Hard to deal with

2017-06-18 21:59:14 | English Notes

I would like to write about a person who is hard for me to deal with.
She is a polite person, but has too much confidence. She is cautious, so she usually doesn't do anything wrong. She hardly apologizes, but often justifies what she does or doesn't do. I know she is busy, and I sometimes offer to help her. She almost always declines my offer. I think her weak point is not asking favors of people.
She used to be one of my neighbors. We will never see each other
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What a waste of food!

2017-06-03 21:56:11 | English Notes
Something that I left unfinished today was cooking chicken and Japanese radish.
I bought them several days ago, so they are going bad. The temperature had been hot before yesterday and I hadn't had any appetite. I hadn't felt like cooking. Today, it was a cool day and I thought I could cook a large mount of meal.
However, my son doesn't come home this weekend, so there is no need to make a large meal. I lost my motivation for cooking. I won't cook them tomorrow, but I will ask my daughter to cook them on behalf of me, or I will dump them. What a waste of food! But we can lose weight.
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I couldn't tell him the truth!

2017-06-01 21:53:19 | English Notes
Whenever I use the computer, I listen to music and write documents.
However, every once in a while, I really want to watch movies and dramas. If I start watching a drama, I can't stop watching it until I finish the last scene.
Last week, I found an interesting drama and I began to watch it. I spent for a long time sitting at my desk, which made my shoulders stiff. In order to reduce stiff shoulders, I needed a compress. So I asked my father-in-law to give me some. He thought that hard working made me exhausted, and was worried about my condition. Of course, I couldn't tell him the truth!
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