YUKARI's End (46)

2017-03-06 15:04:54 | 日記

 And I did the Disneyland trip. It was a warm day. A good for a walking. However, my grand mother didn't like new attractions like Captain EO or Thander Mountain. Just cup saucer and carousell gallop, and litte world. OK, then you would like Cinderrela Castle tour.

  Then we entered into the castle. However, in the middle of the tour, my grand mother stopped and said, "I dislike this place. This is too too dark. I don't like dark place. I want to get out of here."

  I was in trouble. Oh, I did commit a mistake. She didn't want to come here. Oh! How should I do!!! The took others to other place. OK, I would aske a help to some clerk here. I found one, and explained what happedned for us. She understood and guided to the secret elevator exclusively used in case of emergency. Thus, we could manage the situation. UME-san was saved. OK, and I did the real adventure in Chinderella castle. Only few used this elevator. One of the rare user, I am. Short cut elevator for what???

  Or, one more clue to their wrong doing. A trip to hell for some family. Squad use with wheel cheer type. Good place to kill someone. Dark, no one recognizes. Concealed one should be Miyuki. The pupils planned to take me to Disneyland and induse the squad to do their dirty work. Nakajo like cheapish trick, isn't it?

  A dark place in the theme park frightened my grand mother so much. Probably she felt much more than me.

  My mother was a nurse, graduated from special nurse school in KANDA. At that time, it was so rare to graduate the school. It means that she was an elite at that time. She was proud of the was the first learner and got to graduate within one year after the entrance. The shortest record in the school.

  However, after several years of working, she quitted the job in a presumably big hospital and started to work as an independent nurse. On demand type. If someone calls, she goes assist the pacient type.

  And she got to know my grand father Tamiya YAMAGUCHI and got married.

  Anyway, she was excluded from the medical institute, probably near KANDA.

  And I and Alex had the similar experience in YOMIURI Land. On the puniching day trip.I would explain the accident later.

 On the day, we entered into Haunted House. We are chikens, yes, however, at that moment, we were really feeling terrified. We dared to shake hands each other, saying, "Don't get out of here, leaving me alone!!!" We pledged and entered.

  Especially, I was frightened in front of Salary man's table setting. Dame-Oyaji in SARUSHI suits, probably. I felt so frightened and said to Alex, "I am afraid that doll!!! Too Too spooky!!!"

  Soon before the exit, we separated our hand and said, "The last part was just a cheap gimmic. Too too cheap. Why the figures had gotten out of the exit before we entered us said, "The last part is the strongly thrilled!!! Wow!!!" Various groups said the same thing. However, we didn't have nothing in the cheap instaration of old KAPPA films of "SANPEI, the KAPPA". ???

  Oh, we escaped from the squad, or squads. So many Kyorin related were there at that day in the park. I didn't know. We bought the ticket for all of attractions, however, we just used the childish attractions only. I claimed Alex to force me to buy the higher tickets. Anyway, we just took some cheapest childish rides, safe ones.

   I remembered at that day on the fatal accident of Tokyo Dome city, runed by the same group of this YOMIURI Land.

  Tokyo Dome is located near Tokyo University. A fat man came to visit for a jetcoaster ride with his colleagues. Strange. On Sunday, with his working place's colleagues? Anyway, he took a ride, and in the middle of the ride, he fell and died. The reason was, the assitent part-time student forgot to fasten the safty belt, because he was fat. Absurd ignorance with irresponsible worker. The company should be blamed because of lack of education for part-timeers' job, and lack of monitoring the possible danger. The company admitted the wrongdoing probably and he was the target of the hatrid of the colleagues. Accident like intentional killing called assasin.

  Theme parks were good place for the dirty job. Oh, Disneyland in California got a death of this kind also. USA, you too!, type.

  Near the YOMIURU land there is a big hospital for the finalcare, namely, hospis called Keiyu Hospital. There are several VIP roomes which costs US$7.8 thousand per month. This hospital is run by Keio University.

