Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (215)

2017-08-19 12:13:51 | 日記
Now 19/08/2017 at noon. It is in the storm, with heavy rain and thunders. However, NHK, Japan National Wheather Agency, ASAHI weather report, Yahoo Weather News and so on, the same "Now we have no information on Typhone."

"Oh, Shirakawa Region only! Strange weather fenomenum! Gods of the universe in rage, and they invited regional storm, especially for this region!"

Miyuki made her clean up job, on the floor, desk side all, and some her belongings. And she prepared for her planting jobs and errand to Beisia, almost 2 km from her house.

Soon after her cleaning up job, she felt hungry, and took a light meal, pork pate with crackers and iced caffe au lait. During her meal, suddenly, YUKARI appeared, and started her washing clothing job, and her vacuum cleaning on the floor of the office and the corredor for several 15 minutes.

Miyuki felt so strange. Why in this bad weather, she starts her cleaning jobs, despite of her casual disliking of any domestic tasks at all? On Saturday, HARUMI and YUKARI clean the house. Why they like to push out others from the house? They are All Sunday existance, and they like especially attacking on weekends.

And now, they are both in all casual week mode, as Shirakawa satans. They are the same. OBON means "Giving a money, so expensive to a 長寿院 or CHOUJU-IN related young boys" as ritual. US$200 was required, HARUMI says as always, and this year, probably, they didn't come, bacause they all vanished!!!

小坊主 or KOBOUZU, or petit BONZ, without any category or qualification, only by the reason of their kinship, they collected money as they liked, under the instruction of the big BONZ, or 法上 or Houjou.

Why we, poor family, were obliged to pay so much money? was big question done by Clare and Alex. And HARUMI was eager to pay to them. To gain some respect, was the rightous answer. No money, however, they decided to pay, as they liked, because they didn't know the value of money.

Crazy ladies in the main house. And they do as usual, even in the midsummer vacation pariod. For them, indifferent from season, they are the same as usual. Thus, forever wrongdoers.

HARUMI is unkind, and just frustrated with her oppressed sexual desire, and wants to be praised by younger guys. Ugly bitch, for them all.

YUKARI is the same line, and robust and violent version. HARUMI's way is more sly, while YUKARI's one, more violent. Both, the same satans.

Miyuki wanted to check On Line news on storm, because she had a plan to go out. However, no information gained. Thus, she stopped going out. Unusually heavy rain, and thunders. SUGUIYAMA.

Unusual, Miyuki felt, thus refrained. for them both, not so much. As usual. They are accustomed to see it. Thus, they started their cleaning up muck business. Miyuki was targetted to behave like that by them, however, Miyuki's cleaning up is more easy, quick and effective. Cleaning with wet toilet paper, a bit a bit, any place. It absurbs dust and tiny trash, which are the main materials of the dirty space near the desk and the bed.

However, YUKARI uses vacuum cleaner, almost just a sound and no funcitoning type, and always ejects dust from the exit of it. And she is so serious to open the window, only one part, in the office, and the corredor.

"With this heavy rain, she opened the window!" Miyuki got astonished. She opened the window at the corredor side, also. And after the cleaning up ended, she shut the window of the office room, and left the window of the corredor open. She forgot, in short. Why with this heavy rain, she could forget to shut???

They forget soon after their doing. And HARUMI is earger to insist that the both are perfect. YUKARI opens the window before her vacuum cleaning, while Miyuki not. Thus, Miyuki is inferior to both of them. HARUMI's theory on the window.

And YUKARI is a loyal follower of this theory. YUKARI's movement is rather broken robot than humanoid. So sticky, and reluctant to move, as if she were saying, "each path is painful, and I don't work at all for these bitches, Miyuki's nasty family!"

Go to INFERNO, BUSU!, Miyuki yelled in a belly, during YUKARI's reluctant however disturbing cleaning process, cleaning her two glasses with Bicarbonate Sodium powder. In short, now, it turned to be just natrium with IONE, after getting wettness. And natrium effects as cleaning up business. Thus, purification effects including now.

