Too relaxed

2016-08-31 23:28:08 | English Notes
Today's temperature will be lower. It was also cool last night, so I needed to close the window before going to bed.
In the summer, I usually wake up before 6 a.m because of the heat, but it was already 7 a.m. when I woke up this morning. It was not too late, so I opened the window and enjoyed the fresh air lying on the bed for a while.
Then I saw the clock. I said 7:20. I was late. I spent too much time in bed! I dashed to my children's room. At the doors I spoke to them loudly to tell them the time. It was not too late for my children, but it was not enough for me to make breakfast and a lunch box for my son, so I promised him to bring a lunch box on time.
It is not so far from our house to the driving school that he goes to. It takes about 20 minutes by car at most. His lunch time starts at 13:10. I had several hours to leave home,so I started writing my diary.

After bringing him the lunch box, I dropped into a contact lenses shop where I ordered some contact lenses last week. When I was about to open the front door, I saw a signboard in the entrance hall. It said "Closed for inventory stocktaking" "Gosh! I need to come again. Why didn't the shop put the signboard outside? Why did they tell me the shop is closed today?" I thought. There was another customer at the front door. We both sighed and returned to our cars. Then, I went to work. Now,I have already had dinner,taken a shower and am eating ice cream.

While I was taking a shower, I realized I had forgotten something to do today. It is too late. I'll send this diary right away before falling asleep.
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One of my favorite charactor

2016-08-30 00:22:41 | English Notes
600 letters does not quite suffice to describe what has happened and what I thought about it, but 1200 letters is usually too many. I often make the sentences unnaturally short, sometimes rendering the point at issue unclear. Therefore, I will write today's diary without omissions.

Have you ever watched the TV drama "Once Upon a Time"? It's one of my favorite TV dramas. One of the characters is a foster mother of a boy. She loves the boy very much. She does anything to protect him. In the story, she is not a heroine but a villain. I've never like villains, but she is the exception. She takes care of him well, but she doesn't spoil him. I might be doting upon my son now. I want to do whatever he wants, because he will go back to his dormitory in three weeks. While he is at the dormitory, there is nothing I can do for him. That's very helpful, but sometimes I feel empty. I think I still cling to him emotionally. If I could , I would be with him all the time.

Now I need to get up early every day to make a lunch box for him. That's about it all for now. Talk to you soon.
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2016-08-29 23:52:29 | レッスンの様子

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Got a Hair Cut

2016-08-28 23:17:56 | English Notes
Last Thursday, I went to a beauty salon to have my hair dyed.
Last month, I made a reservation for my next appointment. It was supposed to be at the end of September. I am always busy in August, and I hadn't gotten my hair cut or dyed in August for years. So the head of the hairdressers seemed surprised that I visited there so soon.
I needed to renew my driving license this month. When we renew the license, we need to get our picture taken. The picture taken by staff is usually not good.  
This is why I changed my mind. I talked to the head about this, and she made me look as good as possible.
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2016-08-25 00:06:51 | English Notes
Recently,we've been having a local downpour in the evening almost every day. Thanks to the rain, I don't need to water the plants. Three days ago, around 3p.m. I saw dark clouds were hanging low, so I thought it was about to rain, and then I went to work. That night, I was too tired to take care of the plants. The next afternoon, I found the plants were dying. I regretted than I hadn't watered the plants before getting to work, and watered them. Yesterday, it was going to be a rainy day. I didn't think it was necessary to water the plants but I did just in case.
Immediately after that, it began to rain but stopped raining soon. Then I drove my son to driving school. He usually takes the school bus. To take the bus, the students need to make a reservation at the reception desk each time. He forgot to do it. On the way, he noticed he forgot to take an umbrella. He was going to come home by bus. The bus stop is a 10 minute walk from our house.
I suggested we place an umbrella, which was in disuse, at the stop. We didn't care if anyone took it. When I brought one to the stop, it was raining cats and dogs. I was satisfied about what I did, and left to get to work. It rained off and on all day long.
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Early bird

2016-08-23 06:03:17 | English Notes
I checked my diary that I wrote last year. I found I kept my diary at night then.
Recently, I've been going to bed earlier and waking up much earlier than last year. They say old people usually wake up early but young people don't. Am I that old? I don't think so.
I have another reason. There is no need to stay up late nowadays. I go to bed around 10:30 and get up around 5:30. I make breakfast for my family and make a lunch box for my son. During summer vacation, he goes to a driving school every day except Sunday and intends to get a driver's license before his second semester of college starts.
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My husband and son

2016-08-22 23:47:23 | English Notes
I haven't written anything in my English diary for a month.
Before the Bon holidays, most Japanese adult people are busier than usual,I guess.
Now, let me think about what happened in the past. My son, who lives in a dormitory, came back home at the end of July and my husband took one week of Bon holidays. My husband seemed happy to see our son every day. But my son didn't seem happy because my husband made him busy.
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2016-08-21 22:39:35 | レッスンの様子
「うわ~ぁ。うげ~ぇ。あぁ。。。」という声が聞こえてきそうです(笑) まだ酷暑日になる日もあるし熱帯夜も続いているので、夏真っ盛りのような感じさえします。 夏の終わりは、夏の疲れが出やすい時期のようですから、しんどいのは理解できます。 

Do you like summer? と生徒に質問すると、必ず、“Yes,I do!”という答えが返ってきます。 一人ぐらい“No”という子はいないかと思って、全員に質問したのですが、誰一人“No”と言いません。 でも、私は、“I hate summer!”夏が大嫌い です。 理由は、いろいろあります。
学校で夏休みの課題が出されるのは、同じ場所にいるためです。 その課題は、小学生の時はほんの少し。 だけど、高校(ここでは、進学校の場合とします)になると、夏休みが嫌いになるほど恐ろしく課題が増えるのは、なぜ?(私の夏嫌いはこれが原因だったかも。)
それは、それまでに積み上げてきた学習量が多いからです。 小・中学校から出される課題は、基本的に復習課題です。 まだ習得できていない箇所が多いと、課題をこなすのに時間がかかりますが、その時点でほぼ習得できていれば、短時間で済ませることができるのです。 
しかし、高校になると話は違います。 加えて、現行の高校課程で学習する量は、大学受験に必要な量より相当少なく、授業で習う以外に自らの課題として取り組む必要があるのです。 特に英単語に関しては、仮に教科書で習う単語を完璧に覚えても、全体量の6割程度にしかなりません。 
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2016-08-20 22:44:07 | レッスンの様子

また、JI生のK君は、期末試験で100点を取った教科があったので、図書カードを一枚受け取ることができました。 K君は、すでに保有ECCドルが$500を超えていますが、$1000でユニー商品券と交換するかどうかを検討中のようです。 
人が覚えたことは、なにもしなければ時が経つと忘れてしまいますが、ECCドルは、なにもしなくても減ることはありません。 また、物品と交換すれば形に残るので、景品交換は、たとえ景品そのものはあまり役に立たないものだとしても、学習した軌跡を残すという観点で意義のあることだと思います。 そのため、子供たちが頑張って貯めた(稼いだ)ECCドルは、景品と交換するために使用して欲しいので、昨年度に行った「イベント費用の一部に充当する」ということは原則的に廃止とします。 

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2016-08-13 18:43:30 | 日記

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