 Spooky, dark atomosphare, we could feel in the theme park. There are lots of victims on behal of their wrongdoinds.

   This place is presumably a sacrid for animals, which is prohibitted to be explored, I understood. From the gondola of the swinging cable, I could see the vast panorama of the region. Mountains and hills. Only this place are bald like skin head. Keio related and YOMIURI related did damaged the sacrid place to establish the assasin location and the concealing facilities called Keiyuu Hospital. No necessary of explorarion, excluded the objecting people, killed them, concealed the fact and got revealed by their own idiotice.

   The educational system of the theme park called YOMIURI LAND was too poor. The clerks, probably part-time workers, made a lot of mistakes. After repeated qustions, said, "Sorry, we had nothing at all! It would better to buy more evpensive one. " And they confused the dishes and clerks, prices also. A confusion, always. Like a DDMic work.

   Thus, we escaped form the dark plan to kill SATO Family all together.

   UME-san got to know that the exploration of Disneyland was the reason of her closest relatives' dissapearance. Greedy to sell the property as much as possible. Oh, my grand aunt's son killed his real mother and sister for his own egoictic reason! Just the case of the jusrisprudence that Supreme Court addmitted that the mortal execution of the criminal is constitutional. 

  The jurisprudence is the real proof of the alzheimer diseace of the judges in Supreme Court. They confused wrongdoer with victim. A quick proof has done, at a glance. They exposed the shame in reviews and in Internet. Like a nakid rapist wandering here and there. Everyone now calles that the power holders are nakid and idiots. IDIOCRACY, totally!!!

  Do you think that YUKARI could be a prime minister in some country? Just a black joke makes her be a ruler. They believe the joke were true. Thus, they began to start the most foolish reigh by All Alzheimer Patients.

   Sorry, I was dumb by not believeng your story at once. I didn't believe that our family produced a death penalty deserving criminal at that time.

  Kinship is the key to resolve the problem. She didn't say "My nephew" like that. Just, "rough fisherman, he is, thus maybe he did beyond the limit". Too too soft to understand the insinuance.

  Miyuki is good at logics, however, too too slow to notice the fact. Fact finding is good job for you as training. Like a detective story. Miyuki remembered that lots of series of criminal stories watched when she was a child. And Miyuki is too good to criticese the lies of them. No knowledge on criminal law. Easy technic to induce others to attract. Earning money job. Yasuo UCHIDA's nature was reveald by Miyuki. Easy job. Not use mind at all. Just put a kinky figure to confuse the story. A trick star!

  Now all of the series are the same structure. Toralitarianization here and there. No lojical world appeared here!!! The dark galaxy's colony!!! Help!!!

  Miyuki called loud, because she had nothing and the squad was 6. Too too terrible situation. However, they did it, for the sake of "Miyuki herself". The flat words use, Miyuki got to know. Kiramura didn't recognize the difference between the flame and the content. He asked the meaning to OHTA, when he delivered the farewell reporting 3 years ago.

  Only 3 years ago, he spoke on the Anglo-American prevalence in Faculty of Law at Tokyo Univ. And he said, in 2015, for a long time, I didn't report here in this association, and no one resisted at all.

  Miyuki was astonished at his remark and got to know that he suffered from the Alzheimer like disease already, decisively.

  He was feeble-minded, thus, it was good for me as a nominal professor. I know his intelligent level, thus, I thought, "Oh, good. A real idiot. Just he would sign according to my request. I don't need orientator. My subject is almost new here in Tokyo Univ. Nominal orientator is suitable for me. Good. And he is dull. No explanation for him. "

  However, sometimes, he internaned to my academic world. When I was in a Graduate School, he said to me, "You look foolishly happy." I didn't understand why he said such a remark. however, now I got to know, that he wanted to say, "We know the black side of the Japanese legal system in all, while you don't know on it all and believe only the bright side of it. How old are you? How many years you are here in the campus. You are cretin, totally. Thus, you are precious as our the shield using a human being. We are devils, and you are human beings. We need to use you, if we need. Until then, you should be kept here. When you denies the role, the game would be over. You would be killed or punished. You should prelare well until your last time, OK, idiot!"

