YUKARI's End (130)

2017-04-07 21:51:00 | 日記

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Mr.Slump attaced Syria with missiles, thus, the investors sold dollars and bought Japanese yens, thus, yens increast the value.

 And in Tokyo investors sold the bonds to avoid the risk, and the bonds' prices went downward, the OMANKO writer said.

 Who are the investors? In the former, US investors, probably. While, in the latter, Tokyo investors. And what is the risk? Risk to lose? Thus, USA investors and Tokyo ones are predicting that the war against Syria would be a big falure.

  Lost war, Mr.Slump participated in, thus, all investors were afraid of the natural result. OMANKO writers analyses the war as the total falure, soon after the attacking. Mr.Slump would like their honesty. They are betrayers which would cause a nasty feeling between Japan and USA. Testacles Pets, how do you treat them?  The OMANKO writers did as they liked, thus, now, they contempted Mr.Slump's decision, soon after of it. We want to see Mr.Slump would take the best suitable measure on the OMANKO writers as soon as possible. He would be praised as our surviver with his macho like attitude. He would be loved by every Japanese figures, by his beautiful mouth. Scold the OMANKO Japanese writers, Mr.Slump!!!! You show your power in front of us all!!! You can do it!!! Only one chance for you, Mr.Slump. A big chance for your survival also. How should you do, be a coward idiot, or a brave worrier? We expect your brave attitude, Mr.Slump!!!

Another fact of backward stage of bond market. See the article:

 In Japan, some renoun powerful big companies, including mega-banks, could sue the failed company, because of the damage caused by the company's wrongdoing, and to gain the compansation of the damage of dropped stock prices.

  In Japan, market price should be maintained always high, not to be sued by these big renoun companies. And only petit investors can't sue the same performance. All damages are covered for the big companies, while all risk are taken by the small investigators, like my father and Alex.

  Alex found some law of victory of the stock market. always buys some upward one. and then, he sells. At the same time, the company vanishes. Why? We don't know. Always, he tried to change the bonds, someone warned not to do so, including threatning. Why? When they hesitated, the someone vanished the company.

  At first, a good amusement. And now, for Alex, a kind of easy jokes. If he wants to erase some companies, he calls to the companies to buy his bonds. And then, they vanished. Always. Always, they vanished, and he couldn't change the muck bonds at all.

  Thus, he wants to know how to sue the companies like the renoun banks. The same damage, however, only big contributors were saved. Why? He wants to be saved like as them. Why not he???

  Tokyo District Court deals with the matter. The court is accustomed to do so. Why we should give up the lost bonds, and only the renoun big companies are always saved???? Explain, well, my Auntie like idiot Alzheimer Patients Judge!

  YUKARI Judges, they were called already. If YUKARI were judges, they would declare Miyuki's loss. And they are really YUKARI type Judges. All Alzheimer Army, we called them. They were persistent to be judges, and failed all of their honours and gaining positions. Even now, they don't want to lose their positions at all!!! Just like YUKARI!!! Oh, YUKARI moves the world, even in Judiciary!!!!

  Muck Judges, we are calling them. And now, another big news!!!! YUKARI did it! Her last attempt to be a professor of Tokyo Versity!!! And she gained!!!! Oh, appllouse, anyway! She got to be a professor of law at Tokyo Versity! Well Done!!! YUKARI, your dream is now realized!!!!! YUKARI gained the position!!!! Congratulations!!!!!

  Thus, they failed. YUKARI did work for them all. They are muck totalitarians, no personality at all!!!! And Miuki got to know that they participated into Miyuki's army. All kinky ignorant army, we called it. Miyuki is one of the promissive leader, and did her job well!!!! Good to know it. YUKARI's falure is not to learn anything from falure, because she denied to have failed at all. Perfect girl, in subjective sense. Thus, "nobody". "Nobody is perfect!" is the famous last words delivered by a big mouth short rich boy in "Too hot to like it" by Billy Wilder. Miyuki forgot his name in front of NAKAGAMI, her ex-colleague, and Miyuki said to her, "Oh, Alzheimer like forgetfulness, I am now in!" with an amusing sound. However, she said to others that "Miyuki is an Alzheimer patient, however, his rich boy friend put her in the best hospital in the world, and with the best treatment, she got recovered. The only one impossible case. Thus, she passed the exam, and now studied in our graduate school." Oh, that's it! She confused my personality with Jack Lemon's female costume play. Oh, NAKAGAMI, you are already Alzheimer at that time!!!

  Thus, Miyuki turned to be a target of scientific experiment, according to her own will, they explained. Whe forgot the agreement, thus, she is so ignorant to the matter at all. And they believed to do so. And they believed that it were the only one alternative to escape from the punishment.

