Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (321)

2017-11-29 11:45:20 | 日記
Mentally illed guys, they themselves are, and all of their dishonoured situation was put under the name of Dr.Miyuki SATOW. How contemted!, however, they did it, because it was so easy for them both.

The result was Miyuki's catch. YUKARI's day dream caused Miyuki's catching games, and they all participated in the enemy's side. Even now, they try to trap her, and Miyuki said that they all are stupid Alzheimers.

I got out from Shirakawa to attempt their intellectuality, and, unfortunately, I won. It means that they were revealed Alzheimer disease holders. I, without knowing, believed as if they were high intellectuality holders, and made apple polishing so much, and gained money, and in the end, I found the fact. All Alzheimer fogetful stupid idiots, they are!!! Thus, Miyuki's 道場破り or DOUJOU-YABURI or Bruce Lee's situation of "Dragon, Fight!" ended up with her perfect victory...Triumphy, yes, however...Not so amusing!!!

In every place, it happened. Miyuki believed that she were not so intelligent as others. Rather, a bit more than averege, she imagined. And the result...Oh, I could survive, and others, except only few rare guys, vanished!!!

Electricity is not necessity. I can take advantage of more primitive tools, more materially benefitted type. Thus, wamth, Miyuki was attacked, and found that the usage of fat clothings, non use type would be fine for both sides.

Miyuki found two pieces of Italian coats, which she bought at US$100 per each. The real Italian, however, so big, thus, in vain. However, as some substitutes of fat clothings, the tied wool made coats are so good. And not pretty North Korean fat long clothings gaind almost 20 years ago from HARUMI is also good as bed clothings. Thus, Oh, not so useless. It would be turn precarious coats, of course, and precarious bed clothings. Not so bad!

And one day bafore yesterday, and today, so many Cannon Ball like sounds shake the earth near. The north west direction, Miyuki hears from. What happens? Self Defense Force's last attempt for Geno-Suiside? Thus, Suicide Cannon Balls, they dropped from the air, as raid. Oh, balling raid, they are doing now!!!

On the center of Executive Power, we ordered. Not here, you stupid! However, anyway, Public facilities would be all attacked by cannon balls, yes! Municipality Hall, Prefectural Departments, The police office, The fire Department, Clinics, hospitals, Schools, Culture Centers, Supermarkets, Shopping malls, and so on, and their related should be bombed perfectly!!!! Purification, it would be called!!!

Incapables vs. Incapables, in short. Thus, Miyuki gained. All Incapables, thus, "Oh, sorry, we did it, probably, however, ineffective now!" so many times. Thus, inneffective world, we entered into already. Short Money is one of financial versions, yes.

If you feel nasty or getting tired, you should quit the job, or you would be dumbs. Miyuki said to Clare, and Clare respected the frase. "You earned several money, and keep it, and use so correctly. Thus, sufficient to enjoy your life!", with her admiring voice.

Yes, unfortunately, Miyuki was fired, without any explanation sufficiently, however, for our side, good. Better than illusional dy dream like life in Tokyo. Too too in vain, and consumptious. Not so much amusing at all. Just "You should pay so much" only. And her salary was so low.

However, despite of her loss, she gained so much good things after her discovery of the facts. She works for us, the team members all recognized it. Thus, good strategist, now!! With her, Strange Skill would be used, and it is so much effective for satanic side. For them, serious stragegy, and for us, laughing joke, in short.

Imagination, she has. And yesterday morning, she heard nasty facts. Even in Britain, so many kids were tortured and killed, "Under the Wheels". Feeble, physically, also. Disliked by others by their uniqueness, also. MIYUKI type was targetted probably. Quick, resistent, high point getting, and andacious, not good at physical movement...all factors would cause others' nasty feeling, especially, stronger type. Thus, they informed.

"Your idealized world was based on British beautiful kids' literature tradition. However, the reality was so far from it. So many kids were killed, raped, injured, lost spirits, and so on. heartbreaking stories, here and there, like in Japan. We need to revenge against selfish majority. They chose robust senseless kids like Alex, and they failed, indulging these guys. No chance for their side, yes! Thus, revenge against selfish egocentric Alex.