  Maybe, the deciest 4 or more colleague of mine were this type. KAKISHIMA called it "Fundamentalists." And this naming caused us a lot of problem.

  The word "Fundamentalists" signifies, "Oh, Public Security Service, you can catch the baby and do as you like. We put her the name. Now, you can take any property of her, under the name of state security. Good girl. You came here to be put the name of "Fundamentalist", and she accepted it. OK, now she is the enemy No.1. Our master plan is done. A am so clever to play the role. So I am worthy to be treated like God of beauty. Thus, SPA! She would be killed there. Nakid with a lot of shames. OK, I would bring her to the place. OK, boss, I would be the best figure to do the job. Please give me the reward, as always. I am your good girl, Father. I would do the job of Justice. I am the professor of law.

  That is the so called Black List, which Mouri reffered to. Youichi HIGUCHI pretended like as a Macho and was revealed to be a Big Devil.

  In the critical study of jurisprudence of Administrative Law, I have heard that even only a common peaceful islamic resident could be traced by the police and the government itself, and he would be investigated even in his private house.

  In his case, his Japanese wife would be a spy type. Like YUKARI. A spy in each family is good. The spies were paid several times depending on their information offering and allowed after the job as incapable. YUKARI did the job in HACHIOJI. She wrote a lot of note taking memorundums and after several days, she broke the paper. Wrhiting and breaking. What is whe writing. For breaking only? A writer, she wanted to be? However, she looked upset, when she broke the papers. I was not interested at her at all, thus I igonored her.

  Writers, they say. However, no produce nothing type. Scholars with doctral degree holders in Japan. Jobless, and no promissive job.

  In Japan, holding doctoral digree is not important, is the words done by others. Miyuki remember, that NAKAGAMI met a some America, sho wanted to hunt her, saying, "Oh, you are graduate pupil? Thus, you would not be the professor of this versitly." and she got upset.

  I thought that she wanted to show up that she were attractive, at the same time, she was offended by the denial of the possibility to be a professor. Presumably, this American like guy wanted to play with her. Good for her. So I replied, "Oh, Ramseiyer, isn't he? He knows well on the inside system. You can play with him!"

 Ramseiyer made a study on the unfair replacement of Judges in Japan and I have heard the report on 8th floor of the new builing of Faculty of Law for reserch.

 He did by way of OHTA's "intentionally skewed" or not test and proved that this contry did run by skewed figures.

 He was famous for the report on the reason of the avoiding law suits tendency in Japan.

 KAWASHIMA of Tokyo Univ. explained the femomenum as the people's nature. NODA accepted the theory.

 Ramuzayer explained because of the efficiency preference among Japanse people.

 At that time, I have thought that the reasons could be combined. Not contradictional reasons.

 However, I think, Ramzeiyer's theory is a bit better than the Japanese evasion. However, the cost included life? Did you know the system? If so, he concealed the fact, using the soft expression for it.

 If people do know that he would be killed by law suit, he would not propose the suit, of course!!

 However, I didn't know it at all. Ramzyer, if your theory is right, you are wrongdoer, and if your theory is wrong, you should explain the reason of the failure, appointing your beautiful Japanse!!!

 Ramzier spoke in Japanese highly well. He said, he was in Japan when he was a boy. Presumably, his father would be some army related. Say something essential, or, surrender to our army. Good boy, you know the rule. You should explain to the others, how you got the information and what was the contents of the source. How much did they pay for you?

 Your father would shout for you. Mateo Farcone, he would be. Real macho or Mr.Flabby?

 Ramzeyer knew the system better than I. He would inform to the world immediately. However, he kept silent because of his habit or inclination to the some interesting amusement? OK, Japanese girls were tasty? Bust suking is disliked by your mother country. NAKAGAMI had two kids now. Do you try again. On her, I don't know she had the real kids or not.

