to see an increase in the number of people using the facility.


Recently, I've been really inspired by someone I've become friends with this year. Living in a foreign country, he is passionate about riding motorcycles well, but more than that, he is a very polite and honest person. I don't want to lose to him, so I will gradually increase the amount of riding I do while watching my health recover.
And we will increase the number of messages sent to passionate riders around the world, including him.







春間近の “黄” 信号、キズイセン / Yellow Daffodils heralding Spring

2024-03-10 18:28:40 | 日記

黄色の花びらの水仙、キズイセン です。
カタバミ や タンポポ の先客に続いて、黄色がまた灯りました。
きっと、「春だよ~ さあ、活動を始めよう!」と言っているのでしょう。

The first new flowers have bloomed in our flower beds as spring approaches. 
The yellow petaled daffodils, kizusens, are in full bloom. 
Yellow lit up again, following Oxalis and her dandelion predecessors.
I'm sure they're saying, "It's spring! Let's get started!"
