Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (216)

2017-08-19 18:33:10 | 日記
Miyuki made a round trip in rural village called Shirakawa. Now she came back, and ate some Chinese Pies, and picked seaweeds, and a cup of milk. She bought a carton of milk and a package of grapes which produced in YAMANASHI prefecture, for check them to have seeds or not.

Recently, most of YAMANASHI fruits are seedless. Thus, this bunch of grape would not have seeds, against Miyuki's expectation. However, she needs to check the situation. Imported citruses' cases, all of them were seedsless. Now, Miyuki is checking national products also.

Satanic choice was ending the society. Thus, Japan was targetted. Ideal country to devastate all, and Japanese satanic figures really wanted to end up their society, including future. For them, up to my generation, with whole safety including insurance, would be desired. Satanic trading No.1, thus, they came to colaborate with them.

Before preparing her meal, Miyuki met YUKARI in the main house. She unnecessarily came to Miyuki's side, and confused, and started to run away, thus she started to open the door to her chamber, and stopped, and remained in the corredor, at first, and then, came near to Miyuki, with her spooky downward eyes. With this eyes, she always regreted something. She soon before made a big mistake, and felt nasty with it like attitude, as usual.

And she wore Auntie like big shirt, and a pair of short pants, despite of cold weather. Why YUKARI is so likely to show her tighs unnecessarily to others???

Alzheimer showism, probably. Alzheimer wants to do it, however, not attractive, thus, they are in frustration, thus, to induce some guys, they put unusually seducive wears, actually.

Today is, so cold, however, some kids, faked ones, hot pants day! Miyuki watched so many hot pants kids, in Beisia campus. Girls, who had a tiny slender body, should wear hot pants today, was their order today. And Miyuki took several picture of kid bitch in Beisia.

She was almost 10 years old, and slender yes, wearing hot pants, high heeled sandals, and already did cosmetics on her face!!! bitch! Miyuki yelled!!!

In Hachioji, almost 10 years ago, Miyuki watched the same scene in AEON, and got shocked. In Tokyo, 10 years old girls are already putting cosmetics!!! Eye shadow, she used! The faked mother allowed to do so. Miyuki didn't know the system. They induced the clients, by way of their faked daughters, and sold themselves or with the daughters, also.

All included, was their commercial propaganda.

And Miyuki remembered some advertisement in USA, when she was in Los Angels. She liked to read the whole advertisement corner pages of the journal. This is American life, Miyuki got impressed.

A lady advertized in the corner of "Love Affair Chasing", like "I have a mother of two beautiful kids, 8 years and 10 years old, both are blond and blue eyed, with angelic face each. My number is..." Oh, this is new measure to seduce guys! Use their own kids! She wants pederasty friends???, Miyuki felt strange.

Exist, such type, was her impression.

And now, she got realized that this is reality even in Shirakawa. Her faked mother was not attractive at all. Plain middle aged bitch, just it. Thus, she used her daughter to trap males.

So many hot pants kids in Shirakawa today. Why? To show up that they were longer leg holder than Miyuki??? Skewed superiority complex, they have, probably.

And Miyuki, today, plants two avocado seeds, two peach MADOKA seeds, and three KUNUA seeds. Miyuki pledged to make her effort to establish a comfort place for tripical fruits like Dragon Fruits, Avocado, Mango or so. Thus, she needs to make a sun room, for them.

Special guests, they are. Thus, needs to treat differently for more benefitted way. And she put avocado seeds between two different berries, black and ras. Thus, up to some certain period, they would pass in the warmer place, rather than averedge.

She would make a sun room in her own courtyard, probably. In the near future, she would gain her suitable site, yes. And she would establish a super flexible sun room garden for her citrus, and semi-and genuine-tropical type.

Lemmon seeds appeared so many today. Probably, raddish seed induced them. She doesn't want to esclude it, thus, any lemmon seed would not, presumably. Thus, they came. Almost 10 kids in a pot, now. And some raddish also.

And she found cicilian lemon came also, in another pot beside it. Cicilian lemmon seeds were spilt a bit after them, thus, probably, soon, others would appear in the same pot.

