Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (322)

2017-11-29 16:57:23 | 日記
29/11/2017, Wednesday, warm cloudy ⇒ cold fine

Miyuki gained the field at Chestnut Hill and the hut yesterday, and today, she gained the three keys, and went there to start clean up the floor of the hut.

The hut was that Miyuki had watched before when Alex and Clare were infant. Thus, Miyuki's memory was correct. The first hut was not the hut it had been there, and then, it was established for some meaning.

And the hut is rather well trimmed, and suitable for living. Thus, after cleaning the hut, Miyuki could move smoothly. And already it had a bed, which was used by Miyuki, when she was in high school. The frame was the same, anyway, and she would be reluxed on it, anyway. The fat bed clothings would not necessity for her life. Just fat clothings for casual use is enough for her life. Sufficient, and effective.

And toilet is dropping type, not flushing type, yes. However, for her, sufficient for now, beause it is outside, separated from the hut. Thus, no smell problem at all. Just like ship cabin, thus, not so much difference from actual situation. And only for her use. Thus, if she has time, she would reform it, and clean up it, as much as possible.

The floor is not used so much, and she decided to use slippers, because the surfice is brilliant and clean, after her wiping up job. Thus, slippers would be used for visitors. For some non users type, also OK, just after their stomping, Miyuki cleans it soon. Easy quick job for Miyuki's side.

And so many protections of doors and windows. Why? HASUKAI was taken already, and double windows are put now.

Thus, not so cold, even in winter. Thus, candle light would be enough for warming up.

And she found a good place to lit the fire to cook. Thus, soon, she would make protection against wind and rain and snow. Just a cover type. A kind of Pyramid, in the big scale. Probably, two more sticks would be necessity to make it. Breakable, yes, however, repair is also easy, thus, probably, in some suitable day, in the near future, she would make it.

And Miyuki found her nostargic fredge near the entrance. Just stocker, yes, however, usable. Now, locked, thus, Miyuki would ask the key to open. To avoid nasty taking and putting, probably, the fredge was locked. And it remembered a lot of her fredge experience in Shirakawa.

One of this is a failure story. She bought a GLICO confectionary's self making ice sharbet, and its character was growing up spontaneously after being freezed. It costed US$1, and it means expensive, at that moment. She, with so big expectation, put the oackage in the ice cube making corner of the fredge, and the growing up, no ice sharbet, as she wanted...And she found that the ice cube making corner was not equivalent to freezer. One door type, it was called, thus, it didn't effect. However, if some guy didn't open up to the certain moment, it turned to be a big success.

Miyuki expressed her experimental pleasure, however, they ignored. Probably, for HARUMI, nothing at all, as usual, type attitude was taken. Many senseless mothers behave like that.

Non educative, and rather, for her side, other's failure was a kind of pleasuse. Thus, she was so cold to Miyuki's high point score record. For Miyuki, good grief, this stupid guy doesn't interfare to my school life, type impression. More positive, for her side. However, probably, for westerners, out of mind type remarks, HARUMI ejected toward to Miyuki:

"Oh, Miyuki, your era is different from mine. In our era, it was difficult to take so high record like you, however, nowadays, at schools, probably, it would be easy to take so high scores, I presume through your scores." Just it.

Good grief, for Miyuki type. However, for others, Oh, so jealous, they felt, immediately.

Stupid, Miyuki calculated her, as SAZAE-san in ANIME. Thus, not unkind, however, stupid, only. Feeble mind is not her failure, a natural cause, thus, we should accept her stupidity, and only one measure to avoid her stupidity is staying away from her.

Thus, the golden principle toward her tribe. HARUMI, YUKARI and Alex. Three old ladies type. Thus, for her, Already Done type existance.

Alex got married with his own Auntie, already, Miyuki decided to think so. Methapholically, yes, however, the fact, psychologically.

They are so superficial existance, and so selfish, and too too cruel to others. Miyuki can't put up with their world, Clare admits. Miyuki likes the nature, and Rightous Brothers. However, they love themselves, in their own stupid way. Always selfish, and no mercy at all to others. Thus, Clare dislikes Alex in her belly. Why he yelled, "Oh, you would fail in the exam of entering Shirakawa High School!" with his cheerful voice, when she wispered, "Oh, I was not good at today's exam at all" to him? Just nasty unhappiness expecting voice, Clare felt. No reason, just response. Quick, however cruel, like YUKARI. Thus, Clare categorized him, "Desqualified".

She wanted to save him, up to the last moment, however, she failed. And Miyuki had already failed so many times. Thus, no time for him at all. He chose to go with YUKARI. Thus, go to INFERNO, all in a body!!!

