YUKARI's End (129)

2017-04-07 18:18:43 | 日記

 Quick news. Toshiba will be bought some foreign companies. However, the compmany try to maintain to be a member of bond market. ??? See these two articles. How we should understand the meaning? No explanation on the previous article, as if the OMANKO writer forgot it. Why vanishing company should remain to be a mamber? Ghost company in a ghost market. OMANKO writers don't care what they wrote at all. Irresponsble, because they are incapable. Versity degree holders without brain like YUKARI. Early Alzheimer patients, they are, and refuse to recognize their suffering. How much the proofs are evident, they continue to deny the fact. Without saying type proofs are here and there. And they increase the proofs every hour. Thus, they are recognized that ghost writers. No brain, just some words, they write, and IT technic help their brainless articles. IT technics were the most important arm to DDMis army. And the acepharos, they are. Thus, failed. No brain conductor, they thought. Not necessary at all, also they thought. We are muck, without brain. Thus, YUKARI is suitable for their leader. Thus, she got a job. Double job, she gained. A conductor, with the posission of professor of Tokyo University. No comparison at all!!! Uniqueness, she has, they recognized it. And she was chosen. And failed. Again, Auntie? Alex is now tired of her remarks to be a good boy to others.

  Don't eat outside, is DDMic catchcopy. Eat outside as much as possible is Miyuki's poicy. Thus, a lady in a black box car started to inform to their police. A flat face lady, like a some spooky monster. She was made for the role of YUKARI, and failed. Too too spooky. In a uniform of OL, with long socks. Black ones. Broad ugly shape, she has. And started to act directly. Get into the supermarket WASHIO. And failed. She vanished entirely. Miyuki was eating a package full of cut fruits, colourful type. Cheeful. I deserve to a special treatment. Recently, Miyuki has not eaten any fruit at all. Thus, good. And bought a bit higher package. Pinapple, grapefruit, orange, strawberry, grapes. At the price of US$1.38. Alterntive was one of US$1.10. However, with melon, instead of pinapple. Cheaper, however, for her mood, yellow mature pineapple was better. Thus, ADACHI failed. He wanted melon. He liked melon. Why not? Too too green. And melon like smell. Good. I like it. However, today, I wanted to eat mature pineapple. More suitable. Yellow like gold. More sweet. And I didn't eat sweet today.

  Thus, US$0.28 weighed, however, I bought the more tropical one. And gained a lot of energy from the package. Satisfied with the juicy flavour. Better than sweets. However, costive. Why the rice producers didn't turn to be a orchard growers???

  Always, in Alps, Miyuki had to give up some fruits. And when she had time, went to another supermarket to buy fruits. On Emeritus type shelves, there were discounted fruits. Mature, and should eat today only type. And liked the price and quality. Always Miyuki bought the type. Better than inmature hard green fruits. Qualified and for Miyuki's sake, immediately use was better. FUJI Garden store, the supermarket was called. However, Miyuki's pupils didn't know the existance. Miyuki found a frozen package of Duck meat from Philipine, also.

  KIKI lived on the north area of Hachioje, and she was thrifty. She taught me the way to save money by buying frozen meat. Miyuki thanked her for its information, and tried to buy the discounted meat, in the discount day only. And kept the packaged in the refregerator.

  She didn't know FUJI Garden, and Miyuki taught it to her. Oh, cheaper than the nearest ECOS. The most populous part of HACHIOJI, the store was located. However, it was in the basement. Thus, only one who knows HACHIOJI well could find it type.

  And KALDI coffee store, which sells cheap inported foods only was beside. There were some foreigners buying the products. Miyuki met a Peruvian Family, who were doing errand together. Miyuki asked "From where did you come? Which is your school?" And he replied too vaguely. It looked like to speak the fact was prohibitted. Why? I can speak Spanish. I want to listen to your talking. And she failed. They didn't want to communicate with Miyuki. Thus, Miyuki got to know that in Japan, foreigners should not talk to Japanese at all????

  Strange rule, they realized. Some kind of contradiction. foreigners should work here, however, in secret way. Too too strange. And Miyuki found some peruvian couple in the coffee house called MOSU-Burger. She was drinking a cup of iced tea, big type, and found that they were not marriged couple. Kind of, however, they were taliking of their families. Affectionate, they looked, however, a bit different.

