Yuka's Tweet

This is the blog of Yuka's tweet from twitter.

Lack of sleep

2011-04-21 09:36:21 | Tweet on Blog

I've been lack of sleep since the disaster 3.11.

I know why, of course. It’s fear.

Guess it doesn't effect me only, also a lot of people, especially who live in the east of Japan.

My case, I'm trying to hard to sleep early, but whenever I feel sleepy, the aftershock comes so I jumped up and guard my kids like a mother lion.

The bell of the warning system of the earthquake is also disturbing my sleep. The sound is really terrible, it makes me wake up whenever it sounds, but it means the system is working well... so it is always with me now, even it makes me annoy all night.

Yes, It's really stressful to live in Tokyo now (T T). I think home is meant to be a safe place where we feel happy and secure. But now we lost it,,,  Can we get it back again? When?

There is one good tool to lift me up now, It's FB. Can chat with friends in all over the world and they give me laugh and smile when I'm down. Fell I'm not alone here, they are always with me in this hard time.

Need to go to overseas for a while? Maybe.. Sometime I just imagine to sit poolside with a book and a cup of coffee -can be cocktail of course-, my kids play and laugh around me. Yes, it is my dream now and it was my life in Russia.

Wanna to relax, release my fear and stress and sleep with happy dream.