Satanic boy, he was. Miyuki repeatedly confirmed the fact, thus, no regret. Thus, stupid Alex, vanish, immediately! Good bye, my son!!!

Good moemories with him. However, he was satan, it was revealed, already. He couldn't change his life. Thus, no time for him, and for us, it's good. He would never put up with out super delicious wind life. Naturalist type, he can't be. HARUMI, YUKARI, and ALEX. Thus, losers. Thus, they were revealed as satans.

The total existance, and they attack, taking advantage of others' weakness. Thus, he did his last attacking on Miyuki, and failed. He unnecessarily attacked on Miyuki, and got revealed how cruel he is. Thus, no choice for his side. His last chance, and he lost. Thus, he would vanish, so soon, from our society. BYE, my beautiful boy! Superficially, you are beautiful, I will not ever forget your superficial beauty, and thank you for your memories, however, you chose your team mates, already. Majority, it means, satans, and now, minority, and Alzheimer patients, they are. Mad Dogs, and they want to do it with you. HARUMI expressed already her desire to lick your P, when you were a baby. Thus, soon she would attack you physically. Rapist, she is, in short. Nasty old bitch, with ugly deepsea marine creature with sly smiling. And she would like to do it with her own grand son.

Their world is like that. They indulge the boys, in this line, and the boys couldn't resist against their indulgence. Thus, Alex, your choice. We can't save you, however, you should accuse yourself, not us, at all!!!

So soon, he would vanish from our society. And Miyuki would smile, with a bit tough punch, "Oh, you are leaving to INFERNO now. Too late, Alex. I am already prepared for it, for several years ago. Thus, Bye, Alex! My pretty boy! I loved you so much, however, you betrayed us so many times. Thus, super punishiment from us all! Shame collection we need to do. Thus, you are contributor of the source of our own shames. Alex, I will meet you in this occasion, however, as human skin holders, BYE, ALEX!"

Miyuki did her best, as much as possible. The last resort was liveralism's practice, however, for him, just "Abandonment done by evil parent", thus, no choice for him.

He was satan, and he mistakenly came to Miyuki. Good to know it. Alex is not so bad, however, he can't give up his consumptious life. Thus, no reason for his side. Be thrifty, we bledged, and he abused, taking advantage of the aproximity to Miyuki, and Miyuki didn't know the fact at all.

Just he stopped informing on his life at all. Enough. Thus, his choice. He wanted to be independent, Miyuki took in the positive meaning, however, he accused Miyuki as if she were irresponsible indulged mentally illed mother. Thus, no choice for Alex. His choice is always YUKARI and HARUMI. Thus, for Miyuki, enough.

Independent guys only world, Miyuki entered, and Rightous Brothers are not cruel. They undertand Miyuki's weakpoints, and strongpoints also. Thus, Miyuki is so safe to do justice. We should be so, thus, even against our common sensation, we should put up with this nasty sensation, and should contribulte to perform our justice.

Professionalism? No. Rather, I need to be so. Even now, I am passing difficult time, in the long period, I will think that I had chosen correctly with my pride. Thus, Miyuki need to trigger to Alex, yes.

Family problem among human beings, we call it. Skinship would be necessity to gain their affection yes, and for developping their psychological process. Miyuki did "King Tickling!" game with the kids. Even she was accused by YUKARI, Miyuki did it, because it was amusing, and YUKARI is always stupid strange jealous guy only. Thus, her remarks, always nasty type were ommitted already inside Miyuki. Feeble minded mentally illed strange kinkiest lady, she is. And she only relies on her own family, and she is so cruel to the exact families.

Indulged, up to this level. Only aim of ejection of her straight desire and impulse. Sex and Violence, in short. For Alex, sex, while for Miyuki, violence. Attacker, YUKARI is. And HARUMI likes YUKARI's way, because HARUMI wants to do the same.

They are so evil, and nasty snags, in short. Now, wind of Gods is blowing outside. NASU-OROSHI from NASU Mountain range. HARUMI yelled YUKARI's attacking on Miyuki, and they persuaded Miyuki's father to allow her to use the second hut to kill her, in short.

They came to attack, however, Miyuki locked the door firmly, and just felt slight approaching sensation of others. She tried to check it, however, so many doors and windows are installed, thus, she decided to pretend not to stay there. And they vanished, so soon.

Perception, she had, however, she couldn't see it or them. Wind? Now? Some tiny animals? However, toward the hut, they came, as if the police men. Thus, just she continued to wipe up the floor with wet toilet papers.