  They talked on Japanese police. Why they were so nasty to us? Driving and so on. Spanish people were here and there. however, Miyuki couldn't make contact with Spanish speaking people. And also, in the supermarket Alps, met some couples speaking in Spanish. Here and there, lots of Spanish speakers. Miyuki wanted to get along with them, however, she couldn't. She didn't know the system. Too too indirect, Alex said to Miyuki. "House is a kind of castle. Unknown people, I don't accept at all!" Crying. And Miyuki was astonished at his erroneous discommunicative attutude. YUKARI influenced him so, she deduced. Alex was a cheeful ordinal kind kid, when he was an infant. He liked to teach his newly gotten knowlege to other kids, including bigger one. He was a quick type, and liked to bahave to be superior to others. Not arrogant way, more open way, "I know it, and I can tell you why it moves." Knowlege information, he wanted to tell to others. Oh, he is a more professor type than I, Miyuki thought. He liked to teach some new information to others, anyway.

  However, now, he shrank, Miyuki thought. And decided to get out his evil Auntie. Too too nasty fact for Miyuki that he grew up to be so isolated type. Nasty. Discommunicative one like YUKARI. He said that YUKARI's life style of working only inside was his ideal. Thus, Miyuki started to prepare for YUKARI's total exclusion. And gradually, MIYUKI took her field of domestic tasks. First, errand, second, cooking, theird, washing. A bit a bit. And bougt a Drum Type Dryer combine Washing machine, like Laundry type. And YUKARI surrendered finally.

  She recognized that she was nothing to Miyuki at all. Just muck, Miyuki expressed. And she should vanish immediately.

  Long long war inside the house. Always arrogant, without any reason. Always YUKARI didn't recognize her forgetfulness. Always she thought that she should be allowed to do everything. No limitation at all.

  And YUKARI failed completely. Errand, she did, she confessed. however, with a carton of a package with Miyuki's name. She can't recognize Miyuki's name at all. In KATAKANA, the most easiest characters, Miyuki used. However, she used the milk, as if it were hers. For her, nothing at all. Any foods are hers, according to her comunist theory.

  She wrote to Miyuki, "If you want not to use your belongings, mark anyway. Or, it would be considered as common use." Thus, Miyuki wrote, as much as possible. And Miyuki wrote twice in the same package. However, YUKARI used the carton. And drank as hers. And said, "I bought it, thus, I use it."

  Total lie, appearently. And HARUSAN got to understand that YUKARI is the real Alzheimer patient at all. She faked not to be, anyway, and she lied a lot. And Miyuki was caught by her lies. And YUKARI started to scold Alex, because he appointed the fact. "You are drinking the package of Miyuki. She wrote her names on the package. Look!" And she failed. Too too obvious that she lied. And now, now excuse at all. Just an accordance. I stole your objects, mother. I took the cap, and you didn't find it. Thus, I brought it, and Miyuki found it. Miyuki stole my jobs. And she did it better than me. I am not necessary to her.

  And she gave up her plan to live with Miyuki. Again, Auntie? Alex wondered. Yukari was in mood to live with Miyuki. Miyuki suffered from the same disease, YUKARI decided. She is too kinky recently, thus, I informed to the police, from my house, by my telephone. She borrowed me it for the sake of it. Thus, I did my job, perfectly. She would praise me because of my help.

  They were astonished her ego-centric way of saying. She destroyed Miyuki's professional life and now wanted to destroy her private one. I would be her monitor. It would be fine for us all. We are sisters. We should get along with each other.

  Again, Auntie? You like to kill her. You just want to kill her, when you live with her. Thus, YUKARI admitted how she wanted to kill MIYUKI. Now, the time to do your work, someone wispered, and she called to the police, and the police caught Miyuki, because of YUKARI's nasty blasfamic words. And she failed. She distroyed the world, completely. Anyone wanted Miyuki to be killed, she declared. And she believed. And anyone means just DDMs. Thus, she failed.

  Miyuki's calculation was too too harsh for us all. Anyone should be all human shape existance, except me. However, I want to live, because I am right, and I have lots of rightous friends, arround me. It's at least, enough. Then, they failed at all!!!