ADACHI likes to do it. For Miyuki, when she find Blue Sky, "Now it's time to play outside!" thus, her preference is more important. Thus, cleaning is nasty secondary necessity. How you can enjoy with cleaning up!, ADACHI yelled, however, with good nice weather, it is difficult. Even with slight sticky rain, Miyuki prefers to go out. Thus, always, "I want to sleep. Thus, no time for cleaning." "I want to eat. Thus, I will do my cleaning job later". Thus, as her natural course, no cleaning for seveal years!!!

She has a problem of lean hip. Always chairs for common guys make her hip with pain. Bones cry. Thus, always, fat clothings for chairs are necessary for her. Why others don't feel pain in this part???, Clare cried. Hip bones put the surfice of the hard top of the chair. Miyuki put two cussions and now, she put a blanket, blue, folded into 8 layers or so.

Now, the heavy rain stopped, in sound. However, from this morning, it repeated. Thus, today is not good for going out. Probably, she can do her planting job a bit, and a bit more cleaning up job. And when she felt pain on the hip, she stands to avoid the pain.

Her hip bone is not for sitting, probably. For walking. Oh, Miyuki, you could put up with your cramschool study, despite of your total unfittness of the bone composition! Apes' glory! Tribe welcomed her effort! Unusual effort she did! And now, hip bones cry, as always!!!

Slight change happened, probably. Not for studying at the desk type, she turned. Journalist wants to have it. And it is rare to have it! Because they are plump!!!

Abrupt weather change to cause unusual early autumn. Why they could do it? Satanic program? We should destroy their plan entirely. Thus, early summer ending. Thus, long autumn and no winter. Oh, Cicilia!, Simon & Garfancle.

Trinaclos, Three pods, in short. Miyuki watched a strange mark with three feets and the sun like face. Three seasons in Cicily. Lemmon would be blooming in this climate! Without winter, it means. Summer is so hot like dissart, the book said.

Miyuki was reading a book on Helacratos, and at Etna, he suffered disaster. Like a comedy movie of Tom Hunks and her team mate, more prettier than he. They were thrown into the eruption entrance, and the volcan disliked them both, and they were vomitted by the eruption.

The primitive tribe was obliged to give a sacrifice to the vulcan, however, they trapped this stupid couple, and the tribe replaced their sacrifice with them. And it caused the rage of the god of the vulcan. Not them! We need you, chief! Polinesian like fat dark skin big type chief was scolded.

Miyuki is disliked by any guy in satanic world. According to her so so primitive understanding, "I am rather kind guy, now, and with my skill and ability and beautiful appearance, I would be popular among the society. Why I am not popular, rather, disliked by almost all of them???"

Miyuki trid to be popular, thus, she behaved like kind guy, and the result...Hatred by any guys in the satanic world...

Miyuki didn't know their world, in depth. She is always out of the society. Near it, however, always "the third guy, different from us all!" thus, ontsider, as usual. And thus she didn't know the reality.

Why in the reception of the entrance of the institute of Law of Tokyo Versity there were 4 gorgons, including one old bitch? No sense of mannor, impolite, vulger, chatting during their business, and so contempting to the graduate school students. Why they were chosen for this job? I know better guys, so much.

They were called secretaries, and after entering, Miyuki got to know that the main reason of existance of female pupils was getting married with some of promissive pimps in the institute.

Miyuki didn't know the system at all, thus, only doctoral degree I want to have, thus, I do my best for it, Miyuki really thought. Getting married? Crazy! Or stupid!!! Both, probably!!!

And the secretaries were also the targets of the pimps. Oh, degradation hereditary, thus!

And one of the typical example is NITTA, whose major was Japanese history of Legal system. He got married with one of the secretaries in the reception.

And according to Kanako TAKAYAMA, professor of criinal law at Kyoro Versity, graduate females and secretaries were in the relation between enemies. Both, compete for gain promissive pimps. Gainers would be called, "Wife of Todai Professor" in the end.

For Miyuki, out of mind type competition, and she is out of the game. She wanted to be a scholar, who can gain sufficient money for living cost and petit luxuary, and respected as somebody in Latin American Law.

