
2017-05-18 10:37:52 | Event 全般
開催日は7月23日日曜日、会場は可児市福祉センターです。 年中児以上の園児さんと小学4年生以下が低学年プログラムに、5.6年生は高学年プログラムに参加できます。 お友達を招待して一緒に参加していただくこともできますので、参加希望者のお名前、通学学校名、学年を教室までご連絡ください。 ただし、年少児以下もしくは中学生以上の方は参加できません。
低学年レベルの部 午後1時30分~2時20分、
高学年レベルの部 午後2時30分~3時20分の枠で、PB、PF、PE、PAクラスの英会話コースに在籍されている生徒さん全員の仮予約をしてあります。 ご家庭でのご予定をご確認の上、下記の出欠届を切り取りお子様の氏名をご記入の上、6月16日(金)迄に教室までご提出ください。 
尚、低学年の部に限り、9時30分~10時20分の枠も空席があります。 ご希望の方はその旨を余白にご記入の上ご提出ください。 

キッズサマーフェスティバル出欠届  (提出期限 6月16日 )

7月23日のキッズサマーフェスティバル、(低学年の部 午後1時30分~)に
                         (高学年の部 午後2時30分~)に

参加します             不参加です


Mother's day

2017-05-14 22:16:03 | English Notes
Today was Mother's Day, but there was nothing special. My family was at home and we each had meals together. Usually, we hardly have meals together, and only on weekends we can spend time together. My son also came back home from his dormitory last night. He is going to leave home tomorrow morning. I will go with him and he will drive my car to school, then I will drive it home.

How We Spent Golden Week

2017-05-07 23:56:13 | English Notes
Golden Week is over. My whole family stayed home for the whole week, and I enjoyed being with my son. He intends to take his entrance examinations for transfer students in June and August. I was always with him when he was studying English. We both tried to solve questions in a workbook. The questions were so difficult that we needed dictionaries to answer them. I think that he felt relieved to find out the questions were complex, even for me. There is only a month before the earliest examination. He's going back to his dormitory tomorrow.
I hope he keeps working hard and that his efforts will be rewarded.