  Even family would have been evil, they were DDMs, thus, they should vanish. It is the rule of our universe. Animals are so reliable, and the plants also. And our supporters are so so strong. Why DDMs think that they can survive???

  And they failed. We want to start our new job.

  Today, Miyuki asked to a sacred big tree near WASHIO. At the corner, there are lots of old statutes and tumbs, arranged with the shaped of ORCHESTRA. Thus, Miyuki wanted to conduct some music of victory. "Song of Pleasure" , it is called. By Wagner. Famous as an eventual music for the end of year, to welcome lucky happy new year. Thus, she did the role of conductor. A western music, with EDO era's tumbs and statutes. They did the chorus. You know, because your are old and at least, sometimes, you should hear the song. Thus, ...we did it!!! BRAVOOOOOO!!!!!! Even DDMs smart cars were passing, she continued to play the conductor's role. Why not? A kinky figure was conducted in the middle of the sacred corner, with total accordance with them. Why not?

  The corner should be a big cemetery in a old age. Even WASHIO chouldn't stop to destroy it, and the big tree. The arrangement changed, however, no place for any DDMs. And they failed. WASHIO should know the limit.

  MIYUKI felt some nasty fact. Small infant like capped statutes. It means that in this place, infants died because of the traffic accidents. Capped statutes means their family remember the accident, and pledged the revenge.

  In Kyorin campus, also. Near the entrance, there was a corner place, with a newly build statute of JUZOU. It means that some terrble accident was there. Miyuki met some old lady said to the statute some kind words. Miyuki thought that she were the family of the diseased kid.

  Too too nasty, however, at least, we should know it. Accident, probably. There was a strange old type rough prefablic house with the name of construction company. And they feeded a cat. This cat appeared in Kyorin Campus, often. Thus, Miyuki got to know that the company house was related with the versity.

  And a big track, they had. Probably, WASHIO's track killed one or two infants here, and their family made two statutes with caps, red one, and a mixed mohair type. Miyuki thought some kids. And remembered that Miyuki said to Alex "You should be gifted. Thus, you took advantage of your talent for the weaker others. We are gifted, thus, not just for you, but for us all, we should use the gift, OK, Alex?" Alex was in the face of "???", however, he understood it. Gifted, Miyuki believed. A bit strange, not kinky. however, beyond the normal kid's understanding. Miyuki got to know his abilities. Thus, she wanted to teach how we should live. And he got to know it.

  Miyuki knows that he is good at memory, however, he uses it as his so egoistic sake, sometimes. And wants to change the fact, to show up his supriorty or his interest. And he said, "You are right, Auntie. You should vanish, forever. Miyuki thinks so, and we feel so. You are not recessary for us, at all!!!!"

  He should be brave at this point. Miyuki did know that he was in danger in his school. He escaped from the danger, anyway. And he lied a lot to his faked friends. And Miyuki didn't criticise him at all. He should do his job, as his own way, like Miyuki does everyday. Thus, he did as he believed that it were rightous. And Miyuki got to know that Clare did the dirty jobs also. Oh, what? YUKARI claimed her to be a good girl again. And said, "You are not a good girl. Why you require me to be so? And her reply was, "Anyway, good girls are popular among us." Us, whom? And YUKARI's reply was, "Us, at least, our family,except Miyuki. She is a kind of a dog or a trash and a shame of our family." And Clare said, "OK, you are right. If she is a shame, you fould be a shame also, because you would be her assistant, anyway, old Auntie!" And she failed.

  Harsh scolding again and again. And Clare thought that YUKARI would kill MIYUKI in this way. Of course, YUKARI should vanish. And said, "You are right, old Auntie. Miyuki is a shame of us, and You are also a shame of us all, including Miyuki!"

  YUKARI's shame is different from Miyuki's anyway. Conductiong in the center of the stone statutes is a bad thing? Why YUKARI thinks so? Shame? A kind of amusement. Western music, they didn't expect at all. however, they could do it! MIYUKI believed that they could do it! Anyway, you can do it! Yells, and did the conductor's role. Just in mind, humming like music. however, stone moved spontaneously. Anyone could recognize us, they prayed. And Miyuki abruptly came, and found that they were in the moving style. And the half circle type arrangement. Good. In the middle of the meeting, they were. And they thought. If someone recognized, we should obey the order. Even in the kinkiest order, we should obey. Oh, King's game!!!  And they should participate in the chorus. And did well!!! And felt some dangerous felling. And soon, the smell of tea with milk. Oh, someone was taking it. Probably, YUKARI took my milk to make her original blend, probably.