 Funabashi, at RISSHO Versity, said to me, "My colleague NAKAGAMI has no time to work with us because she has two babies.", with some nasty expression. For him, non working figures were avoidable, at least.

 He was hired in the same year with me, in 2003. He was a good fellow type. He was the same experiance on the dental problem in childhood, coincidently.

  I went to be treated my tooth problen to the dentist called IGARASHI in SOKUZEN-CHO, near my house.

  In the process of treatment, the dentist declared me, "You have a swinging tooth. I would take you now with the tool."

  I was astonished and refused his terrible offer. I explained, "I came here for different treatment. Not for being taken off the tooth." 

  He said, "Thus, I would't work for your request. Get out of here!" Thus, I got out of the dentist, crying loud. I was too too afraid to be taken my tooth artificially!!! I came back home and explained the case to my mother and she understood and I was relieved and didn't go back to the dentist.

  The dentist vanished in the place. Now, the same name dentist is at the corner of  YOTSUJI, or "crossing". I don't know the members were the same or not. However, my mother goes to her treatment often.

 Recently she took her tooth on the depth of the month. In Japan, there are two streams on the four teeth on the depth.

 One is the theory that even without any problem, the teech should be taken off for the prevention for the future problem. My mother adopted the explanation.

 Another is the theory, that all natural teeth are important, thus, they should be kept as much as possible. I adopt the sedond theory.

 The new IGARASHI adopt the strange combination. The staff explained that you should maintain 20 teeth at least in the age of 80. However, at the same time, the staff took her tooth above.

 They should be faked dentists who didn't know the recent theory. And my mother should be the victim. They repeatedly call her to come. For the reward, probably.

  And don't forget everyone! In Japan, assistents of Dental Doctors can do amnisiastic job with injection. My mother didn't know the fact, probably. Poor mother, I did get to know her tooth taking case after the incident.

 However, good to know. In her case, the tooth had a black cavity. Thus, she had a chance to be agonized by my theory more. Anyway, the tooth should be taken type cavity, indifferent from the location of the tooth.

 Why the same name were taken and moved only 1 block from the previous location?

 Now the Big Cross was too too broad, compared with the number of the vehicles. And the government continued to widen the roads, providing money to the buildings on the side of the roads. It means the new IGARASHI would gain the compensational money by tax in the near future. The building is yet new, however, they would be repliced with the different appearance and would be set another side of the latent broadening road.

 There are many dental clinics here and there, expecially, at the corner of the road. YABUKI's AKAMATSU is the evident actual wrongdoing's example. No population and big dental clinic on the corner of the Y letter Crossing. It would earn double because of the location?

 Eternal widening process without necessity, using our precious money. "All roads go to Rome" is the symbol of the construction business in the state.

  Now, destruction is in the fashion. We should do destruction job, as early as possible. I am good at breaking things. Much more technical way, not like as YUKARI's caothic dirty reliance destructive way. Minister of Destruction should be established and I appoint my dear Friend Sachiko TOBE and Tomoko SUZUKI group. They could manage heavy vehicles to destroy the unnecessary road and buildings and houses from the earth. Good! I would assit your job, physically.

 Spring is a good season to train my arm muscles. I want to have a beautiful slender muscles. Please call me, if you want my help!!! I am a latate jobless person, don't forget it!!!

 Destruction only. Not construction. We create the new system, and this is a kind of game of imagination combined with experiments. My type. I am good at creation and inovation. Project makers. Good. And I like to try by myself. Walking is a good to see and think. At this point, I likes "wandering school" in Aristcrates. He was not good at senseful imagination, however, better than Platon, as his social studies. Walking is the first step to know the fact.