Weeds should not be put, was Miyuki's leaning. Why we need to pick them? They are different harmful insects. No reason at all. In case of necessity, they themselves compete or cordinate. Thus, as they like type agriculture, Miyuki would do it. Tree type are more suitable for this life style. In case of necessity, we provide assitance. No necessity? We refrain from the place.

Why Japanese did such easy fruits growing process? Easy, yes. It takes time, a bit. However, in several years, they already bloom and produce the fruits. Easy orchard project, we call it.

Now, investment, a bit. Miyuki couldn't buy any precious grapes with the tag of seeds included, at the cost of US$6, in the supermarket Benimaru-Mega Stage. Instead, Miyuki bought a package of discount of YAMANASHI, above, at US$1.5. Probably, Cambella species. Middle size grape with deep dark wine colour. Miyuki hopes they would have some promissive seeds, however...

Even their confirmation, they are so erroneous, and we are easily trapped. We calculate their error. They commit their mistakes, so many times, and learn never! Thus, they yell, unnecessarrly. Help? Not. Rather, "You should inform the way now!" like audacious attitude, as always.

How to cook miso soup, was HARUMI's question today. YUKARI said, "I don't know. I have never cooked it!" thus, she asked to her husband. You don't need to cook. Just teach us both. We will make you. HARUMI said, and yelled, "Alex, your miso soup will be ready soon!"

For Miyuki, Alzheimer world is untouchable. "Miyuki is free from their trouble at all!"

They want to show up as if they were normal condition. However, never! And they laught at her choice. MISO soup with cucamber! So salty. She did it! She would like to cook it, so much, because it would be suitable for summer...

Oh, 冷や汁 or HIYA-JIRU in Miyazaki prefecture. FU-san told on the soup, and Miyuki imaged. And she read some discription on some magazine, and found it in a restaurant of お茶づけ or OCHA-ZUKE or soaked rice only, in NARITA airport, and tried it. It costed US$8, however, delicous, and learned the way how should serve it. Thus, lesson tutorial fee, Miyuki thought and paid.

And now, she can make the dish, easily. Not the exact one, however, similar one, she made, and liked it. shuredded cucumber and egg plant, and sesame, and fish soup made of bones, made of mainly AJI or a kind of sardine, bigger type, and it is more tasty, and Miyuki likes so much.

Miyuki found some good small type of AJIs in WASHIO, and sighed. I want to use the kitchen to cook them, however, I have no kitchen now, thus, I can't. AJIs cried. She knows how delicous tiny AJIs. And in SHIRAKAWA, no guys know them. Sardine is for poor, while AJI is more middle class. Both, her taste, however, in case, Miyuki wants to pay for AJIs, sometimes.

Sardines are also good, however, nowadays, so salty. Miyuki wants to make conervative type of sardines, by her own quantity of salt. WASHIO was good at fish, earlier, and now, only SASHIMI was bought by some Shirakawans. Cooking is not welcome in any Alzheimer guys. Miyuki was called Alzheimer by them both. And they themselves are revealed by Alzheimers. Thus, they should give up their kitchen occupation game. They disliked to cook was reality, and they put the nasty "Kitchen job haters on the shoulders of Miyuki".

As usual. Alzheimers expulsed her from the kitchen, and occupied the kitchen, and called her "Irresponsible non cooking mother". And then, they were revealed as Kitchen haters.

How degraded their life was. Only pre-prepared or semi-made or totally cooked foods only life. And they themselves called themselves Domestic type. Domestic animals with BSE, yes. Alzheimer symptom, included.

No choice at all for them. Shirakawa entirely Alzheimer patients' concealed prison, in fact. And Miyuki was not informed the fact at all. Probably, all arround Japan, every municipality is in the same situation.

So few guys exist in Japan, as common people, and they are in the danger. And all of them were discomunicated practically. And Alzheimer disease is transmissive. Thus, no chance, they thought. However, only one guy is enough to save them all. Abnormally skewed situation, and absolute majority are all idiots. Minority, they are. Thus, we need to save them, with our own technics.