He would kill us, on behalf of his own childish desire to park cars on the lots in the courtyard. He expressed his preference, already, and the end of the sroty. He is goddamnit DAGOSAKU country rural bitch, in short. Indulged so much, and he would gain his own power by his own choice. And he couldn't. Yes, precariously, he needed to change his habbit, however, he couldn't and got worse. Miyuki did know well. He abused electricity using air conditioner at max, and now, old heater, at max, as usual. Thus, no abundance for his side.

Miserable guy, he turned to be. He assured that he could, because he were Miyuki's son, and he was desqualified by Miyuki herself. Illusionist's dream, he turned to be. Thus, No Man's Land again.

YUKARI is even now attacking her unnecessary washing up process. Never Ending Stories, for satanic side. However, we should know the fact. Enegy use caused selling the lots of Magpie Mountain and Chesnut Hill. Thus, they should be punished, all in a body. Just few guys could regain the power, they yelled, and Alex was considered the guy, and they invested, and failed. Their choice. They sank all in a body.

Miyuki refused electricity use. She is rich materially, and thrifty at the same type. Thus, no any electricity at all, she refused. Enough to make an oven by blicks. It would be good teracotta producing site, also.

Bricks are replaceable, and movil. Easy to change the shape. Thus, bricks' size would count. Unity would work in this stage. Just like Toy blocks called LEGO.

LEGO shape with holes for steel sticks would be fine to establish houses for us all. However, they didn't produce them at all. Just construction business's benefit. Now, making houses by ourselves is so common.

Luxuaty, Alex's oil use was calculated. Thus, he should pay the price. On behalf of MIYUKI, they yelled, and he used in this line. A bet, yes, and he failed. He refused the usage of light, by way of using Cantera. Moody, and have primitive one, already, used for Snag killing. Thus, easy to make it, after her canned food eating.

Only one can would be fine for tiny place, so concealed type. In vinil house case, others say. Thus, Miyuki tried to have one independent hut, yes.

Miyuki recognized that Alex's way of life induced DDMic paradise called IDIOCRACY. Just "amenity" he wants, and the result, others's death, so many. He declared, "Get away from here, with your patches! You can move the patches easily. Just kill the plants. You can plant them in the suitable place. We need to have broad parking lots!"

Shirakawans yell, by way of Alex's mouth. TAGOSAKU league's admission, a history of Shirakawa region. Thus, they tunred to be vehicle maniacs, and killed others, addicted erotic wifi games, and turned to be sadistic coldheart guys. Alex is one of examples, in averege, and we can't allow his existance. Thus, Alex, your chance ended up. You went beyond our limit. You gained super adviser, and you did know the fact of total vanishing, however, you bit on satanic side, and abused so much money under Miyuki's sake, and now, the fact was revealed.

Money chaser, he was. And no life king, already. In HASHIOJI, he already was one of these kind, and his team mates are all satans. Thus, he is just an representative of their age. Thus, bye, Alex! You lost mamory, thus, no family at all. Different personality he gained, paied your own personality. Thus, No Man's Land, Shirakawa turns yes, now.

Just affection type, and he disliked to make some effort at all. Thus, he lost his precious things day by day. And wifi was the last resort to kill him. No chance, Miyuki yelled already to the kids, and he couldn't take sufficient distance from wifi games, erotic sadistic porno type. Thus, he turned to be the real abuser like other boys in high schools.

No respect for others. Girls should be raped easily. Thus, he attacked Clare, and Clare was stronger than him. Thus, no use, attaker Alex! You would live in our own country called INFERNO with your adorable old bitches!!! They love your appearance and your intimate wears!!!

American appearance boy, he came to Miyuki as, and inside, just plain Japanese, he is. Thus, no interest for Miyuki's side. Conservative nationalist, and messy, and unkind and sadistic, and porno movie lovers. Thus, disliked guy no.1 among Miyuki's inside. Thus, BYE, immediately!!!

Thus, any guy couldn't believe the end. Miyuki cut the head of Alex three times, to avoid nasty survival. Thus, the end of the end of the story. With these existances, we would lose our chance. No Man's Land, and he was so senseless selfish boy, in her memory.