 Rural persons, you should try to find the strange fenomena that I found here and there. Pupils woud be good followers. Enjoyable, exciting, interesting. Good for us. Don't rely on power holders remarks. They are Alzheimer patients. Listen to their remarks carefully. Total contradictions. Just you should listen fast. Rather faster than their Bla-Bla-Bla. At first, a bit difficult. However, once you get, you can use as you like whenever you are. A good choice, rapid speakers. Machinegun talk combined with ridiculous contradictions here and there. Versity graduates. They suffered from Alzheimer disease in Tokyo or in some urbanized town. They speal fluently, however, they are just Alzheimer PAtients. Any remark you can put on the cutting board and cut as you like. Just a trash. Oh, you are right! Don't worry, They are in the mood of leaving from the earth. Dark garaxy, probably. Kaos, they could say. They came from the dirk black galaxy. DADAs and BELLs.

  Miyuki was forced to stay a night in a Love Hotel called "Winning Bell" in Kobe. She wanted to make a reservation several days before the trip, however, she couldn't find any. The capsule hotel like coffin or the presumably love hotel one. Anyway, no way. I need to take a nap in the bed and coffine is not for the bed.

 For DDMs, heir bed is the coffin. They made a special bed for the determined use.

 Oh, TAGUCHI, you made an order for the coffine. Your way of saying was too confusable for us.

 She explaine me that she is leaving to California, Orange County. And her husband already was there, waiting for the arrival of her and their baby. Oh, the tumbes, they wanted to say.

 Leaving is the sigh of their departure. Miyuki said "I am going to NZ to earn money." It was a key to success. She is moving to hell. Then, Good. Oh, spell mistake, good. Alzheimer, good. they wanted to put Miyuki to the hospital again and watched the possibility. Just for a suble difference would be the reason, for people. For DDMs, any big fatal errors should be forgiven.

 The world goes arroud at the pivot of mine, YUKARI dared to say. I moved the earth, only a while, however, I did. I was a ruler at that time and you were the subject of me. I had all of things as I like. I was a ruler in the world.

 A menstration was called Queen's illiness, they say. Thus, they took their bottom part for the sake of their obedience, until the important part for the sexual intercourse.

 Miyuki was monitored by someone, who was protecting your activities. It's cloudy today, thus, I want to write the discoveries of yesterday's walking.

 I need to continue to the episode. Lots of followerd before and after Miyuki. Squad like position. They were operated by the police and offered the episodes of the laughing stories.

 Miyuki felt strange that old man was taking the picture on his son like posing younger. Like a position of couple tour.

 Probably, they were trained for a couple moving fake, however, lost their partner and they combined the rest together. Thus, their behaviours were so ridiculous. They were trained before the game. Just walking laughing and saying positive things. Negative things should be avoidable. Or, they would lose their lives.

 Latest version is stealing nostargy one. They did once or while and got lost their memory at all. Why they were doing so, anyone knows, including they themselves. The kinkiest forgetfulness was the sigh of the departure. YUKARI wanted to go as far as possible. Then, HASEGAWA Hospital. Shochi-nyu would be prefered, because she is in danger of the life. There are lots of similar ones here and there. Stupid monsters, who don't know the limit. They should be the queen in the land.

 Good to know, your mother was so sad to say that she is the real monster to us to YUKARI. However, she did. She just wanted to sleep well. However, YUKARI wanted to watch TV. The night one is good for her. Some erotic type. A turning point. Good girl should be a porngraphic one. You are right, Miyuki. You are always trouble maker in a certain point. Miyuki has the memory at least, However, YUKARI has no memory of her early stage of the versity life.

  She forgot easily, she said, "I would be a Alzheimer" at the first time. They, she refused the possiblity. Just your illusion, Mother. You should know that I was good at memory at 5 years old. Oh, 40 years of precious time using type. Like Kyorin staff.

 Miyuki, you are latent jobless and would create the new world. And be prepared for to do physical job. Good to know it. You know how to work. She dosn't know and didn't want to search the way at all. At least, domestic jobs, You mother sighed.

 Sobstory she would be. However, not so tough to others. DDMs are so. Miyuki, you should know that IZUMI-san has damaged by the versity selection. She thought that my kids were so clever, why they were excluded by the renoun versities. Litmus test paper type. OK, they are alive, at least.