  Childish play, they did. Thus, they failed and vanished immediately. They believed that this version would be liked by Miyuki???? NAKAGAMI was a forgetful kinky lady. She said that she was studying Rousseou, however, at the last year, she broke her hip born, and changed her theme to John Locke. I don't know why she could do it so easily. Only one year was sufficient for her work. for me, impossible. And then, why she was in the graduate school so long? French phylosopher to British one. Too too troublesome work, she did!!! Not geneous type. I know it well. She lacked any sense of intelligence, however, she was liked by Tokyo Versity boys, because she graduated from Rikkyo Versity. Anyway, she is really inferior to them like confident for them all.

  And she failed. She wanted to have some digrees in Tokyo Versity, however, it was too too difficult for her, thus, she changed her mind as always, and wanted to be a professor of law again???? Her major was politics. OK, she did know it. And now, she forgot it. Just she wanted to be a biplayer of YUKARI. She graduated from Rikkyo Versity, thus, they would be good friends. And they got along with each other.

  Thus, NAKAGAMI did know Miyuki's family well. And said, "You are too old to be a professor, Auntie. You are my boyfriend type. You can teach, and I would manage your problems at all!!!" And they failed.

  Double teachers system, they called it. Alex was a victim. for them, Alex is a toy. And they failed. Both are not clever at all. A kind of kinky old ladies. Just it. Thus, Alex kicked off them from his chamber.

  NAKAGAMI is a kind of toy girl at Tokyo Versity. And she enjoyed the role in whole. And when she got married, she behaved to be a nurse. An old man is good for her. She said that her mother was a nutrician, and they lived in SETAGAYA. A good place for MITCHIKU family. And they did the dirty work. Forgery. She did a triple play for MIYUKI????

  She appeared in some places, saying, "I am Miyuki SATO, a kind of joke." And they got nervous. She was an idiot, as Miyuki really knows well. She wanted to be a famous professor, and she tried to be so, and she didn't, and failed. Tried and failed, again and again, and got nervous, and forgot it.

  And the rest of life, she would be a good partner of YUKARI, probably. A good combination at Tokyo Versity's selection. Alzheimer privilege for two!!!! Double income family, they would construct. They can eat as they like, and they can sleep as they like. And all monitoring system, with their all agreement. Thus, we should take care of the process. For Miyuki, "Vanish!" is the best policy. However, they are persistent type. Not vanishing, with their intention type. We tried repeatedly, and failed. Because they forgot all of our information at all. And the other day again. They should vanish, however, we couldn't do it. Irritation at all. And they could consider at least, they were suffering from serious brain damaged disease called Alzheimer.

  And privilege. They are privileged, thus, they decided. A benefit for them, a tourture for us. They have no privacy, and no shame at all. Thus, all monitoring is too easy. They prefer convenience, rather than mannors or some sofisticated method. Door opening system, we invented. Nocking before entering to the door. And Clare persistenly insisted to Miyuki, while to YUKARI, nothing. And Miyuki didn't get upset at all. Miyuki thought that I wanted to be treated like a human being, thus, I wanted to show that I respect your privacy, as a message.

  And Clare liked her way of saying. Too too rightous. Too too exact type. Like a soldier, she qualified it. And her way of saying is short and clare. It is important for her. Ape type, she would be. Monky type is different. however, Miyuki knows to respect other types also.

  At the begining, a confusion. Miyuki wanted to be more open family. however, they didn't show their intention at all. Why? Miyuki didn't know it at all. Just a play, they decided to think. Too harsh for her to know the fact. Too too childish to know the fact. Her subject was Constitutional Law, and she believed the rightous system in Japan. They knew already that this world were rotten. Thus, the questions came from them. "You are different from us, and are you OK?" And Miyuki said, "Yes, yes, yes!!! I like to have different ones!!! " And they came. Different means should be treated differently. And Miyuki failed at the first time. Miyuki wanted them to be liberalists, and failed. Anyway, FAUNA & FLORA, under the controle of Gods of Justice. The rest, some kind of hobby.

  For Miyuki, they are too too conservative, and don't know how to amuse the world. For them, Miyuki is the kinky childish figure. However, at least, a kind of living creature within the limit. Thus, the end.

  They decided to depart, anyway. Too too nasty smell, they ejected. And Miyuki felt sometimes your foot smell. Like that!!! Oh, rotten fermented soybeans like smells. Here and there. They are soybeans lovers????

  KINAKO is good for us, however, not for them. KINAKO is a respectful powder, and fermented soybeans should be sold in a special place called Ferment only sacred???? NUKAMISO-kusai or smelly like domestic wives, is a kind word for them. They wanted to be a stylish, however, couldn't to grasp the skill. And they failed. Strange mistakes here and there. Alzheimer patients, Miyuki got to know it. And they are too too forgetful. And they repeated the same frases forever type. 4 lines written under the name of TAKAKARA were keywords for MIYUKI. And YUKARI should know that she was one of them. She wanted to know how her inner world should be, and participated in the game. Just it, for her. Peeping Tom's like decision, and failed. And concealed from the police. Hermit, Miyuki called her. And she was hermit, harmful evil type.