  Not nasty smell. And the chorus was good!!! Miyuki was not a conductor type, however, if I could, I took advantage of it. Amusing, anyway. JUZOU Chorus group, they said each other. Miyuki liked it, and returned the power to the sacred tree. A big tree with fally leaves. Even WASHIO didn't cut it. Thus, they won!!! They vanished WASHIO!!! They preyed to vanish it. Caps. Newly knitted. Probably, their old grand mother made it for them, thinking that their head is too too cold in the winter climate.

  Today's Miyuki's choice is "Pichote", a Brazilian shocking film. Miyuki felt that the hero boy was always in confucion as a newcomer, in any situation. Worse than Miyuki's experience, however, the situation was the same. "Why? Why nere? Why me? Why you can do so?" Always, he was in wonder, in his infant like sad face. And a cute voice.

  And he died to young, probably at the age of 17. He was shot when he was doing robbery, according to the report Miyuki got in Japan. Not at all! And she read the similar expression in the newspaper, probaly, on Saturday FOLHA.

  Miyuki traced his life rougly. After the big hit of the film, GLOBO contracted with him, and he played some actor's role in some dramas, and he lost popularity, and turned to be a criminal.

  Is it a real? Miyuki thought. Too too dramatic, and too too cruel for him. Once, they gave a chance, and then he lost all. Terrible. More cruel than he didn't have the chance for the fame. He died as if the film itself. Too too nasty.

  Why others didn't help him to be normal independent adult? Brazilians are kind in generally, however, why he was not treated so harsh.

  And remembered the sociologist's remark, "House is private, while Street is public." Thus, street kids should live in public their private life also. No private place at all. Terrible. And they were taken as insects.

  Miyuki thought that they were the same of us. Troublesome, however, kind normal people can put up with type. Normal means that common. Nasty, sometimes. however, their troubles are easy to be resolved. A kind of ordinary naughty act like trifles. And they are the litmus test papers for us all. ADACHI should be the same. Troublesome, however, he is right, anyway type. The street kids should be treated kindly, with their own intention, respected one.

  Thus, even Brazilians failed. The valley between the private and the public. No protection at all. Orphanage was not good place for them. Like Lembrants' "Night Watch" type. Monitoring jobs, they did. And they disliked us all. They selected us all. They, Gods turning kinky erotic monsters. They did the dirty work.

  For their shame, they killed them. They were victims, not have any shame at all. They did. They should be blamed. In front of the Church, why? The biggest traditional Catholic church. Why they didn't protect them??? They did it???

  In the film, prisoners did it. however, in reality, they Church related did the wrongdoing, and they asked the police to the dirty work. Nasty, however, we should do it???? Unnecessary at all.

  Catholic Churches are sometimes rotten. Miyuki remembered the European Film in which a young priest made a big mistake, and he got agnozed of the fact. However, in Brazil, the Church related thought that they were allowed to do so by God. Blasphemy, we call it.

  In some American Cathoric Churches, some law suits were appeared on the newspaper. And in Europe, also. Why not in Latin America??? Rio de Janeiro was praised by Yukio MISHIMA, as Paradise of the pederasty. He could buy the boys as he liked. He wrote it in his travel cronicle, and Miyuki read it. And his brother was Japanese diplomat HIRAOKA, who invited Mishima to the place.

  A long long tradition of pederasty. Miyuki heard that Brazilian prostitutes were exported in Italy, and the fact was revealed by the european police. And they were astonished at the fact that Miyuki is the side of Street kids!!!?????

  Nasty, as we all. Not so inhuman type. A kind of "Hespaitus" or GYOUTOKU. For someone, nasty figures, however, for kinds common people, understandable ones. Hospitality was for them. Not for strong normal independent ones.