Thus, plants army came. And today, Miyuki got to encounter with the fact of another devastation. 稲荷山 or INARI-YAMA Mountain is devastated again, in front of already completely devastated part. The two heavy duty vehicles came and parked, and already they started their dirty job. Cut the weeds. Miyuki smelled the cut weeds. Not nasty, rather refreshing, yes. However, unnecessarily, they started to flatten the mountain.

Yesterday, she met several squads, family type, near the mountain road. At that moment, two casual vehicles parked there. Today, they were replaced by heavy duty types. This was the technic of the casual mode devastation.

And also yesterday, Miyuki found, near 摩崖 or MAGAI area of 羅漢山 or RAKAN-Mountain, semi bold patch, so vast in quantity, appeared, in the north side. They started devastation again. They cut the big trees there, and now appeared weeds and bushes. No time! We need to be protected. Plants were already atacked so many times, and some of them were turned to be Apocalypus Trees, with dried curled up strange leaves, like Eucaripus.

Devastation, no more! However, satans can't stop at all. They can't obey our rule at all. Just sly smiling soon after our declaration. Only total vanishing effects for them all. Satans, vanish, all in a body, entirely, completely, totally, at once, right now, immediately, eternally, forever!!!! Diamond.

They should be killed. They don't know the limit. They forget the limit. And shameless. They can't be obedient to us, at all. Just obey to their anterior bosses. Idiots bosses are their preferance. Thus, no choice at all! They are so loyal to their old bosses, and betrays against our own benefits. They can't understand loss or gain at all. Just hatred against Miyuki and Clare. Nasty bitches for them both, Miyuki and Clare.

They are Alzheimer and intellectually inferior to them both. Natural course! And HARUMI and YUKARI think that they should be superior to Miyuki and Clare. Alex is understandable their position. Alzheimer patients like understanding, Clare really got upset. However, Clare allowed to say "Vanish! Alex! You are so Alzheimer!!" because he lives in the main house, and he suffered a lot from two Alzheimer patients. Every night, with almost nakid, Auntie came to him, and chased him, not to be Alzheimer...Terror!!!

He can't sleep well there. Miyuki dislikes to live in the mail house. And Miyuki was targetted today's meeting of the two Alzheimers.

Miyuki is nasty, thus she should be errased. Was their result. No reason at all, and just "I feel nasty with her" only.

For Miyuki, "The same to you!" and Clare, "The same." Thus, they split.

Miyuki is different, and she is not Alzheimer as you, they yelled. However, according to you, "She is inferior to me in cooking, thus, she is also Alzheimer, yes."

Even without gas equipment, Miyuki cooks better than both. All did know well. And Alex refused to agree the point. She likes strange smell of cheese. Groumet, it is called. Thus, more effective. Alzheimer can't recognize the difference between rotten and eatable. In case of rotten, Miyuki abandons. And in case of eatable, Miyuki eats. Of course! Thus, Miyuki buys only discount shelve's fruits.

Clare found some really rotten type, in the evening. Sometimes, appears good product. Miyuki monitored 4 or 5 supermarkets in Shirakawa area. Thus, she can gain some considerably cheaper fruits. In the worst case, she invests on the seeds. Thus, even rotten fruits, she gains.

Lemmon seeds are growing well, considerably. And in autumn, she needs to prepare for frost season. Thus, she would establish a plastic bag garden.

She wanted to gain plastic big bags in Beisia, however, today, she couldn't. Always it happens. Probably some neuro inducing sistem combined neuro monitoring system, thus, they took the bags' box entirely from the corner. She went there to take the bags only, however, she couldn't find any. Coincidance, they wanted to say. However, so many times, this supermarket used the same way. When she thought of something, they refrained from being taken by her. Unkind supermarket no.1 in this rural area for us rightous brothers.

Even now, they use neuro monitoring and informing and inducing all. They can't stop any more. Thus, all in a body, they shall die!!!

Trash, smelly and ugly. Bitches start to wear one generation younger. Why?

Today, Miyuki met an old bug, with her back, robust South Eastern country foreigner type, and the face, Pyong Yang Tribe or Shirakawans, in 二番町 or NIBAN-block area.

In Beisia, also. Why? Abruptly, they changed their fashion. However, the same spooky mood, and anti-fashionable. Just a stype change, rather. Black is also used. Old guys wearing like youth. Miserable!