Now, her dream changed. Anyway, somebody. OK, comedian, bartender, cook, ambulant worker, maneger of orchard, agricultural farmer, trading businessman, translator, interpret, detective, investigator, scholar, academician, debator, presentator, night show organizer, assistant director, audicion maniacs, dancer, singer, painter, carpenter, fashion designer, shoe maker, teilor, playwrighter, journalist, and so on.

Not monopolization. Just lack of human beings. Thus, almost all of works should be done by herself.

And now, she is living in so cozy tiny space, at the size of 2 meters x 1.5 meter. Thus, big Jeep size is capable to spend her ideal life. Her driving ability is less than DDMs, yes, however, manual operation she could, at least. Thus, better than DDMs. Just so few hours of training needed to get accustomed with get along with big Jeep.

Miyuki didn't know that Jeep is ne name of the company. A nome of brand, not proper name. Shape, Miyuki thought. And recently, strange fenomenum Miyuki found. The number of Jeep, big type, in Shirakawa area is increasing. Especially, under the name of just JEEP or no name tag in front. And in the back, small steckers, which said, "This was imported." ???

And so strange combination of faked Jeep type. Big Jeep under parts with small light van ones. Vice virsa. Exist? Exist. And why? Unknown. So small tyred bottom with a large Jeep faked body. Hoppo! These feeble wheels would put up with the weight?, Miyuki got surprised, at first. However, now she knows well on satanic technic.

They are lighter, than she thought, was rightous answer. Thus, they burst, easily. And burnt tyre smells so often in Shirakawa recently.

And Miyuki remembered now that in the subway to FUNABASHI, probably in Touzai line, or 東西線 in Metropolitan Tokyo area, Miyuki heard a strange conversation between two old ladies in middle class domestic wives. A lady said to another, "When I came back to my house, I found a thief taking a bath! I was really in wonder!"

Oh, Alzheimer she suffered, probably. 60 years old or so. She couldn't recognize her family any more, and thought that one of the male member of her own family were thief, probably, considering the situation.

The other, didn't get astonished at all. Just, "Oh, you did?" like soft way of all acceptance of her remarks. DDMic conversation, probably.

In front of unusual situation, we get surprised, and talk to others, with the deep impression. And the others get impressed so much. This is normal behavour among our society. However, it didn't happen in the campuses of Kyorin, in those of Tokyo, and in the center of Tokyo, in HASE-Byo, in Shirakawa, and so on. All of the astonishing facts were dealt as if usual among them, satans.

Deeply impressed, was not able to exist. Thus, so efemerous, flamboyant, precarious, illusional, superficial, uninteresting, unstimulous world it was. Thus, no material essencial feeling of existance, Miyuki couldn't feel in the society.

KAGUEROU DAYS. Only comsumption. No future at all. More reality, Miyuki wants.

She was asked "vertual or real?" almost two years ago by someone, in her mind. Of course, without saying, real! Who stupid chose the former???

For Miyuki, without saying. And for others, "Oh, I could?" type????

Miyuki didn't know their world at all. OMANKO only world. Oh, Ciao, Ribbon, and NAKAYOSHI world! そうだったらいいのにな or I expect that it would be realised as I hope, they believe. And the result. Idol DDMs, only. Satans, in short. Satanic creation by ANIME Comic, and DDMs were trapped.

Miyuki read some of them, and Alex and Clare bought one each per one. According to them, they wanted to gain the gift. No idea to read the same magazine in common. YUKARI was there, and didn't criticise these abundance at all. For her, the kids should be indulged as much as possible, and also YUKARI.

She claimed, "Why you don't want to bring to the theme park like the kids! You are so cruel! I will sue you!", with crying with tears. And Miyuki left her in Hachioji, and brought only her kids. Costive, and not amusing with her. Always, "It would not be good for you two!" world, she suggested. Stop! Pursue for Happiness type.

For YUKARI, being paid by Miyuki up to her pleasure was so so natural. YUKARI didn't work at all. She was sleeping whole day long in the bed, and sometimes, did make an errand the supermarkets near the resident, and wore so messy dirty wears like idiots. Shame to live with her, the kids also thought like that. however, YUKARI said, "I am a kind of mascot. Who excludes me from the society would be punished harshly!"