  YUKARI's case, they call it. Not easy, however, not nasty type. DDM's degradation type. How to persuade that she is really kinky in reality. It was too too hard for Miyuki to do so. Explanation was thought as her own excuse. However, proofs, in the real life, and Miyuki showed that she is useful, at least, as a traverler who rent some part of their house. Not a family, in a exact meaning, however, a kind of kinky liberal friend, Miyuki understands that she lives here under their protection.

 And Miyuki shows her understanding as her attitude outside. To be rightous, and to be free. I don't interfere to your private life at all.

  And YUKARI failed. She was desqualified at all. Just doing nothing type. Miyuki is the same, she insisted. However, Miyuki showed her maximum honesty to others. That is, "not interfere to others' problem, without their requirement." And if they need Miyuki's help, she did, as much as she could. Miyuki is a common people, anyway. Even YUKARI insisted that Miyuki were the same, her remarks sound in vain now.

  Too too nasty, They were mesmarized by her, as if MIYUKI were the evilest irresponsible mother in every meaning. "She is too too nasty and cruel to them. I, as a kind Auntie, did all my jobs, as my own moral tasks. I didn't want her at all. However, she gave me a lot of money as an expression of her thanking attitude. I am so skillful householer, in HACHIOJI. The kids know the fact at all. And they confessed that YUKARI was not good at anything at all. Miyuki disliked her at all. And Miyuki's way was so rightous to them at a certain point. She was too too ignorant at the social situation at all. She didn't know the system at all. She was lucky anyway, to estape from the kinky hospital. However, she should be paid for us, for our kindness. You are protected by DDMs all. They were so kinky to say, "Your mother is a kind of monster. She claims my lesson. She is a nasty big monster. Thus, we should hunt her!"?????

  Miyuki didn't know such a suggestion at all! They were mesmarized in the loop mode. They tried to escape from the cruel system, however, they couldn't. Wi-fi cutting. They resisted to cut the system. And they cut it by themselves.

  The intention was repeated by others. however, always YUKARI bought the system, with her intention. Cheap, and anyway, convenient. We can use it, as we like. Only Miyuki should work for us. No one resists the temptation. I, am an only abuser? Not at all. MIYUKI liked the system, of course. Thus, she continues to work. Without it, she is nothing, you know.

  YUKARI's confession was toataly lie. Miyuki didn't know nothing at all, in public. She feels, and tries to escape from it. And works as usual. Miyuki dislikes it. Not with her intention at all. Miyuki hates it. And she hates all of DDMs. They abuse Miyuki's privacy at all. They want to catch her, because of their shame. Only Miyuki catching would resolve, they think. Thus, they failed again.

  Miyuki hates them all, is Sato Family's catch copy. And they failed at once. The only one system, they called it. Nasty world, they would create it. Muck, we said. And they failed at once. Even with the skin bag of her sister, Miyuki hated us all!!!!

  The skin bag was chosen mistakenly, like as always' DDMic mistakes. They thought that YUKARI were a reliable figure, and now, again, they discovered that she is really just a liar type. Again, Auntie, Alex said. YUKARI is just a kinky monster, all of them think so. Peeping Tom, they called her. nasty habit to monitor others. And she did a good job. She took her phone number from the memorundum. Ipad, is her use, she declared. Auntie, it was hers, and we know it. Why you didn't return it to your dearest sister MIYUKI? And she failed again. IPAD is only one tool to make a message to others. And she wrote some messages as MIYUKI. And they all failed. YUKARI's messages were stolen by someone, and she is free from any acusation, she declared. Oh, Auntie, you are the criminal, then? And she failed again. She wanted to be Miyuki, and Miyuki didn't know her system at all. Ipads vanished, she wrote. And then, why some kinky figure wrote to us???

  Double iPads were used for her wrongdoing. And she lost one, in some place. and now one with her. And she has no ability to use it. Alzheimer patients, they were, they thought. Thus, Miyuki should be caught again, they thought.

  Miyuki doesn't believe it at all. Because, we are so different. Even Alzheimer YUKARI could write some messages as Miyuki's, all of my friends found that they were written by some evil idiot like YUKARI. Thus, I am free from their accusation. All of them, who thought that I were an Alzheimer patient, are Alzheimer DDMs. They were proved by this erroneous judgement. Who could believe such a kinkiest idiot would be Miyuki SATO, ordinal common people. Just a bit kinky cheerful person, while, YUKARI is nasty arrogant stupid crazy Alzheimer patient. Who can't recognize the difference between Miyuki and Yukari, would be the real Alzheimer DDMs!!!! The proofs, here and there!!!!