And in Xebio sport shop, Miyuki was almost killed by BUSU middle aged fat bitches. Miyuki was training her upper arm muscles with 5 kg of steel weight, each hand. Suddenly, the two bitches appeared, took one heavy type, and got near Miyuki. Miyuki, soon ended her daily training, left there, and the two laught at the same time. Failed, they felt.

They wanted to attack her with the steen weight, however, they couldn't. They are so slow, thus, we should take advantage of it.

And in Route 289 are, a black damp suddenly speeded up, in front of her. Over the limit, up to 50 km, however, the driver acceled over.

And allies where she passed, the same fenomenum, happened, as usual. In the road from NANKO to SANBON-MATSU, and in ENMOUJI area, and the river side of YANTA near YACHIRYUUJIN or 8 dragons bridege. So few guys only area, however, DDMic Alzheimer cars popped out, and they wanted to hit Miyuki from the back. Escaped, yes, however, Miyuki felt a taxi, near ENMOUJI, unnecessarily approached her, with high speed, and Miyuki got chilled. Any walkers should be killed, they think even now.

And in HEBIISHI area, now called SANBON-MATSU, Miyuki found the name plate of KATSUMI's elder brother, 金澤政光, or Masamitsu KANAZAWA. Miyuki passed in front of this house so many times, however, she has never seen such a name. 金澤 name not at all in this region, recently. Who knows his name put in front of the house, probably.

Nasty. How they collect the name? The data bases were sold for it?

And in Shirakawa, actually, so nasty advertisements or plates are on parade. Shame collector Miyuki is mainly working on this side.

In front of Bridal Photo shop called SUZUYA, Miyuki found a KIMONO wearing doll without broad cammer belt called
帯 or OBI, in Japanese. Should not exist, however exists, and it was exhibited in the grilliantly polished show window!!! At the same time, on the advertisement, also brilliantly cleaned up, "Our KIMONOs are all super precious wondefully luxuarious type, without exception."

All of KIMONOs there were poliester made low quality version only. Old rural guys should know well of the quality of KIMONO, as basic knowledge. Miyuki is interested in material and quality of textiles, from the point of view of her pragmatic materialism. Thus, poliester KIMONO, never! type. And especially in case of their wedding, they wear in these low quality KIMONOs? Sheme photo session!!!

If they hadn't done their polishing job, "Oh, just abandoned shop. Old guys diseased, and no one manages the shop. Too natural in rural areas in Japan." like plain impression she caught. However, with brilliantly polished windows and newly painted advertisement plates, "Oh, this shop is run by Alzheimers, and the clients are also Alzheimers. They are collecting the proofs of shames, also, by way of photo session!" is Miyuki's impression.

And she noticed at YUUKI area near WASHIO, in minicipality providing residential apartments called 市営住宅 or Shiei Juutaku for extremely poor families, were polished brilliantly now!!! Yesterday, she didn't reconize it. Today, she got surprised at the change, and "oh, now satanic tribe will come soon???", she perceived.

Pyong Yang Tribe vanished, completely. Now, Shirakawans. And then?

Miyuki presumed that machinery can't recognise the direction, thus, track toward 滋賀 or SHIGA popped out, for example. Kyoto number also apears recently. NIIGATA, SHIZUOKA, SAGAMIHARA, and so on. They are in Alzheimer wandering, probably. From where to where, they can't recognize at all. Just from Inferno to Inferno is OK. Don't hasitate track drivers! Show your bravery!!!


Sometimes spooky downward, sometimes audaciously arrogant. YUKARI is two phase type. TAKENIUCHI was only arragant type. Kyorin staff were mainly the latter, while Kyorin pupils the former.

MICCHIKU's main character was latter, while IKKYO's former. Understandable.

Satanic change, they started. Thus, audaciously arrogant, and attackers they turned. Just spooky, in earlier stage, and then, arrogant only. Semi-God turning. Crucial point of being categorized as satans.

Miyuki was categorized lowest rank satan, because of her poverty by Kyorin staff. For them, Miyuki was totally spooky existance. And for her, Spooky Versity, entirely.