Oh, negative version of litmus test paper, she identified herself. Satanic litmus test paper. And Miyuki thraw out her on the day 4th of 2015. Independence Day! Miyuki couldn't put up with this cheerful sensation, thus, she wrote it in her mails, inviting so many guys to her residence.

and the result...They were revealed as satans, in short.

For DDMs, unusual stories, don't exist. Always they welcome, and sob stories are their preference. To warn, Miyuki thought. Guts' case. Miyuki is thrifty yes. She didn't want to lose the precious and so sacrificed case's mamory on him. Not, "Oh, he was unhappy, thus we are happy!" type relation, she didn't think at all. So nasty unhappy disaster, he caught, and even now, this ditch is the same, tne slope is the same, and dangerous, as the moment of his disaster. Thus, I hope that you should take a caution to ride a bycicle so much.

Sacrifice of traffic accident, and Shirakawa is so poor not to construct more safer non ditch road, Miyuki explained. Twice, when she was bring them to the pool or and the gymnastic park. They liked to walk arround with Miyuki. Walking makes legs long. her belief. Thus, she prefered to wark outside with kids.

Not so many kids came to the gymnastic park by foot. Most of all kids were coming by car. For her astonishing, they are living near the gymnastic park. the reason? Unknown.

Walking makes her legs longer, is her belief, and long legs are better than short ones. And now, YUKARI popped into the office, opening the glass sliding door, and stands at the desk for several minute, without doing, and went to the washing room. Probably she made a mistake and entered into the office room, instead of the washing room. Up to remember the correct way, she took several minutes. Alzheimer standing pose, it is called.

Sometimes, at supermarkets or on the road, some guys, just stood, without moving, after they approached in front of Miyuki. Just they wanted to disturb my way, probably, Miyuki thought. however, another reason. After disturbing her, they can't move so swiftly. Quickness, satans lost. Slow satans were called DDMs, in short.

They wanted to stop time, to maintain thier youth, and failed, and now, can't recognize their age at all.
"Don't ask the age. It is impolite for ladies!" Clare and Alex were criticised by YUKARI. "Don't say congratulations on my birthday. For girls over 25, it would be shame!" Girls wonderland!

Their shame! Miyuki likes to be celebrated her birthday in any place in the universe. Why 25 years old would be the reason to stop celebrating this precous memorial day???? Aniversary! For them, yes, "You should not have been born!", while, for us all, "Happy Birth Day!" with any age!!!

25 or van san quant was name of Japanese female MAGAZINE, and this magazine liked to forcus on marrige. Moriko, OKINO, Akemi read it. And failed. Sexy, Miyuki thought. Doing sex? So audacious naming.

Against Miyuki's erotical imagination, this magazine Sexy is also just providing information of formality of bridal service. Party, in short. Thus, for Miyuki, any magazine, she wanted to read.

To be sexy? Not at all. All abount on wedding. Catalog, in short. Thus, avoidable rapist magazine No.1 for Miyuki's type. Marrige is degradation. Shame!

For her attacking, it works, satans thought. Probably, they made a confusion of Miyuki with YUKARI. YUKARI would work, and for Miyuki, "YUKARI, why you didn't get married with some guy? You are so suitable for Japanese idol non working just BLA-BLA-BLA wife! I really regret for you not to get married..."

Why they both continue to torture us all???, terrible massargist she turned to be!!! She wants to touch Clare's feets. Oh, fetish, she wants to be? Wants to lick them both. Oh, rapist!!!

Clare dropped a sweet on the floor, and took it on the bin. YUKARI picked it up, and she ate it, and wanted to lick her feet, and Clare refused politely. YUKARI drank the water, which was deluted in the vacant milk carton to wash, and Miyuki got shocked. In front of Miyuki, as if saying, "I can do it, while you not!" Mad dog! Miyuki felt nasty.

Now, Miyuki will go to make an errand a bit. Rain is ended up, almost. Thus, see you later on our blog!!!


From Miyuki and 8 MEN, with Big LOVE!!!