  Thus, Miyuki's search was completed. YUKARI has no skill of IT, and someone who got the iPAD did the wrongdoing. I lost my two ipad, Miyuki wrote already. Miyuki was caught in custody, and how she could write some messages to us? Of course, the hospital was so liberal to allow her to use the ipad. And found that YUKARI lost one, and only one she has.

  And she was scolded by her forgetfulness. Why you didn't say so? Miyuki had no ipad at all. And YUKARI replied with her BLA-BLA-BLA. Only BLA-BLA-BLA girl, we produced and we are suffering from her BLA-BLA-BLA. Too too burdensome. And Clare did her last dicision. You are just the real Alzheimer patient, Auntie. And Miyuki is not. It is the fact, Auntie.

  YUKARI wanted Miyuki to suffer from the same disease, however, she couldn't. A killer, she is. They thought that she lost her spirit too too earlier than her HACHIOJI life. Thus, now she should leave our house at all. To where, we don't know. She should do her job. We not. Ignorant, at all. and she was always in our side. Anyway, she doesn't disturbe our privacy at all!!!

  In case of necessity, she said. And she disturbed her sleeping. However, she suggested to the way to use the dryer in common. On the microoven, she said. And she put it on it. It was a miracle for them. She did her promise. A miracle????

  She was busy, they understand, however, too many errors she did, and she addmitted them. She is easy admittor, they said. Sorry, at this point, my failure, she said. And now, Alex is in his agony. He wanted to go to school today, however, he didn't go, and he failed to enter the school. Boy's school, he said. However, girl' school????

  Boy only faculty, they said???? Males should not be allowed to enter??? Toilet???? A kind of. Too many kids in the courtyard, and too few left in the end. Oh, vanishing!!!! Again, Alex???

  Collective vanishing! Oh, "HARUKA" or FAR AWAY" it is called. An big event held in Shirakawa. A kind of Cherry blossom appreciation amusement. However, totally spooky. Today and tomorrow. And Miyuki played the role of the conductor. Oh, coincidently, I did surrounded buy old tumbs and statutes. A big cheerful event! We did Western music with these old fellows! They did chorus!! Good. At least, they are good at music!!!

  Shirakawa DDMs wanted to receive MIYUKI, however, someone forgot to hand it to her. And Miyuki did a common errand as always. In RISAIAN, Hiroshima Lemons(3), buck weat powder, the most rough and cheapest package with a lot of black ingredients, and Ruccola. In total, US$4. Good shopping. And in BENIMARU near our house, Salame like soft ham, a carton of Milk, 1 little package, and in WASHIO, 2 frozen packages of sea food, a package of cut fruit, and 3 garlics made in China.

  Today, I couldn't find girlic in BENIMARU at all. too too strange. I left some basil leaves in a canister, and a tomate past remained a lot. Thus, I wanted to buy girlic. for garlics, I got out. However, in the nearest sparmarket, I couldn't find. There were several special expensive ones, however, not common pliced ones. Thus, I went to RISAIAN to buy lemmons for my next objectives. Chick beans' paste would be combined with lemmon, I thought. And custard. Yes, curtard is good with vanila essence, however, with lemmon peel, also tasty. And want to make some chou cream. I want to try wheat trainig, like China pie's dough, gruten products, and so on. It's warm now, thus, it would be good to cook using such a product.

  And found Ruccola. A bit different which I know in shape. However, eatable, and goor for salada. Sesame paste is also good to make. And they want to know more new flavours in the world. Miyuki is too costive, they say. At least, she has a good taste. Authentic sense of tongue with strange foods in some strange countries. Now, lebanon is a target. Syria attacking by Mr.Slump???

  An article said, "Because of Mr.Slump's attacking on Syria, Japanese bond marked fell the price." See the article.

  And Miyuki is hungry. I will eat a soup I made yesterday, putting some lemon juice.


  See you soon on our blog!!!