And the names of bridges of YANTA River are the proofs of iliteracy of Advertisement Plates business related. Today, Miyuki found おとひめはし or OTO-HIME-HASHI near SHIRAIGAKE area. In Japanese, OTO-HIME-BASHI, not HASHI, in case. As Japanese pronunciation, it is so difficult to pronunce HIME-HASHI, thus, HIME-BASHI. However, this guy, couldn't read or pronounce the name correectly and curved the incorrect name in the iron plate, and any of guys in public construction section didn't recognize it at all. All Alzheimer briges like that, consecutively.

And Miyuki found a totally erroneous advertisement on an electric pole. NANKO KOKORO-No-SHINRYOUSHITSU or 南湖 こころの診療室 or NANKO Psychiatric Clinic, in short. The advertisement indicated totally contrary on the advertisement, which was seen in the other side.

Probably, the worker, so Alzheimer progressed, put the advertisement on the wrong pole, and any guy got to notice it. Just a faking job, thus, no exactness needed, the power holders said clarely to them.

No Man's Land, however, suddenly, polished windows only world, and Miyudid know well that the polising effect appeared always after snowing or heavy raining. They put some ingredient inside. Oh, detergent! Or soap smell, because of it!!!

 Probably, regional storm for it. Each half year, they contracted to show up their shames. Already dead municipality, why we need to pay for it???

In the river side of YANTA, Miyuki found a standing cherry having a red fruit. It looked like a strawberry, thus, "Oh, strawberry Tree, it turned!" Miyuki got pleased, and then, "Oh, the dots of the mark of suffering. However, this fruit is so similar Lady Bird." Thus Lady Bird Tree, Miyuki named it.

Standing cherries are green, and it turned so big, thus, because of the weight, it dropped connected with twig. Jut like eatable cherry, however with dots. And Miyuki took the picture, and refrained from eating it.

Miyuki encounters with various mashrooms in Shirakawa area. Eatable or not, indifferently, Miyuki calls them cheerful guys. Red TENGU mashrooms, Miyuki found in the lake side of Silver Lake NANKO. Rare, and so poisoneous. However, they absorb the chemical products so much, thus, this year, we should refrain from eat any at all, and she appresiates their variety only. Picking not at all, this year. However, probably, next year, after satans' total vanishing, Miyuki holds a mashroom picking party.

Seasonal amusement. Miyuki and her two kids participated in the event, held in NASU-KASHI Nature House for Youth. Miyuki liked it, and remembered her first mashroon picking party with her class mates and other classes'. Whole mates were participating for the event. Just for championship to find the strangest mushrooms in the forest. Normal type, not at all!

So many strange mashroons were collected by all of them. Miyuki's were all common type. Some guys collected really strangest mashrooms. Big black ones, Red type, Orange type, variety of strange mashrooms. Just for amusement, thus it worked.

Today, near NANKO area, in the field of rice in front of GYOUMU Super, Miyuki found a small black frog, and got pleased. Anyway, Miyuki could see one of them. He jumped and ran away from Miyuki. OK, I have already seen tiny green and brown Karmit types in Southern Area. Miyuki sometimes hears OX like frog' voice in NANKO area. This is a bit slender common frog type. Exist. Good grief.

Frog is the balometer of level of public nusance. Without frog means so dirty and difficult to live for other existance. Up to frogs, refrained from this area, Miyuki grieved so much. Thus, good grief, in her lightest mode.

In Shirakawa, so many cleaning shops are seen actually. And in INARI Mountain area, a coin laundry was open and three machines were moving. Non populous rural village, nothing to be seen. Why stayers exist? What is their object?

So so strange number inclination of cleaning shop, funeral company, hospitals and clinics, supermarkets, drugstores, schools, small cramschools, kindergardens, public facilities, cemeteries, and so on. Non industrial rural area, without any productive agricultural activities. Consumption only. This is the reality of Japan. How this messy country called JAPAN survived? It couldn't survived. It sank, already so many years ago. Just we are not informed on it at all. Just it.

OMANKO Journalists would be composed by satanic kids, probably. They wrote, and put it on line, and appeared all lies articles on Internet. Shame chain, uncut by satans.
