

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 天の岩戸 1 ≪改訂版≫

『日本書紀』 天の岩戸 1 ≪改訂版≫





After that, the actions of Susanoo-no-Mikoto became increasingly disorderly. The reason being, Amaterasu-Ōmikami had made heavenly rice fields, Ama-no-Sanada and Nagata, her sacred fields. At that time, Susanoo-no-Mikoto would repeatedly sow seeds during the spring and damage the plants, which were called ‘Jikimaki’ or ‘maki.’ In the autumn, he released a piebald horse into the sacred paddy fields, and when Amaterasu-Ōmikami was about to perform the Niinamesai (the festival of the new harvest), he secretly defecated in the New Palace. He also saw Amaterasu-Ōmikami weaving garments in the place for weaving sacred garments and peeled bark off the piebald horse. He even tore off the roofing of the hall and threw it inside. Amaterasu-Ōmikami was greatly shocked, and the splinter from the weaving shuttle injured her. Because of this, she became angry and withdrew into the Ama-no-Iwato (the heavenly rock cave), closing the rock door, leaving the world in perpetual darkness, where day and night ceased to exist.

At that time, the eight hundred thousand deities gathered by the banks of the heavenly peaceful river and deliberated on how to entreat Amaterasu-Ōmikami to emerge from the cave. Thus, they devised various plans. For instance, they had a sacred bird of eternal youth called Naginakamitori to sing back and forth.
They also positioned male deities with strong arms at the side of the rock door. Midzunome and Ikinomenotamanomikoto of the Nakatomi clan dug up five hundred young sakaki trees from the Heavenly Kagoyama, and hung a special cluster of sakaki with eight arms on the top, and one with three arms on the middle branch, and one with one arm on the lower branch. They also hung a white and blue hempen cloth, called Nigihayahi and Saisumishi, together with them to conduct prayers. The monkey goddess, Sarume no Kimi, held a bamboo basket and stood in front of the door to the Ama-no-Iwato, and performed a skilled dance.

They also used the sakaki trees from the Kagoyama as decorations, and entwined them around their heads, tied off their gathered cloth with lalome (straw rope), and kindled a fire. They overturned tubs and stood on top, talking and dancing in divine possession. This is what they did to induce divine conversation and divine possession.

At that time, Amaterasu-Ōmikami heard this and said, “I have been living shut away in this rock cave, thinking that it would become perpetual night over the Ashihara-no-Nakatsukuni. Why is Ama-no-Uzume so joyful?” She then slightly opened the rock door with her hand.

At this moment, the male deities with strong arms who had been placed near the rock door took Amaterasu-Ōmikami’s hand and pulled her out. The Nakatomi deity and the Ikinomenotamanomikoto then connected a shimenawa (a sacred rope), also known as a left rope, and said, “Please do not return.” Afterward, the deities placed the blame on Susanoo-no-Mikoto for his sins, setting up a thousand sacred rice fields and promptly summoning him. They even pulled his hair to atone for his sins. It is also said, “Pluck the nails of his hands and feet as atonement.” Eventually, they expelled him from Takamagahara (the Heavenly Plain).





令和5年10月27日(金) 2023

令和5年10月23日(月) 2023

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