  Now, she wants to be an experiment object under the name of professor of law at Tokyo Versity. They were the kinkiest targets already, and now, they failed and vanished. And now, new treatment for the two old bug like ladies. Rikkyo special, they called it. They love to get to know each other, and they would like probably. And shameless type, they are. And arrogant, in anyway. One year is sufficient for her to write a doctoral these, she said. She broke her hip born, some kind of domestic accident, she directly explained to me. For the treatment, she had to spend some time, thus, her these offering delayed, she said to me. For me, nothing. As she liked type thing. And she made a big mistake. A confidencial source of the number of Miyuki's envelope. She opened it, and wrote unnecessary e-mails to the laboratory. ???

  Miyuki was too too right to say so. She wanted to know how she got to give a birth to her first kid. And took advantage of almna line. Rikkyo versity was too too rotten to do so. She was a kind of skewed wrongdoer. Idiot, we could say. And she got married someone, according to FUNABASHi. She lost her husband and gained another. Oh, widow???

  Vanishing figures, they got married, and vanished already sometimes. Skin bags were recyclable. And after the repairment, forever not. Thus, we decided to induce plastic surgery. And they did as they liked. For free, was the keyword. And they did the same wrongdoing to others. Intentional offenders, they are. Alex wanted to buy blue ontacts, however, they wispered "Not blue ones, hazel, please." And he bought it. And they failed. Miyuki got upset his contact holding. He bought it, without any agreement of me. Too too nasty. I have a right as a parent, and I need to pay for his damage. He intentionally chose to damege his sight. Why I have to pay for my precious money to your intentional possible damage, Alex????

  Alex disliked Miyuki's harsh attacking on his wrongdoings. However, she said that you yourself should decide which is which. I left you in the hands of Gods of Justice. Thus, you should face to your own consciousness.

  And he did. And he didnt feel anything at all, and he bought it. And the result. Miyuki was too too right to prohibit to do so. Not money's problem, just sight. Losing focus problem. They should replace the lense for it. It means a kind of sex change for him. Terrble! Not so much. Just a colour change!!! He cried, and failed. They required to hand her some money to do so????

  Buy your own internal organs, they required. And Miyuki had no intention to do so. And they failed. Miyuki said just for his sight, and not for her money. Why, Alex? You have a good sight. For colour change, you don't need to any hazel contact at all! Your eyes are already hazed!!!

  Too too stupid, Miyuki thought. And he did wrong. he wanted to buy blue, however, nothing at all. Only hazel. Just it. Thus, he bought. He should buy it. Because his kinky old sisters wanted him to put it. ???

  4 ghost girls, he said. Always, with some strange kinky voices. And they wanted to take a picture with him. And MIYUKI looked at the PRICLA or Print Club or seal type smal photos, and said, "Oh, they are too old Aunties. at least, they were versity pupils. 10 years older then you, Alex!"

  And they failed. They tried to be good girls type, however, they forgot their real physical age, and made cosmetics heavily, and then took a picture. 4 old ladies with a junior high pupil boy. Too too kinky, Miyuki got to know it.

  And Miyuki was too too cool that in junior high, they were hired as PTA combined with pupils. Laughing voice makers, they were called. And some nasty feeling that "You should obey me, or we put your son's grade paper ZERO" like arrogant attitude from his teacher responsible.

  Miyuki felt too too strange, when he talked on his wife abruptly came to school to listen to some symposium held by an ex-olimpic athilete. She came to listen, without noticing previously to him, and they met in the place, as a coincidence. Strange situation. Why he mentioned it? He did it, because he thought it looked so nice????

  SHINMURA, he said. He explained that his major was Japanese Language, age 56 at that time, had two kids, in versies, and a wife, probably, domestic type. And Miyuki talked her problem on him. Alex didn't hand her any information paper at all. Miyuki was in a confusion because of no information situation. And scolded Alex in front of the teache responsible.

  Alex would to inform the reality. They didn't make any information paper at all. If someone claimed, they made it. And too many information papers in the end. They wanted to imitate the system, however, for them, too too difficult. Muck brain, they are called. And they failed.

  just muck, however persistent like YUKARI. And they know that Miyuki was too too kind for YUKARI???

  Just an kinky expression, they took. For them, personality doesn't weigh at all. Thus, families. And thus, YUKARI was so arrogant, even in her lost world.  You are vanishing, Auntie! Again? Alex said to her. And vanished. Never again, please!!!


  I am sleepy now. We should sleep well today. Miyuki is so satisfied with JIZOUs and Tumbes chorus performance. You could do it!!!

  See you in the morning, we, Adachi and I are going to sleep now.