After several wiping, she would use the floor with socks, probably. Not yet. However, too too easy to clean up it. Thus, for three days of so, she does the same wiping, and then, she uses only socks, and wipe other products.

And she found three iPads in the hut. Oh, all I bought! Now, no necessity at all, because she cut the line, however, anyway, she would try to check, what happened in each of them. OK, non wifi use, already, thus, easy to move. Just put the code in the consent plug. Thus, it would effect in the easiest way to find who did it the stealing job!!!

Now, she is wonder. So many lemon seeds and apple seeds in her desk. Now, she is obliged to move to Chestnut Hill. Which place she would put them? In the pots? Too cold for them. In the soil in the hill? Also cold, however, the soil protects against coldness...Too easy to move in the pot type. Another choice is preparing for next season. Just taking the seeds and keeping them up to the suitable moment...

Anyway, we should be responsible for our team members. For begitable gardens, it would not be recommendable. Just for tree type place. And now, she should gain much more patch for her vegitable gardens.

She would live on the hill precariously, and she would enjoy her original cozy camping period, and also, DIY training, she would do. And picking seeds and roots job, she would learn.

Thus, precariously, she decided to buy new products, as much as possible.Thus, more materials for cozy room, she would invest on. Not so different, however, just to live in comfortable, sume necessity, selective ones,Miyuki would buy. Not so much, however, she found a big mirror in the bottom of the hut, thus, she would do her showing up job, inside the hut. Animals like her costume play so much, and as much as possible, she wants to recover the objects sloten by YUKARI, the mad dog. Thus, she wants to put her several clothing cases on the bottom. One room type apartment, in short, the hut is. Thus, just a cleaning up, and some good way of showing up would be fine to make a good atomosphare.

Anyway, wiping up the dust would be necessity. And she would find a good place to hung per persimons. Yet, so many persimons in Magpie Mountain, thus, she needs to pick them up, as much as possible, now. Thus, outside, of course.

Dried up producing facility, the hut turns to be in the near future. Dried vegitables, also. Raddish would be good pilot case. And she would invest for equipment for the bases, yes, of course. Probably, some steel poles, or bamboo type, and so variety of materials are there in the Home Centers.

Posters would be wall paper substitute. Easy to put, and easy to take. Removable, yes. Thus, good hobby, Miyuki has. Thus, Miyuki needs to check her poster holding, because YUKARI stole them so often. Maniac, she is. No reason to exist, and rapist, she is now. And only one guy can tame is Alex, her ideal husband in her illusion.

Maid, she turned in this image, and Alex didn't diny her offer as maid. Violent maid, this Auntie snag is!

Who could put up with her nasty threatening big voice to accuse others. Shameless, in short. Senseless attacker, she is. And for her understanding, it is allowed to her tribe, or, wife, in Japan, generally!!!

"Take off your intimate wears, all!, Alex, you should obey me! Nakid, you should turn to be! I need to wash your dirty nasty clothings now!" at 21:00 in winter, abruptly. ???, for Miyuki, however, for MICCHIKU related, it is so common for their attacking tools. Yelling in a loud voice is a technic to call attention from others toattack the targetted guy.

SHIBUKI did the same. And KAKISHIMA, when Miyuki came, started to open the window along the road, and to talk in a loud voice, when she started to talk on TOHOHO tribe's suspecious deaths' stories. ???, for Miyuki.

Secret stories, they were, in fact. Shocking crimes inside the versity of Tokyo. Special secret type. However, he dared to open the window, checking the street, and began to talk on them...On the contrary, Miyuki thought. And now, HAYASHI couple did it the same, when Miyuki visited their house.

For Miyuki's primitive understanding, Miyuki had no back ground to be accused, thus, no necessity to be concealed, and she was considered mentally illed by HARUMI thus, dangerous, sometimes, thus, to protection or to run away, they could open the window a bit. And for her, being heard her real voice is priority, at that moment, thus, OK, for our side. You can open, and I can talk, as I like, indifferent from the window's open or close mode.

Thus, anyway, dashing mode, from outside is the rightous answer. Miyuki was monitored, YUKARI declared, and only one shoot would kill you, stupid bitch, YUKARI said so clearly toward her. Reason, unknown.