YUKARI, the second, in short. He came to save HARUMI and YUKARI, and all three failed. Good to know it! ALEX was saved in spirit, up to some point, however, he got degraded so much recently. Driving a car would be good incentive for some guys, however, in his case, absolutely selfish life he chose, in his last period. Abundance of energy, he consumed, especially, against Miyuki's physical condition. When she got chilled in the office, he turned on the air conditioner to cool down, and she caught a cold several times because of it. And he refused her requirement to buy yogurt for her from the nearest supermarket, when Miyuki was in bed, and he refused, "Without any gift, I will not work for you!", thus, Miyuki changed her mind, and she herself, despite of her tough situation, went to make an errand to buy a package of yogurt.

And he stole her money, with colaboration of HARUMI and YUKARI, at US$50. No chance for the three. Satanic family game's role model, he played, against our intention. Thus, satans' seeds, he was. Thus, as early as possible would be fine to be killed. Up to 16 years old, he was declared, and he passed the age, and now, he recognized the importance of the plants. Too late, thus, just total vanishing only.

He was inducing point of Miyuki's nasty rumour as always. YUKARI's side, he stood, and yelled for his dearest Auntie. YUKARI is mother for him. Oh, so resembling, you two are!!!

Thus, die on your mother's belly would be fine for you, Alex! She would love to chow your P, probably, and you can sack her nipples as you like, Alex!!!

Mother's affection he wanted, and gained from YUKARI, thus, he was feeded from YUKARI, and now, MAD DOG's MAD DOG he turned, unnecessarily. Thus, No Man's Land. Alex, you are just skin bag, for us. Thus, you induced so many ugly middle aged bitches. Even now, his teacher responsible applepolishes him to gain his love. Terrible story, however, good for his type. Indulged, non talented, disliking working type, he is. Just abuse others, is his thesis. Thus, vanish, immediately, TAGOSAKU Alex with your Gramma and Auntie, all in a body!!!

Idiot scarecrows, they are. Thus, the end of DDMic life in their stage. Alex was already targetted by us all, and Miyuki already agreed his excecution. So many times, she declared his total vanishing, and he accepted now. Good grief!

YUKARI type cruel killer, he would be soon, we predicted, thus, good to know his death, previously!

So near, however, he couldn't be independent, despite of so benefitted conditions. His choice. He could do different, however, he didn't. Thus, his choice. No necessity at all!!!

After his death, Miyuki will enjoy more and more cheerful life, indifferent from his nasty disturbance. He was ridiculous attacker during his life. No reason at all, and his way of accusation was so similar to OOKAWA, one of the stupidest guy among Kyorin staff, and YUKARI. Thus, for Alex, no development was recognized. Thus, he died, again.

Vanishing, yes. And it already happened in her semisphare body, and now, the rest. Transparent, in short. Snag type. Already, with gaining wifi, he lost his spirit. And now, the rest, he sold. Thus, vanishing, only.

Good memory for Miyuki's side, as others. The same as other boys, like Kyorin pupils. Nasty, however, amusing, passing time with them. All have some good memories with her, in her side, and for them, nothing. Thus, no reason to exist for them all.

Thus, OK, we already are prepared for it, Rightous Brothers. He is the last one to be attacked, and now, the last one was killed by BANG. Thus, the end!!!

Campfire like life, he would not accepted. Just wifi games only. Sonsumptious, and so selfish. Japanese boys are like that. Thus, No Man's Land. Thus, heartbreaking stories, they can't produce in their whole life, thus, no necessary to live any more for our side, and they are attackers, thus, harmful, and they took advantage of Miyuki's worst condition. Thus, No Man's Land, again and again.

The surfice of the fire should be tapped by blicks or just left untouched. Miyuki is wonder now. The soil would be burnt, and the side effect? Depending on the soil, yes.

And she remembered that so many stones were left there in the patch, she gained. Thus, probably, a good substitute for bricks, they turn to be. Turn table, in short. Thus, stable for her skilet is enough. First, so small type, would be fine, and make delicious COCOA for CHINKORO KING the first, at first. To enjoy winter night, good place, the oven terrace. Round would be fine as shape, and at first, anyway, lit the fire, as campfire!