Abruptly, YUKARI ejects her illusional remarks, and so so farmful for Miyuki's life. "My sister is addictive!" is her obcession, thus, always, she tells in this line. Terrible unreasonable illusion, she takes, and she can't be persuaded by others, in every sense. She decisively told that "I have whole proofs to show that she is addictive! Junkie, she is!" in a loud voice, so many times. Terrible, and so ridiculously, they moved in her line. Without any clue at all, she attacks, abruptly, when she thinks that it's time to torture Miyuki. "Here we go, our hero YUKARI! You are our team leader! No.1 attacker, you are! Go, Go, YUKARI!" is her mother HARUMI's real belly voice. An amusement for HARUMI, the struggle between YUKARI and MIYUKI. So nasty bitch, she is. YUKARI would kill Miyuki, so soon, Alex and Clare said so to their grand parents, and they both agreed the possibility, and they took the same measure. Push away Miyuki from the house. Thus, no reason for them all!!!

They recognize that YUKARI would physically attack MIYUKI so soon, and MIYUKI would be saved by her team mates, anyway. And in case of the nasty disaster, a kind of amusement for HARUMI, who is already preparing for the scene. Just says, "Oh, Miyuki was mentally illed, and YUKARI protected me. Poor kind guy, YUKARI is!"

Already their role play game was decisive, and yesterday was a good chance to attack Miyuki by their side, however, Miyuki got in rage at their stupid remarks and Miyuki claimed to her father, and concealed the stupidest threatening on her toward the kids. Too too schocking for them, Miyuki thought. My matter, and only adults would resolve the problem. Thus, no chance for the two kids. They want to see YUKARI's harsh attacking on Miyuki, physically. Bleeding, including. YUKARI would be Jason, at the moment, presumably. Thus, good to know it!!!

However, YUKARI is not so bad, they thought. Just a threatening, and no materially attacking type, they calculated. However, recently, she abruptly changes so many times. Repetitive, and sometimes, with attacking tools, she popps out into the stage. Dishes are also attacking tools. Miyuki was already attacked by them, yes. It was broken, and YUKARI said, "Your choice, not me! You got me in rage! You should be ashamed!", in her violent rough voice.

HARUMI's sharp shooting the trash in the bin in the kitchen was also shocking for Miyuki. And her abrupt nasty swift way of washing dishes, saying, "You are too slow, you lose so much hot water! You stupid!", and on the dishes, the nasty residue of the left overs were there.

Domestic wives' act, is it?, Miyuki got in wonder. ABrupt violent change, they both showed in the same period. From the back of Miyuki, they both threw the scoop, in case of YUKARI, and the trash, in HARUMI. With so sharp sould. So so impolite, and they had so much time. And they abused hot water, so much, unneceessarily.

Alzheimer confusion, they were in, already, we recognized, and now, Miyuki is always free from them both, and they attacked Miyuki as the last resort. Miyuki ran away from YUKARI?

No. She just stayed in the office, writing the blog, and YUKARI refrained from the scene, anyway, and Miyuki goodgrieved.

Non attacking mode YUKARI, they can manage, however, non stopping mode YUKARI is also amusing. And YUKARI is just like a ghorem, and no brain at all. Ideal attacker, for satanic side, now, YUKARI is.

They came to attack all of us, yes. And the most dirtiest mode was addopted by them especially for Miyuki. Fass like Christmas gift, probably. Thus, no reason at all for our side, YUKARI's accusation.

Lipovitan D and Oronamin C are already medicine for us all, including Miyuki, and Miyuki dislikes these products. Marifana smoking she did in another country, however, practically saying, it was allowed for any guys there. And it was so in vain for her. She wanted to be clear head holding type? Just wanted to feel good with the smoke. However, no effect happened for her smoking...Thus, for me, coffee, or tea, or coca tea, or chocolate would be enough, she recognized. TOHOHO up to marifana, in short.

Miyuki expected so much, and failed. Her expectation was so so big, and she lost the possibility to smoke by her cost. For others' accompany and with their cost, OK, Miyuki will accept, probably, during dinner or desert time, it all depending on the members. With the police, not at all!!!

Thus, the end of the so long stories!!! Chinkoro KING got upset already...Miyuki did know the reason. He made a big role as King Cong like KING RAT in his image, and started to devastate all of the scenes...However, Miyuki yelled, "Oh, look, The rat came! We are under her skirt! Oh, how fur her tighs are! Oh, pantie! Oh, she is so big, she would stomp us, Oh, Oh..." and they were really stomped by Rat King Chinkoro. Nut King Cole?

Miyuki likes to write her English Legal letters, thus, they took her amusement, as much as possible, they confessed. No reason to accuse her at all, however, always, "Oh, I think so. I am her younger sister. Thus, I am so reliable, and my mother thinks so, also. Thus, two witnesses, we have, already!"
